Do you guys really think I'm a good candidate for TRT?


New Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the knowledge on this forum. It has really helped me as I've researched TRT.

I am struggling with whether I should use TRT, given that my numbers appear to be borderline, and I'd like some advice.

Here's the deal: I am 39, and about two years ago, following a vasectomy, I began experiencing intermittent ED with my wife. This ED was strange; some nights no problem, other nights, total limp fish, no matter how much stimulation. Masturbation was never a problem, though I suspect erection quality was lower overall. While negative feedback loop/performance anxiety may have been a component, I do not think it was the entire reason, as this was sex who with my wife, who was understanding. I also generally found myself less sharp and energetic than I recall being in the past, a little foggy, and not recovering from or getting the gains I’d expect from 3-4x/week at CrossFit. My weight has pretty much remained steady; clothes fit the same.

I first had my hormones tested in October 2016, by Quest, from a blood draw at 1:42 p.m Results were 549 Total T (250-1100 scale); 91.1 Free T (35-155 scale); Prolactin 5.3 (2-18 scale). At that time, I decided not to pursue TRT.

ED problems continued, still somewhat intermittent, but enough to cause distress for me. In July 2018, I had my hormones tested again, this time via LabCorp. The blood draw was at 8:30 a.m. Results: 500 Total T (scale 264-916); 12.6 Free T (scale 8.7-25.1); 33 Dihydrotesterosterone (scale 30-85); 280.8 DHEA (scale 102.6-416.3); 4.4 LH (scale 1.7-8.6); 16.4 Estradiol Sensitive (scale 8.0-35.0); 34.2 Sex Horm Binding (scale 16.5-55.9); 8.5 Prolactin (scale 4.0-15.2)

In the two-year period, my Total T and Free T went down. While my current Total T is not bad at 500, my Free T, Dihydrotesterosterone and Estradiol Sensitive are all low. TRT doc suspects that these were likely reasons for my symptoms.

Suggested treatment:

Recommended: 200 mg/ml – 0.35 ml T Cyp, 400iu HCG 2/week, adding AI when symptoms occur.

As a trial, I did the above regimen for one week. So far, I've done two injections. I did notice a marked improvement in my ED, though it happened so fast, I question whether it's a placebo effect.

I am debating whether a) I should be on TRT in the first place, given my numbers; and b) whether I should stop TRT and switch to HCG monotherapy, given that my LH was 4.4 and my testes may be able to output more testosterone than I've given them the chance to produce.

What are your thoughts here? I see guys on this forum with Total T around 100, and I guess I am wondering if at 500, I should be on TRT as well. I know Free T is the more important number for Low T symptoms, and I am a bit low there, but I am just really struggling with whether I am a prime candidates -- or if maybe I should try HCG monotherapy. Sinve I've tried TRT for a week, I would want to make this switch soon so as not to make coming off harder.

Thanks for your help here.
Well one week isn't anything so that's a total wash on anything you think you might have experienced. Given your numbers though you had much lower numbers the second time around I might suggest a Clomid restart, perhaps 12.5mg EOD something like...25mg/D, just so you know, is to much. We're not fans of HCG mono as it tends to run Estrogen very high and uncontrollable and an AI doesn't work on aromatase in the testes.
Your main problem regarding erections is connected to low estrogen, low estrogen is a libido, erection killer. Your SHBG is getting a little greedy and holding onto a lot of your testosterone, which lowers free testosterone. We normally see this in men when SHBG is much higher.

Clomid will increase SHBG significantly making the whole situation worse, Clomid has a low chance of success especially at 39 year old. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but thought you should know the odds.

I'm also not a fan of HCG monotherapy, you can't control estrogen produced inside the testicles using anastrozole, an estrogen blocker.
Your main problem regarding erections is connected to low estrogen, low estrogen is a libido, erection killer. Your SHBG is getting a little greedy and holding onto a lot of your testosterone, which lowers free testosterone. We normally see this in men when SHBG is much higher.

Clomid will increase SHBG significantly making the whole situation worse, Clomid has a low chance of success especially at 39 year old. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but thought you should know the odds.

I'm also not a fan of HCG monotherapy, you can't control estrogen produced inside the testicles using anastrozole, an estrogen blocker.

Thanks for this thoughtful reply. The T clinic made the same point you did about about my estrogen and SHBG. Since you think clomid and HCG are not great answers, then would you agree that TRT is probably my best solution for increasing Free T and estrogen, and solving the erection issue?

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