Went Through Harmful Testicle Surgery When I Was Younger


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new here, 21 yo, very healthy male.
When I was 8-9 yo I went through a unnecessery procedure called Bilateral Orchiopexy.
I had a very natural retractile testicles that never felt non-natural, under-devoloped or incomfortable before surgery.
The doctor that recognised the "problem" was my GP. she told my mother that my right testicle is not in the scrotum (in retrospective I can tell that I am100% sure that in every look and touch in my scrotum there was always two cute testicles).
My stupid mother was listening to "authority" and got me a visit at a children surgeon.
My mother told him that most of the time my testicles aren't there because of what the GP told her.

I don't know how but the surgeon checked and concluded that there is "problem" in both testicles (as in records - Bilateral Cryptorchidism [this medical term that means both testicles are not in the scrotum] - Retractile Testicle).

a Urologist didn't check my testes before the surgery - only idiot GP, and children's surgeon.

Long terms outcomes of this idiotic, unnecessery, harmful malpractice:
1. Suboptimal Testo. levels through all my life after surgery. (felt some symptoms but didn't knew the reason 'till recently)
2. Damaged sperm production (as seen in sperm lab tests)
3. Relatively small testicles (because they stitched my testicles to the scrotum therefore scar-tissue won't let them grow to their full potential.)

Leave aside that I now considering to sue the doctor responsible.

I'm feeling symptoms of low testosterone:
ED, low libido, fatigue, hard to put on muscle mass, brain fog, fatigue, less apetite, low aggressiveness and dominance (the declined slowly but rapidly), memory problems, focus problems, no morning wood for years (before surgery I was having them every day), no progress in gym weights although training 3-5 times a week, less aerobic excercise potential, less charisma, my voice is not deep to his potential, a lot of stress and anxiety, headaches from stress...
no feminine things like gyno and no obesity (12% fat)

I eating super healthy, clean diet from 15-16 yo, and working out almost every day both resistance and aerobics so it can't be a lifestyle issue for sure.


  • FREE T4 12.08 PMOL/L ( 9.00- 19.10) (..*......)
  • FREE T3 4.30 PMOL/L ( 2.60- 5.70) (....*....)
  • TSH 0.51 µIU/mL ( 0.35- 4.94) (*........)
  • CORTISOL-SERUM 471.06 NMOL/L ( 102.00- 535.00) (.......*.)
  • DHEA SO4 12.46 UMOL/L ( 6.50- 14.60) (......*..)
  • ESTRADIOL(E2) 92.13 PMOL/L ( 40.00- 162.00) (...*.....)
  • FSH 3.45 MIU/ML ( 0.95- 12.00) (.*.......)
  • LH 3.56 MIU/ML ( 0.50- 12.00) (.*.......)
  • PROGESTERONE 0.62 NMOL/L ( 0.10- 0.64) (........*)
  • PROLACTIN 127.46 MU/L ( 50.00- 380.00) (.*.......)
  • SHBG 26.00 NMOL/L ( 13.00- 71.00) (.*.......)
  • TESTOSTERONE 20.46 NMOL/L ( 5.80- 32.00) (....*....) equals 589.62 ng\dl

Free T + Zinc results we'll come after some time also.

I know that the testosterone is not low as to be called hypogonadism, but I'm in range of 45-50 yo people and I'm feeling symptoms that have been worsen through the years. I can tell that I had a fear to ejaculate more than like twice a week because it's making my testo. drop to 3-4 days leaving me weak and less manly.
I can tell that 'till one month ago I had a one year relationship with a beautiful woman and we had great sex and I felt only mild libido and ed problems (a lot of will power there I suppose) so it can be also emotional and my friend is customed to respond to her whom I had great emotions to.

I trying now to take some Korean Ginseng as the Naturopath told me to, see what will happen...

My questions:
1. You think it will be a reasonable idea to try using Clomid? (if yes, please consult with dose and duraration if u can)
2. What will be the best treatment option for this "mild" low testo. levels?
3. Is it possible to take some very low dose exogenous testosterone as though not suppress HPTA and so to only close the gap for optimal levels? And at the same time keeping fertility, testicle volume and to not have the need for HCG.
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Hopefully one of the physician members will respond to your situation. Most of what is published out of Israel reflects progressive medicine and research making your report a shocking surprise but also a welcome one which keeps members abreast of available care outside of North America. Wishing you the best of luck in your quest for relief.

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