Gene Devine
Super Moderator
Ok, saw my new Dr. No blood tests, changed me to 100mg a week. will do blood in 2 months wants my Total test between 400-600 as it is dangerous to go an higher. And then he listed all the dangers of steroids (hate to says it but I tune him out but I did call him out on the heart attack risk studies. boy he didn't like that) told him I feel like shit at 100mg a week I feel on top of the world at 200mg a week. "it not about how you feel its about safety" nothing for losing my erections mid intercourse or mid masterbation (deal with it basically what he said it the price you pay for TRT). so I ether have to suck it up and stick with this dr till I can afford to pay cash to a TRT dr. (which is what I think I'm going to do). what really alarmed him was my PSA before TRT it was 0.7ng and it jumped to 1.32 which he said this is not good at all to have a large jump in 4 weeks. still in normal range to me. but thats the update.
You need to find another Doctor...this one has no clue and is not caring for you correctly.
Start your search...and local compounding pharmacies are a good place to start...they know who takes insurance.
This Doctor doesn't know what he is doing...