Man I been on therapy since April 3rd. Today I went from 0 wanting to workout, irate with EVERYTHING, short fuse especially at home (took my work stress home smh), i was tired all the time now I workout 3-5 times a week. 45 mins strength training (free weights & bowflex spiralflex I own) and 30 mins cardio (spin bike). My mood is a lot better, I don't snap at everything, especially at small annoying things that I can just shrug off instead like before and let it make me snap. My strength has improved. I've went up in weights and reps when even at my best a few years ago I struggled.
My endurance is WAY better in that weight room. Before I would only do the weights and bowflex and then I was done. Now I go and get an extra 30 mins on a cardio bike. My sex drive was always good but now it's like it was when me and my wife first got together, aka Fkn GREAT!
I know I lost weight but I also know most as of right now was due to the mega stress in my life along with my hypochondria spells I am struggling with (had these way before low T) but I also see my arms a bit bigger and tighter. I sleep a bit better also.
I still want to see about the anastrozole only because my health anxiety/hypochondria has me in a state that has me questioning everything and seeing the negatives and dooms only. At the same time I am also about to start an online/text style therapy sessions (Talkspace) for my anxiety issue.