What happens to the carbs?

Vince study #1 was published in 2016 and #2 was published in February of this year. These were meant to be the gold standard studies designed and selected by some of the leading low carb proponents. The second study was a year long study and examine did a great job explaining it but it turns out that diet quality regardless of macro was the biggest determinate in weight loss. Now might there be some nitpicking at the margin yes, but these two studies designed by prominent LCHFers add to the litany of other studies that show its mainly about total calorie consumption and quality of diet.

As stated earlier on I do believe that a high protein low carb diet can often lead to good outcomes because of compliance and flavor profile leading to easier reduction in calories. See the last link below as to why we are bad judges of our caloric intake normally.

The last thing I'll leave you with is see the blue zones. They've researched the world's top centenarians and the bulk of them eat a moderate to high amount of carbs. Correlation is obviously not causation and those groups tend to lead very active lifestyles but still they provide a great counterpoint to the carbs are evil narrative.

To be clear I believe a high protein nutrient dense diet comprised of whole real food with either high fat or high carb is fine for most people as long as they are in energy balance per the last NuSi study. If LCHF is easier for you to follow that's fine, but I think a lot of people are demonizing healthy carbs for no reason. I myself actually stick to 100-150 grams of carbs each day as it's easier and tastier for me to do so.

For more on the role of insulin see the below podcast by Chris masterjohn. He gives a great account of how and why the body becomes insulin resistant. Essentially insulin resistance is a function of excess calories not carb consumption.



That's amazing to see. I'm not disputing the fact that low carb works. I use relatively low carb myself and have seen similar benefits in weight loss (~50 lbs peak to trough). I think for lots of people compliance to an energy balance is easier with low carb. IE its easier to make a lifestyle change and doesn't feel restrictive or like dieting when you can eat steaks, chicken thighs, lamb chops, fatty fish, pork loin, and even bacon in the context of a whole food high fat low carb diet. The reverse is often times difficult to make ie: chicken breast, lean cuts of steak, lean cuts of pork with high non sauce covered carbs. That often times is not an appealing combo. Therefore I think the compliance to an energy balanced whole food diet is easier with LCHF and is why I follow a similar diet. The other thing is if people try to eat a balanced carb/fat diet it's very difficult for people to accurately gauge their total caloric intake per the precision nutrition article.

Anyhow, I'm largely in agreement with you Vince that LCHF can work. I just don't think its right to say carbs are evil because LCHF works. I'd also wager that the people you refer to walking around that are overweight who eat loads of carbs are eating highly processed carbs that are caloric rich nutrient devoid and have no satiety element. Example typical store brand chips, ice creams, cakes, pies, pastries......Those can and will lead to overeating.
Don't forget about all the healthy nuts you can eat, walnuts almonds pecans pistachios also all the healthy non-starchy vegetables like onions tomatoes mushrooms celery radishes. Low-carb isn't just about meat eggs and cheese, there's so much more.
Plant food offers good fiber and prebiotics for sure, being green bananas one of the best, I guess we can confirm that we are all genetically unique and not one diet fits all, I'm checking my ApoE gene out of curiosity

I would have to disagree with you, now that I'm over 50 actually 63. Having colonoscopy they tell me my colon looks awesome, I I contribute to my healthy low-carb eating. I start my day off with many types of healthy nuts like walnuts almonds pistachios pecans and many more. You take the carb and minus the fiber for your total amount of carbs. One thing I have never done is count carbs, I look at the food I'm eating and decide if it's healthy low carb or not. Also all the awesome non-starchy vegetables that I eat like tomatoes onions mushrooms avocados, also I eat green bananas and raw potatoes for their great for probiotics.
when the banana is green the carbohydrates from it are not digestible, like fiber, so they feed the microbiome, same thing happen with legumes, also if you cook brown rice then you have it the next day, I buy a green that I can enjoy eating, when banana is usually yellow with brown spots I do not eat it

Why green bananas and how green?
Why green bananas and how green?

Cultivate bowel flora species that express bile acid hydrolase--Species, such as various Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, express this enzyme that inhibits bile acid reabsorption, thereby dropping LDL particles.


when the banana is green the carbohydrates from it are not digestible, like fiber, so they feed the microbiome, same thing happen with legumes, also if you cook brown rice then you have it the next day, I buy a green that I can enjoy eating, when banana is usually yellow with brown spots I do not eat it
You folks crack me up! How does one enjoy a green banana? They're terrible when they are green. I make my own kefir and I put a tsp of Metamucil in my morning smoothie.

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