There is a good reason doses vary. Due to the lack of published research on TB-500, there are currently no specific dosage recommendations for research purposes. Now back to the real world.....people in the trenches have found different amounts work. Of course we are all different and what works on you may not work on me at the same dose. So in the trench dosages vary greatly.
- Ruff, D., Crockford, D., Girardi, G., & Zhang, Y. (2010). A randomized, placebo-controlled, single and multiple dose study of intravenous thymosin beta4 in healthy volunteers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1194, 223–229.
- Wang, X., Liu, L., Qi, L., Lei, C., Li, P., Wang, Y., Liu, C., Bai, H., Han, C., Sun, Y., & Liu, J. (2021). A first-in-human, randomized, double-blind, single- and multiple-dose, phase I study of recombinant human thymosin β4 in healthy Chinese volunteers. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 25(17), 8222–8228.
In 1st study 2mg/wk were administered as a dose/wk, which is about 285mcg/d for 14 days. Will this work for everyone? We just don't know much more that what these two studies tell us. Now the 2st study used ascending doses of either 42, 140, 420, or 1260 mg daily for 14 days. Both studies dealt with promoting myocardial cell survival during acute myocardial infarction. All other research has been done on animals. It has been used frequent and to this day to treat race horses. I can tell you that the guys who own these very expensive horses continue to use TB 500 because it gives results. It is also banned by WADA because athletes are using it with success. So anecdotally, this peptide seems to work. The dose still varies. I just got through using 2mg 2x/wk with some success treating osteoarthritis pain.
Here is what I have always recommended with TB500:
1. 6-10mg per week (0.84459mg/kg) or 850mcg/1400mcg/d for the 1st 4 weeks
2. 2mg per week or 285mcg/d for 2-6 months or until fully healed
As you see there is a wide range in the beginning of the treatment depending on how it works for you. At week 5 and beyond you cut the dose
As far as most other peptides, saturation doses are usually figured at 100mcg or 1mcg/kg. This simply means that ~100mcg will saturate the receptors fully. So doing more is not really going to give benefits and as you increase the dose unwanted side effects start increasing in a dose response relationship. The biggest reason you don't see dosing on peptide sites is because it is against the law.