For anyone interested in a group who hopes to do some research on why Low Carb works well for some people check out Dr. Peter Attia's Site, The Eating Academy:
Pretty solid credentials.
From one of the videos of Dr. Attia I watched, he brought up a very good point and this is EXACTLY why I do not bash croaker24 for his opinion even though I completely ignore his advice on diet.
The body wants to take the path of least resistance to obtain the energy it needs to sustain the brain, and physical activity throughout the day. That would be Carbs. Now I am not getting into good carbs/bad carbs, I am just saying the body is looking to get its' fuel from Carbs.
If you choose to low-carb, and if you enter into Ketosis, the body can convert to using Ketones as it's energy source.
And that is the problem with "luke-warm" low-carbing. Let's say you are half-assed committed to low-carbing for the sake of argument. You mostly eat low-carb but have a banana and a couple of peaches after all it's fruit which is good for you right? What happens if you drive that carb count to 80g and you are not terribly active?
The danger state is falling out of Ketosis and here is why. I like to play basketball, lift weights, and smack baseballs off my batting tee in the back yard. That is I'd rather stick to Alpha-Male stuff (will probably get a heavy bag) for now and when I get a little older I might golf or something. But I am probably not exercising at a clip that guarantees I burn off 80 carbs to force my body into Ketosis. (Lost 80 lbs but still have some visceral fat to lose)
Why is that a problem?
When I fall out of Ketosis my body wants Carbs for Energy it cannot use Ketones. This is when people become sluggish. You aren't eating enough carbs to keep the brain sharp, but you are eating too many carbs such that energy from Ketones is not possible.
This is why I tell anyone who wants to try it. If you are going to go low-carb don't **** around. I prefer the 20g per day most recommend to ensure you'll be in Ketosis.
How do I know when I am in Ketosis? Simple. I can walk right by Pie, Cake, Cookies and have absolutely no temptation. All I look forward to is my next piece of meat or eggs. Cheese whatever.
The other thing is mood. I am sure my T-Levels are on the high side anyway and if I am off low-carb and eating shitty, my mental state sucks. I'd venture to say it's close to being depressed. As soon as I cut to 0-20 carbs I feel light on my feet. I feel mentally sharper. Tonight in the 95 degree heat I was down there shooting hoops and felt great. 46 and my handle is still good and knocking down the step back three after a couple crossovers, through the legs. I doubt I look like Steph Curry, but I damn sure feel like him. When I was off-diet I was slumping into the couch.
To be fair though I was not eating what Croaker said to eat. This is why I think his way is correct. I just happen to think my way is correct also.
Croaker I am 6'1" just out of curiosity have you ever weighed 320? I have and thus I don't think "Insulin Resistance" is quackery. I literally think that there are people who do not process carbohydrates as well as others. Most examples are anecdotal but there hasn't been a single peer-reviewed study about lower carb, higher-fat eating over the last 5 years that said anything bad about low carb eating.
My plan actually is to get to where I want to be eating my way, and gradually move to what you are doing but for right now, I am much happier when meat and veggies are 90% of my intake. (the rest being some cheese/eggs)