What is going on? I stopped my TRT.


Hello folks,
I need help. I am posting my blood report.
I am scared. Why so much increase in testosterone and estrogen with just 2 weeks of dosage?
FYI, i completely stopped my TRT and HCG.
I was taking 150mg test n 500iu HCG. Its been only 3 weeks. I started on feb 14. Is there anything i can do to decrease my numbers apart from stopping everything.


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150mg is a large dose to start with for starters. It should have more like 80-100mg. There’s guys like myself that feel good at 60mg per week. You should talk to your doc about lowering your dose substantially.
with such a low SHBG I would guess 100mg would be plenty and would start with just T cypionate to start. what was your injection and blood draw schedule? was this at your trough? Your A1C is very high? I would very very attentive to your diet to get that down in low 5's! I would get with your health care provider and get their advice.
Guys, Thanks for the reply. My A1c was high before even i start TRT.
My main worry is that i am getting rapid heart beat even when i am resting. I have decided to stop TRT for time being.
I want to know should i take armidex or other AI to bring estrogen level down. Is there anyway i can bring my testosterone low?
I agree, your starting dose may be too high. I would go down to 50 mg of testosterone twice a week and stop the HCG. Then adjust from there.
So Just curious how much time it will take for my testosterone to come down if i quit TRT and everything. So u think its not good idea to reduce estrogen by AI?
Don't worry about that level of testosterone for a fairly short period. When I started my testosterone was close to the same level at only 100 mg T cypionate per week (28 mg EOD). I would take 5-7 days off, then resume at 75 mg weekly or 35 mg twice weekly. You don't need trough testosterone to be over 1,000 ng/dL. Around 700 would be fine, which half the previous dose should do.
I will also express the low and slow sentiment. I also never add any more than one drug or protocol change at a time. Too many thing scan alter other things. This is a journey
I am hoping both test n estrogen will come down after quitting TRT. I know understand why experts said start from low dosage. I never thought with just 150mg per week i would go to this level within 2 weeks. I also added 500iu HCG. Probably bcas of that i guess. I am lucky that it dint increase my cholestrol or haemoglobin. I am little worried about high estrogen though. Hopefully i dont get breast tumor.
The low SHBG is the elephant in the room, large infrequent dosing will ensure free hormones will be very high, the Free T and free estrogen will quickly climb and the latter may cause symptoms.

The low SHBG men on these forums probably struggle the most when not injecting smaller doses daily or EOD. The HCG was a mistake because on top of the estrogen produced from the TRT dosage, you piled more estrogen on top of more estrogen from simply being on the HCG.

As it is your TRT dosage is way too high, I would decrease it by more than half and inject smaller dosages because you are crazy sensitive to testosterone. I would do 20mg EOD.

I don't know how any lab company can label an SHBG of 12 = normal.
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Actually before starting TRT on feb 14th, i started HCG monotherapy for 1 month and it dint increase my testosterone at all. I was doing 1250iu twice a week. So i assumed it wont be that effective. I also left the doctor who tried this on me and i thought i will self medicate and since i dint wanted to retain my fertility, i thought ill add HCG to my trt protocol.
I think even 50mg per week will be high dosage for me if i combine it with 500iu HCG. So i think ill add 50 mg per week and 250iu hcg twice a week once testosterone comes to normal.

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