Well-Known Member
Where is your body fat sitting at right now? Do you have access to an accurate measurement? Seems like almost any man with high bf% (above 25%) is somewhat insulin resistant and the higher the bf the worse the resistance.
No doubt it's because I am overweight. Which is good, because I can lose weight, and I haven't been paying a lot of attention to what I eat. Like once in a while I would have a bowl of macaroni at 2:00 Am. On TRT it's a lot easier to change all that.
Right now, probably around 25% BF, when I took the test nearly a month ago, 28%. Just a guess based on tanita weight scale done in a clinic several times around my current weight and other higher weights but in 2013-2016.
I have lost maybe 7 lbs of fat over the last 6 weeks.
But I have never gotten any sort of really accurate BF%, not even with calipers.
Currently I am 162, 5-4 and wear 32 inch jeans. In the avatar pic I was 150lbs.
In 2009 I was 190 lbs and wearing 36 in jeans.
It is interesting to compare pics from before TRT in 2009, after 5 years of TRT then after 2.5 years off of TRT.
When I used to run 5 miles and was ~38 years old, I got down to 133lbs and could easily wear 29 inch jeans.