What do you say is someone asks if you are on steroids?

New to this site and I'm absolutely loving the expertise, advice, and openness here. Thanks to everyone who participates in these discussions and shares your knowledge and experiences.

Forgive me if this has been discussed previously, but I've searched different areas of this forum for about 30 mins and could not find anything on this. I probably didn't search that well, so again, forgive me if this has already been discussed.

Anyhow, I've noticed pictures of people on here who are pretty ripped and buff. Has anyone been asked if they take "roids"? And if so, how do you respond? I'm personally on TRT to address some health related issues, but obviously will take advantage of the additional benefits and enjoy it. I know many people in the general public aren't aware of symptoms and issues we deal with or the benefits of TRT, but so far the few people I've discussed things with have been pretty negative about the topic. The more I explain my symptoms, issues, bloodwork, levels, and benefits I've seen and felt personally now being on TRT, they simply say I'm just trying to find a legal way to "get my gear", as they say.

Although I don't give a crap about what certain people think, I'm actually starting to get sick of it and have started to just not discuss it with anyone who I know is not on TRT. I've seen people like Nelson on videos and avatars of a few others who are pretty shredded. I know you didn't get like that overnight or by eating like crap, but can anyone share their experiences on this topic? Or atleast point me to where it's been discussed on this forum, if it has already been discussed?
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Whoever asks me if I take steroids is a person without boundaries that I avoid to even talk to. I have been pretty public about my steroid use in the past but that still does not make it right for someone's lack of common sense about what is a personal question. I am flattered but I cut the conversation short right away since I know that person has no tact specially if I just met them. When I have made the mistake to engage them, personality disorders show up right away.
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I have probably gotten a little smaller on TRT because I am a little leaner, so I do look better.. But I have been getting the are you on roids comment for 20 years... I usually just smile and say I don't even lift... That leaves a very puzzled look on their face... I don't see what we are doing as juicing as long as we stay in normal range... Guys in the gym are using 5 to 10 times the test we use not to mention all the other stuff they stack that I don't even know what it is.. Tren, dbal, etc.. I hear them talk but don't know what it is.. To me a very big difference in what we are doing...
I guess as a caveat to this is to each their own... My focus is staying healthy... If they can achieve this taking steroids or anything else, great... Personally I would think sustained use of 800-1000 MG of test week over week would have to have a negative impact... These guys don't run any labs either and to me that is scary... Some people think if you take supplements you "aren't natural"....
The fact of the matter is - most people are simply uneducated and ignorant about hormone therapy.

TRT is about replacement levels, not supra physiological levels. There's a huge difference. Replacement levels won't get you "jacked" like a bodybuilder (unless you are a genetic freak like Loki - and I mean that as a huge compliment. Ha ha).

Compare a TRT regimen of 80mg Test twice/weekly + 350iu HCG 2-3 times weekly....

with crazy bodybuilder doses like...
- 1000mg - 1500mg Test Cyp (or more)
- 5000iu HCG
- plus D-Bol daily
- plus Tren EOD
- plus, plus, plus.

Of course - there's huge variability between typical steroid cycles of "gym rats" vs. "amateur bodybuilders" vs. "pro bodybuilders." But for those that haven't been into the sport - there are plenty of articles online that give example cycles. It's quite mind-boggling the levels the IFBB pros take. Check out the couple of cycles at the bottom of this article (including Ronnie Coleman's):

The fact of the matter is - most people are simply uneducated and ignorant about hormone therapy.

TRT is about replacement levels, not supra physiological levels. There's a huge difference. Replacement levels won't get you "jacked" like a bodybuilder (unless you are a genetic freak like Loki - and I mean that as a huge compliment. Ha ha).

Compare a TRT regimen of 80mg Test twice/weekly + 350iu HCG 2-3 times weekly....

with crazy bodybuilder doses like...
- 1000mg - 1500mg Test Cyp (or more)
- 5000iu HCG
- plus D-Bol daily
- plus Tren EOD
- plus, plus, plus.

Of course - there's huge variability between typical steroid cycles of "gym rats" vs. "amateur bodybuilders" vs. "pro bodybuilders." But for those that haven't been into the sport - there are plenty of articles online that give example cycles. It's quite mind-boggling the levels the IFBB pros take. Check out the couple of cycles at the bottom of this article (including Ronnie Coleman's):


I know I have some freak genetics... My arms are 19.5 with a pump. Bench is close to 500 or more (I don't max) but I rep 225 for 45, 315 for 17, 365 for 8... Those are my personal records... Can workout with 315 on overhead press. Every lift I have crazy strength... I'm 5'10 and a little over 230 at 15% BF... The one thing I have always wondered.... What if I did do the above mentioned cycle? What in the hell would happen to me :)....
I know I have some freak genetics... My arms are 19.5 with a pump. Bench is close to 500 or more (I don't max) but I rep 225 for 45, 315 for 17, 365 for 8... Those are my personal records... Can workout with 315 on overhead press. Every lift I have crazy strength... I'm 5'10 and a little over 230 at 15% BF... The one thing I have always wondered.... What if I did do the above mentioned cycle? What in the hell would happen to me :)....

Damn. That's awesome. Yeah - that would be crazy to see what would happen on even some moderate bodybuilding cycles. When I was in my late 30s, my goal was to get the 3 lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) to 300, 400, 500 lbs respectively. Almost made it. Got my bench and squat there. Didn't get my deadlift there before hurting my back. Then decided I was getting too old for that stuff, LOL. Now I lift for general health and fitness just so I can keep up with my kids...not so I can be the strongest in my peer group. LOL. But my vanity always has me wanting to be a bit bigger and more ripped. No matter my condition, lol. :D
Whoever asks me if I take steroids is a person without boundaries that I avoid to even talk to. I have been pretty public about my steroid use in the past but that still does not make it right for someone's lack of common sense about what is a personal question. I am flattered but I cut the conversation short right away since I know that person has no tact specially if I just met them. When I have made the mistake to engage them, personality disorders show up right away.

Thanks for your response, Nelson. And I completely agree. The uneducated will never understand. And especially those who have never encountered some of the health issues many of us have gone through. I know it takes years of hard work and dedication to eating clean and exercising to get results such as yours and several others on here. I'm still a bit of a fatty, but I'll get there one day.

The main thing for me is feeling fantastic now. My wife just literally asked me yesterday why my mood has changed. She's like, "you look so much happier now. always joking around now and laughing, not to mention you actually like to go out now and hang out with others". Before I was a hermit and just wanted to stay home and do nothing. My life has seriously changed for the better now and I have TRT to thank for it!
I have probably gotten a little smaller on TRT because I am a little leaner, so I do look better.. But I have been getting the are you on roids comment for 20 years... I usually just smile and say I don't even lift... That leaves a very puzzled look on their face... I don't see what we are doing as juicing as long as we stay in normal range... Guys in the gym are using 5 to 10 times the test we use not to mention all the other stuff they stack that I don't even know what it is.. Tren, dbal, etc.. I hear them talk but don't know what it is.. To me a very big difference in what we are doing...

That's awesome Loki. Your avatar looks like the freakin Hulk (just tint it green a bit). May have to use that line when I grow up to be big and strong like you! ;) Hahahahaha, wishful thinking!
I'm not shredded like Nelson!!! I have always had that hulk type build... I don't even work my freaking traps :)... Drives my friends crazy... Sounds like TRT is working well for you!!! How you feel is really the most important and how that impacts the ones around you!!!
The fact of the matter is - most people are simply uneducated and ignorant about hormone therapy.

TRT is about replacement levels, not supra physiological levels. There's a huge difference. Replacement levels won't get you "jacked" like a bodybuilder (unless you are a genetic freak like Loki - and I mean that as a huge compliment. Ha ha).

Compare a TRT regimen of 80mg Test twice/weekly + 350iu HCG 2-3 times weekly....

with crazy bodybuilder doses like...
- 1000mg - 1500mg Test Cyp (or more)
- 5000iu HCG
- plus D-Bol daily
- plus Tren EOD
- plus, plus, plus.

Of course - there's huge variability between typical steroid cycles of "gym rats" vs. "amateur bodybuilders" vs. "pro bodybuilders." But for those that haven't been into the sport - there are plenty of articles online that give example cycles. It's quite mind-boggling the levels the IFBB pros take. Check out the couple of cycles at the bottom of this article (including Ronnie Coleman's):


Holy crap! And here I was complaining about how I was feeling on 200mg TCyp a week and 1,500 IUs of HCG with my T levels above 1,300!

There's no way that type of stuff is healthy or even feels good (meaning the crazy amounts you mentioned some of those guys take).

Hell, once I switched to 100mg TCyp twice a week and 500 IUs of HCG EOD, I'm feeling great now! Couldn't even phathom being on that much crap!

But yes, I agree, there's a huuuuuuuge difference between hormone therapy and body building levels. The fact of the matter is, I don't think I'll ever discuss it with anyone that is uneducated about the topic. Unless, of course, they're seeing the same health issues I've faced and would like my recommendations for treatment for themselves.
But yes, I agree, there's a huuuuuuuge difference between hormone therapy and body building levels. The fact of the matter is, I don't think I'll ever discuss it with anyone that is uneducated about the topic. Unless, of course, they're seeing the same health issues I've faced and would like my recommendations for treatment for themselves.

Yeah - crazy stuff for sure.

I'm with you - I am not embarrassed or anything about my TRT. And I actually love learning more and more about it and enjoy talking about it (hence this forum). BUT - I don't tell anyone I know in person (and have told my wife not to share either) simply because of the reasons mentioned above. Too much ignorance. Too many myths and misperceptions. And I just don't even want to get into it and feel like I have to justify or explain anything to anyone else.

Now if someone is genuinely interested in help - notices I'm "fit" and seem healthy and asks if I have any experience with or knowledge of hormone therapy - then I'll certainly entertain that discussion and help them out. (And now will just point them here, ha ha). But otherwise, I just keep to myself.
Yeah - crazy stuff for sure.

I'm with you - I am not embarrassed or anything about my TRT. And I actually love learning more and more about it and enjoy talking about it (hence this forum). BUT - I don't tell anyone I know in person (and have told my wife not to share either) simply because of the reasons mentioned above. Too much ignorance. Too many myths and misperceptions. And I just don't even want to get into it and feel like I have to justify or explain anything to anyone else.

Now if someone is genuinely interested in help - notices I'm "fit" and seem healthy and asks if I have any experience with or knowledge of hormone therapy - then I'll certainly entertain that discussion and help them out. (And now will just point them here, ha ha). But otherwise, I just keep to myself.

^^^^^^This is exactly what I do...
I know what you mean when I first started TRT a friend asked me what I was doing, I told him I started TRT and he said "isn't that cheating?" then I had to explain that my levels were lower than a 70 year old and that I only take enough to put me in the "normal" range.
I don't talk about it in person, I see it no differently than any other health issue of which it's no one's business. Which, that's the only way I've even hinted at "things" is just to say that I had some health problems that I've been treating. I leave it at that. I've put on...40 pounds in the last 18 months I think...I'm bumping 208 lately and I've obviously bulked up, gotten bigger, gotten stronger...Im 25 years in to lifting and body building and the last 18 months have eclipsed EVERYTHING for me in that way.
I don't talk about it in person, I see it no differently than any other health issue of which it's no one's business. Which, that's the only way I've even hinted at "things" is just to say that I had some health problems that I've been treating. I leave it at that. I've put on...40 pounds in the last 18 months I think...I'm bumping 208 lately and I've obviously bulked up, gotten bigger, gotten stronger...Im 25 years in to lifting and body building and the last 18 months have eclipsed EVERYTHING for me in that way.

I want some of these gains... I have lost some body fat and I feel better...
I have no prob telling people i'm on trt. I've definitely leaned out over the last couple years but never had anyone ask me if i'm on steroids...Most people I mention it to are interested after hearing the benefits and plenty of women actually say their husbands could use some testosterone...lol
I don't talk about it in person, I see it no differently than any other health issue of which it's no one's business. Which, that's the only way I've even hinted at "things" is just to say that I had some health problems that I've been treating. I leave it at that. I've put on...40 pounds in the last 18 months I think...I'm bumping 208 lately and I've obviously bulked up, gotten bigger, gotten stronger...Im 25 years in to lifting and body building and the last 18 months have eclipsed EVERYTHING for me in that way.

That's definitely a good point, now that I think about it that way. Those are some crazy gains! I guess I will have to report back in 25 yrs! hahaha

Getting dialed in with my protocol is obviously my first step to feeling better, which thanks to your previous post on another thread has helped me out a bit. But I'm definitely feeling more energy now and have started working out again and eating about 90% clean. I'm sure I could use some help with my nutrition, but I've seen a lot of good posts on this site to steer me in the right direction. Gotta love this forum!!!
I have no prob telling people i'm on trt. I've definitely leaned out over the last couple years but never had anyone ask me if i'm on steroids...Most people I mention it to are interested after hearing the benefits and plenty of women actually say their husbands could use some testosterone...lol

Niiiice!!! Watch out now.....lol

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