Please don't take this personally, I realize so many individuals assume if a small dose improves things, than a larger dose will improve things even more. It seems to be human nature with a large number of men who discover TRT after years of suffering with low testosterone. A little logic would go a long way, and the guidelines physicians are given are no help. Usual Adult Dose for Hypogonadism - Male
-Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate: 50 to 400 mg IM injection every 2 to 4 weeks.
Obviously this is insane, and leads to the issues so many men have finding the correct dose. Also doctors and patients are in a hurry to give patients relief, so they start with a larger dose, and say if this is too much we will simply reduce it. This approach may work for some medications, but likely not most, and too often not for testosterone cypionate.
So Novaman, here is my advice. Start with a very low dose, and work your way up. Such as 25mg twice per week. I know you think 50mg weekly is an incredibly low dose, but I challenge you to try it, but 1st guess what your levels will be after a few weeks on this dose? 400 or 500, maybe higher? Keep a journal of how you feel, and how you are sleeping, morning wood, etc. Then slowly bump it up. to 30mg twice weekly, or 20mg 3x per week. Again check your levels after a few weeks, and keep the journal going. From there continue with small increases no more than 10mg+ in total increase of weekly dose until you start having negative symptoms such as not sleeping as well or a reduction in frequency of morning wood. At that point you will have figured out your ideal dose and what dose is a little too much.
My personal experience was my doctor started me on 100mg of testosterone cypionate injected once per week. My levels were 1150. Having done lots of research primarily on this site prior to starting, I knew many individuals found their best results in the 700-900 range, so I quickly changed my protocal to 40mg twice weekly. That put me in the 650-800 range. Overtime, I adjusted that to 30mg 3x per week. I inject Sunday morning, Tuesday and Thurday evenings and my levels are consistently in the 700-900 range. I feel great, have regular morning wood. I've never needed an aromatase inhibitor. Anytime I did try to bump my dose higher I noticed a drastic reduction in morning wood occurrences, so I had all the feedback I needed to know what the right dose for me is.
To simplify my 3x per week dosing I load 3 needles on Sunday, which allows my to simply inject the Tuesday and Thursday doses quickly.
I did have a period of time were my levels plummeted (400) due to the 200mg/10ml bottle getting old (4-6 months) and being stored at room temperature in my house which often reached temps over 85 degrees in the summertime. My doctor switched me to 100mg/10ml bottles, so that I would not end up with a 6 month old bottle, and I purchase a small wine fridge, which I set on the warmest temperature, 65 degrees. Since this change I have not had issues with old testosterone not being as potent over time.
I hope all of this gives you some motivation to adjust your approach to finding the right protocal. Good luck!