I think this can help for some people and I'm happy to hear it worked for you.
That said, I think the majority of the people that have sleeping issues on TRT are having them because of other physiological issues (too high a dose, low iron, thyroid problems, adrenals, neurotransmitters, etc.).
For me, when I was on way too high a dose (210mg/week) I had full blown anxiety. Never had anxiety or insomnia before. Heart was going crazy and there was no way I could get even a second of sleep. I think many people that have too high of a dose have a mild version of that experience. They might have very mild anxiety, mild heart palps or insomnia.
The not worrying so much about sleep is great, but if you have 5 cups of coffee right before bed, you're simply not going to be able to sleep. I think high or maybe even moderate doses of testosterone are essentially that for some people.