Was on TRT for 2 weeks and horrible...do I need PCT?

You had an inadequate workup. You are missing key labs: LH, FSH, estradiol/sensitive, thyroid panel - t3, t4, rt3, thyroid antibodies, and prolactin were not run. Your testosterone is low, but on the cusp where some doctors, good doctors, would want to know if you're dealing with primary or secondary hypogonadism (actually, any doctor prescribing TRT would want to know that). But your doctor didn't test for that distinction and the possibility of a re-start protocol was not discussed (a shame, given your reasonably young age). Your thyroid was not assessed - another mistake as thyroid issues can spin a person in all sorts of directions. Prolactin, if elevated, can impede libido and erectile issues. Estradiol is a vital level to know - it makes no sense to have not measured it. Finally, your protocol is a hit and miss affair. Extra injections thrown in, having to visit your doctor to have the injections...a high SHBG means a bit of extra thought to timing and dose should take place. Injecting is something all of us do on our own. You deserve better.

I sincerely appreciate your reply. I can't believe I even let this fool ever get my business. Am I totally screwed now and need to get see a new doctor, get new labs, and take new hormones to make myself better and back to my old self? Will my body just correct itself soon after the test is out of my system and go back to normal?
I sincerely appreciate your reply. I can't believe I even let this fool ever get my business. Am I totally screwed now and need to get see a new doctor, get new labs, and take new hormones to make myself better and back to my old self? Will my body just correct itself soon after the test is out of my system and go back to normal?

You're not the first man to find out that a doctor he believed to be qualified turned out to be a menace. It happened to me, it's happened to lots of our members. You're not totally screwed, as you put it. Your testosterone is low, and you should consult a doctor who knows male androgen replacement. If you just walk away from TRT at this point you will likely return to where you were before, but is that what you want? You want to be "normal" - yet your normal didn't feel particularly good. Depending on where you live, you may find a good doctor. If you decide to look for local care, I wish you all the best. However, I would urge you to consider Defy Medical (who can treat you anywhere in the US) or Prime Body. Both are site sponsors (I am a patient of neither, I live in Canada). Put the name Saya in the search box and read the posts of Dr. Justin Saya, Defy's Medical Director. He is one of the leading TRT practitioners in the US, a moderator here at EM, and a great guy. Then call Defy in the morning (www.defymedical.com) and ask them the bluntest questions you can about cost, style of treatment, and so on. I guarantee they will answer whatever you can come up with. I've no vested interest in Defy's success, or Prime Body, www.primebody.com. I do have an interest in seeing you get better.
You're not the first man to find out that a doctor he believed to be qualified turned out to be a menace. It happened to me, it's happened to lots of our members. You're not totally screwed, as you put it. Your testosterone is low, and you should consult a doctor who knows male androgen replacement. If you just walk away from TRT at this point you will likely return to where you were before, but is that what you want? You want to be "normal" - yet your normal didn't feel particularly good. Depending on where you live, you may find a good doctor. If you decide to look for local care, I wish you all the best. However, I would urge you to consider Defy Medical (who can treat you anywhere in the US) or Prime Body. Both are site sponsors (I am a patient of neither, I live in Canada). Put the name Saya in the search box and read the posts of Dr. Justin Saya, Defy's Medical Director. He is one of the leading TRT practitioners in the US, a moderator here at EM, and a great guy. Then call Defy in the morning (www.defymedical.com) and ask them the bluntest questions you can about cost, style of treatment, and so on. I guarantee they will answer whatever you can come up with. I've no vested interest in Defy's success, or Prime Body, www.primebody.com. I do have an interest in seeing you get better.

I'm going to check with defy and/or primebody first thing tomorrow morning. I'm curious to know their pricing and just see if they can make me feel better about all this. I really do appreciate your replies. This whole experience has had me feeling horrible and I really just want to be my old self again...even if that old self wasn't 100% what I was looking for. Do you think my body will recover soon after these two weeks of crap injections? While I await possible prescriptions from primebody or defy, should I try to run a PCT to bring myself back?
I'm going to check with defy and/or primebody first thing tomorrow morning. I'm curious to know their pricing and just see if they can make me feel better about all this. I really do appreciate your replies. This whole experience has had me feeling horrible and I really just want to be my old self again...even if that old self wasn't 100% what I was looking for. Do you think my body will recover soon after these two weeks of crap injections? While I await possible prescriptions from primebody or defy, should I try to run a PCT to bring myself back?

2 weeks shouldn't do too much damage as you're probably not fully suppressed. You will, however still have the original shitty levels that led you to TRT.

I typed in "defy medical costs" into google and this is literally the first thing that popped up http://www.peaktestosterone.com/Cost_Testosterone_TRT_Defy_Medical.aspx

Same thing with "prime body costs" http://www.peaktestosterone.com/Testosterone_Replacement_Therapy_Prime_Body.aspx
2 weeks shouldn't do too much damage as you're probably not fully suppressed. You will, however still have the original shitty levels that led you to TRT.

I typed in "defy medical costs" into google and this is literally the first thing that popped up http://www.peaktestosterone.com/Cost_Testosterone_TRT_Defy_Medical.aspx

Same thing with "prime body costs" http://www.peaktestosterone.com/Testosterone_Replacement_Therapy_Prime_Body.aspx

This is great! Thanks so much for these links!

Do you think that I should take anything to help bring my body back to my "original shitty levels" lol? HCGenerate? Zinc? Should I continue injecting my HCG?
This is great! Thanks so much for these links!

Do you think that I should take anything to help bring my body back to my "original shitty levels" lol? HCGenerate? Zinc? Should I continue injecting my HCG?

I honestly don't know. I'd go back to your original doctor ASAP, ask to be put on some kinda stable protocol that doesn't change doses when your doctor changes underwear.

Start the process with defy or prime body first thing tomorrow.

That's what I'd do.
I've only been taking it for 2 weeks. A total five injections. Is that long enough to shut down?

From my limited experience I would probably say no. I took about 2 months to shut down on HCG monotherapy. But as Dr Saya mentioned to me, some men shut down in just a few short weeks others it can take months. It looks like you never had your LH/FSH checked. Maybe get them tested as soon as possible and see if your still producing LH. IF you are then you have not shut down. Or course hard to know what your original base line was. But I think I have read even those who are really low secondary hypogonadism still produce some LH.
"Coastwatcher" is spot on as usual. I am about the same age as you and made the mistake of getting poor treatment right off the bat. I have been with defy for about a month now. I am happy with the treatment I have received so far. Regardless of the clinic you go with, educating yourself is going to be your best bet for success. You have already found this site, so you are well on your way in the right direction. I am pretty new, but what of have learned so far is: patience is key.
Your Labs

Bump system error.

Hey man; brand new to this site. I looked at your labs, and your SHBG is through the roof. Mine is high (about 56) but I am fifty and my total test was 775. As an FYI the second time I had it checked it was 812. However, it dropped to 471, and decided to go on TRT. But anyway, back to your thread, having such high SHBG with that test level is why probably TRT made sense for you, but not delivered in the manner it was given. You should have an anti estrogen when on TRT (especially if dictated by labs). I know this thread is old, but I just read it now, and felt compelled to comment on you SHBG. Good luck.

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