A couple of weeks ago, I went to my Primary Doctor for physical. I complained of following symptoms:
Fatigue, Irritability, Moments of Sadness, Anxiety, etc. I asked about having T checked. After some push back the doc agreed to run only Total T, which came back at 266. The docs assistant called to give me results and said I am within normal range. I am 46 years old.
I went ahead and made an appointment with a Urologist (I have a PPO so no referral needed). Funny thing is the day before my appointment my Primary Doc calls (two weeks after my original results) to say that after further review she thinks my T is too low but would like to re-run blood work including Free T and if comes back low to discuss treatment options. I declined her request since I had a Urologist appointment.
Today, I went to Urologist and met with the Nurse Practitioner. He said Total T is low and my symptoms also are consistent with Low-T. However, he wants to run the following blood tests first:
Free and Total T, FSH, LH, Prolactin, and Estradiol.
They could not draw blood at the office because they said I needed to fast. I didn't think you needed to fast for this blood work. Is fasting the norm for hormone levels?
I asked what they would typically recommend for treatment assuming low T is confirmed. He mentioned giving me a pill, I think Clomid (used a different name) to try to get my testes to put out more Testosterone. This would be first step to see if I respond well. He said for someone my age sometimes that is all that is needed. If that does not work then Gel or Injections of T along with HCG to avoid testicle shrinkage.
What are your thoughts so far on the direction of the Urologist?