WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

I am saddened by your situation and I hope that you find a resolution. Note that by restricting yourself to vows that your (former) "wife" has partially renounced, you may also be denying a potential romantic partner the same experience you are missing in your life. There is almost certainly a deserving lady in a similar situation, so consider that it's not just about you, you're making a decision for some as yet unknown person as well. Good luck to you.
Hey guys

Very good and interesting conversation about partners not responding anymore to intimacy and sexual advances, making it difficult to satisfy your improved sex drive with TRT.

I would like to move all posts related to the new topic to a separate thread with a proper title, "How to deal with a sexually unresponsive partner while you are on TRT," but the Xenforo software does not allow me to select certain posts in a thread to move them to a new thread.

Why am I telling you this? Because the original question/issue on this thread was about lab numbers after quitting cold turkey. It was then "highjacked" (sorry for the term) by another topic that grew into the main thread discussion.

What can you do? Be aware of this so that other men can be helped by your post by making sure you create a new thread with a title that corresponds to the great topic you are about to divert the conversation to.

I will talk to my developer about writing new code to separate topics when threads evolve into other topics not related to the title.

It's an easy fix with hormone therapy, yet she doesn't care anymore.
Knowing what I know now, before marriage, I would confirm that a woman was willing to do whatever was necessary in terms of HRT to maintain their sexual function through middle age and beyond. Otherwise, you have a good chance of spending the last half of your life in a dead bedroom situation, no matter how well you maintain your own sexual appeal and function, and no matter how good of a partner you are.

Fortunately, my wife is open to HRT and has been a good sport about the trial and error involved with dialing in (just as much hassle as men have with TRT).
Otherwise, you have a good chance of spending the last half of your life in a dead bedroom situation, no matter how well you maintain your own sexual appeal and function, and no matter how good of a partner you are.
That's a ticket to divorced for me. The woman I'm courting now, 27 year age gap, hehe, I told her when I feel like the deal is one-sided, I'm gone!

The man needs to lead, the woman follows and serves and allowing the woman to have that kind of power over her man is unacceptable.

I'm putting that into the contract of marriage.

I will not sacrifice my happiness and wellbeing for anyone! I want to live life to the fullest and women not interested in maintaining this lifestyle need not apply for the job of wife.

This woman works out 6 days a week and works out harder than a lot of the guys in the gym. She pushes herself to the limit to where she's almost ready to pass out.
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Knowing what I know now, before marriage, I would confirm that a woman was willing to do whatever was necessary in terms of HRT to maintain their sexual function through middle age and beyond. Otherwise, you have a good chance of spending the last half of your life in a dead bedroom situation, no matter how well you maintain your own sexual appeal and function, and no matter how good of a partner you are.

Fortunately, my wife is open to HRT and has been a good sport about the trial and error involved with dialing in (just as much hassle as men have with TRT).
Just wanted to chime in here as well, My wife hit pre-menopausal status 1 years ago, we tried HRT at 2 different clinics. One was a cream with Estradiol, Progesterone, and T , the other was a pellet combo. She didn't do well on either of these. Created great mood issues and no libido at all. But we did find a fix....25MG pregnenolone and 25MG DHEA (non micronized is the key), 2 x 2mg Test E weekly.....this keeps her levels all mid range. It brought her libido back to 2-3x a week. Just recently (about 6 weeks ago) we added 100MG Bupropion SR once daily....no increase in libido but it shortened her time to orgasm and helped intensity. Just an idea for you all to try.
Hey guys

Very good and interesting conversation about partners not responding anymore to intimacy and sexual advances, making it difficult to satisfy your improved sex drive with TRT.

I would like to move all posts related to the new topic to a separate thread with a proper title, "How to deal with a sexually unresponsive partner while you are on TRT," but the Xenforo software does not allow me to select certain posts in a thread to move them to a new thread.

Why am I telling you this? Because the original question/issue on this thread was about lab numbers after quitting cold turkey. It was then "highjacked" (sorry for the term) by another topic that grew into the main thread discussion.

What can you do? Be aware of this so that other men can be helped by your post by making sure you create a new thread with a title that corresponds to the great topic you are about to divert the conversation to.

I will talk to my developer about writing new code to separate topics when threads evolve into other topics not related to the title.

I say more customization is better, so if your developer can make it happen that’d be awesome. In the meantime, is it possible to copy the thread or move all posts over? If that’s the case you could just move them all then delete the first posts that don’t pertain to the new topic of maintaining a good sex life deep into marriage. Just a thought.
Just wanted to chime in here as well, My wife hit pre-menopausal status 1 years ago, we tried HRT at 2 different clinics. One was a cream with Estradiol, Progesterone, and T , the other was a pellet combo. She didn't do well on either of these. Created great mood issues and no libido at all. But we did find a fix....25MG pregnenolone and 25MG DHEA (non micronized is the key), 2 x 2mg Test E weekly.....this keeps her levels all mid range. It brought her libido back to 2-3x a week. Just recently (about 6 weeks ago) we added 100MG Bupropion SR once daily....no increase in libido but it shortened her time to orgasm and helped intensity. Just an idea for you all to try.
From our own experience and what I've read from other women, it's usually progesterone that ruins everything and overshadows the energy, mood, and sexual benefits of estradiol and testosterone. Progesterone often makes them fatigued, apathetic, and kills their libido (similar to the effects in men). Estradiol and testosterone bring the party, progesterone shuts it all down.

If your woman responds this way to progesterone, you'll want the bare minimum for endometrial protection, which is best achieved with a low dose intravaginal suppository. These can deliver sufficient concentrations to the endometrium while limiting systemic effects. You can also use these for only 10-14 days per month, in the last half of the cycle, or to simulate a cycle in a post-menopausal woman.
Sorry for also 'highjacking' OP's thread, but the sexually non-responsive partner subject is just too important not to comment on. As far as i'm concerned, when you marry, you take a vow to be in a monogamous relationship with your wife (or husband). What you DON'T sign up for though, is to be CELIBATE! I've been in this situation for years, and i went ahead and cheated, with a woman at work who also was in a dead bedroom marriage with her husband (who worked for the same company). We both lost our jobs over it, after five years of conducting our affair at work - and i wouldn't have changed a thing. For me, it was completely worth it. I'm still married by the way. My marriage is just fine, other than the intimacy aspect. If the opportunity comes again, i'll do it again too. Maybe i should feel guilty about what i did, but i don't. If my wife doesn't think sex / intimacy is important between us, then i don't think she has any argument complaining if i get that basic human need fulfilled outside of our relationship. Just my opinion.
I feel like a lot of these responses overlook natural individual diversity and variations in aging. I mean you do what you think you need to do in your own situation as far as what it takes to satisfy your sexual needs, but some of the generalizations here are very short sighted.
Interesting food for thought. Why would a man, or would not, consider just joining his partner in not having sex? How motivated would you be if you were not on TRT? Do you think you would feel the same at age 70, 80, 90? Is your marriage based on love or sex? What do your marriage vows mean to you? Does this impact people in a same-sex relationship?
Wow, that's surprising! That's very selfish of her! Sounds like someone giving up on the relationship.

If the situation was reversed and it was the man without any sexual desire, giving up on a relationship, the women with a strong sexual desires, how do you think that would end?
Divorce court and a fat, monthly alimony check or half of everything in the marriage.
Interesting food for thought. Why would a man, or would not, consider just joining his partner in not having sex? How motivated would you be if you were not on TRT? Do you think you would feel the same at age 70, 80, 90? Is your marriage based on love or sex? What do your marriage vows mean to you? Does this impact people in a same-sex relationship?
If a woman is otherwise healthy and forgoes intimacy and will not consider speaking with her primary, that upends an important aspect of marriage or any relationship. It would be the same if it was the husband. People get divorced over that issue.
Hey guys

Very good and interesting conversation about partners not responding anymore to intimacy and sexual advances, making it difficult to satisfy your improved sex drive with TRT.

I would like to move all posts related to the new topic to a separate thread with a proper title, "How to deal with a sexually unresponsive partner while you are on TRT," but the Xenforo software does not allow me to select certain posts in a thread to move them to a new thread.

Why am I telling you this? Because the original question/issue on this thread was about lab numbers after quitting cold turkey. It was then "highjacked" (sorry for the term) by another topic that grew into the main thread discussion.

What can you do? Be aware of this so that other men can be helped by your post by making sure you create a new thread with a title that corresponds to the great topic you are about to divert the conversation to.

I will talk to my developer about writing new code to separate topics when threads evolve into other topics not related to the title.

TRT/HRT, sexual function and a spouse or partner not responding to intimacy or telling you they're calling it quits on sex are all connected. You know my story that my wife was emotionally/verbally abusive, manipulative, gaslighting me. Not just turned off by her, but contributory to ED. And she rejected talking with her primary and OB/Gyn. Understand your reason to want to make the topic a separate thread but TRT is going to come into the conversation.
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Blessed is the man whose wife maintains a healthy sexual desire. My wife gave up on having sex about 12 years ago after she experienced post menopausal dryness and pain on intercourse. What’s even worse was she also gave up totally, and I mean totally, on anything even remotely resembling intimacy. I tried talking with her about it but got nowhere. I am not one to take wedding vows lightly, and I don’t believe that her actions give me a license to go out and get some on the side. I also don’t think that divorce is the path I want to go down, as my adult children and young grandchildren would forever have a different relationship with me in a way I wouldn’t like, not to mention the financial beating I would take. So, I’m just stuck with a still strong libido and a raging unfulfilled boner. I just regarding it as just another one of life’s trials that we are supposed to deal with.
When you say the talks got nowhere, how often was it brought up and what types of concerns did you raise/solutions did you propose? I completely understand and agree either way your point that sex isn’t worth significantly altering your relationships with kids and grandkids in a negative way. At the same time, humans have needs and desires that ideally will be fulfilled for an optimal life. If your wife won’t fulfill them (and worse won’t even discuss it or attempt to fulfill them) then you should at least be able to talk through it to hopefully come up with a solution to help everyone be happier.

If she has no desire to be intimate with you, would she be alright with you opening up the relationship? Just because she has turned off her desires, it’s unfair for her to expect you to do the same. That is likely not going to be an easy conversation, but she will at least know how serious you are about it and hopefully be glad you’re willing to still communicate. If fully open isn’t an option, then maybe a hall pass a few times per year. Still probably going to be a no from her, but worth a shot.

If neither of those are options, then perhaps maybe a sex doll and/or vr porn. Obviously not as good as the real thing, but vr porn is pretty crazy these days. I generally wouldn’t recommend porn because it tends to diminish the actual connection of a couple, but if that intimacy is already gone then the risk/reward ratio shifts greatly. It could be a way for you to release those urges and fulfill that desire without many of the negatives that go along either cheating. And you never know, maybe that would light a spark in her that could bring back some type of sexual relationship with the two of you.

If she is unwilling to discuss any of that or listen to your concerns, then unfortunately the issues go much deeper than just loss of sexual connection. If that’s the case then she has apparently lost interest in whether or not you are living a happy, fulfilling life. At that point marriage counseling seems like a good first step, if she’s even willing. Otherwise it sounds like she’s kind of given up on that aspect of her life and just wants the benefits that go along with being married with none of the sacrifices, and that’s not how it supposed to work. In that case, good luck with however you decide to proceed. I hope everything works out for you.
Don't know if you are looking for encouragement or opinions but i say you are totally justified to have your needs met elsewhere after trying to resolve matters with her, for one she is not fullfilling her wifely duties, sex and at the very least intimacy is a big part of good health and wellbeing. Might be even worse living with someone and being denied intimacy then living by yourself and not be constantly reminded of what could have been. Life is short, stay roommates if it makes you happy, but why not look for someone facing your situation and complement each others lives, or what ever other ways you can think of. I know people whose wifes re-activated after their husbands had their needs met elsewhere, after all it was not cheating after years of dead bedroom, and preselection or competition anxiety also can work as an aphrodisiac for women even though it is the same old dude they deserted.
Not looking for anything, really. Just relaying my story so others might find something they can relate to so they'll know they're not alone. You may well be right about the aphrodisicatic ability of a little competition. I don't think she would really like to be alone at this point in her life, as that seems to be the loneliest set of people in the world: divorced women who doubt their ability to successfully be with a man and thus remain alone to the end.
Man that’s an extremely extremely tough situation to be in, imo. I truly commend u on ur will power to stay faithful.

Do u think u can maintain this willpower indefinitely? Jc

And is wanting to have sex, but not being able to, on ur mind most of the day, and something u struggle with daily, or have u kind of gotten used to wanting it and not being able to have it, so it doesn’t bother u as much the longer u go without it? Or is it the opposite. The longer u go without it the more u desire to have it? I’m just genuinely curious how someone in ur position feels and deals with this type of situation

So it’s been 12 years since the last time u had sex?

How does ur wife feel about u taking care of urself, in that department? Again, jc about everything

Also, does ur marriage in general just feel like a roommate situation at this point?
I really don’t know how long I can take this. I think about puss quite a lot and mentally undress quite a few of the women I meet. I try to occupy my mind with other things, like grandkids, but the desire creeps back in when my guard is down, especially when I’m semi-awake in the morning or whenever I see a really hot woman. Heck, even a moderately hot woman! But, I married my wife for better or for worse, in sickness and in health and I regard this as Not her “better” point in time and almost as if she has some sort of mental illness that has caused her to reject me. It’s so weird because to the entire outside world and to our kids and grandkids she is a sweet and loving person. However, when it’s just me she lets the fangs come out, almost as if she hates my guts for some reason. This all started when she felt like I was making all,of the major decisions in our family the way I wanted them to go and that I was so domineering that I minimized her. I am a dominant personality, but I did not act in such a way as to minimize her. I would ask her opinions on things but she would just defer to me most of the time as if she really didn’t want to make any big decisions. Then she decided that she wanted to see a counselor (unbeknown to me) and I don’t know what kind of crap that counselor packed her brain with but she became a person who opposed me on everything. And I mean everything. She would try to say that I was wrong on anything and everything as if that somehow elevated her standing. There were things that I was very accomplished at doing yet she would say I needed to hire someone to do them because I didn’t know anything about whatever it was. Drove me nuts with that. She would take issue with me on everything. I had to a stay extremely calm in any discussions we had, lest she tell me to “don’t get mad.” She would use the “don’t get mad” on me even when I was being very calm and rational and THAT would make me mad. Once I got mad she would have me where she wanted me and would use that against me.

So what keeps me here? Well, first of all I made a vow many years ago. Secondly, I value very much my relationships with my kids and grandkids who all see her as sweet and loving and I know I would be seen as a huge turd if I left. Financially I don’t want to take the beating I would have to take to move on. She does cook, and does a good job with that still. And she takes care of things around the house while I’m away at the ranch taking care of things there. But I feel like I am living with a roommate, or worse, my sister. I told her during one of our frank discussions that I wanted to be married to someone who would cry when I died, but the only response I got was “oh, brother.”

I feel like this is some huge test that has been foisted upon me and I am failing it in that I think about sex with other women a lot. So much so that I’d probably try to re-populate the world if I ever did break free!
Your wife took the vows lightly. She gave up a long time ago. I had a brother go 16 years without sex, then finally he cheated and moved on. He was miserable for those 16 years. She never cooked, cleaned or did any of those wife duties.

She was a terrible wife. Sorry to say this but your wife is selfish putting her needs above yours. It's an easy fix with hormone therapy, yet she doesn't care anymore. I wonder what would happen if it were you who was experiencing andropause and your wife had a raging sex drive.

What do you think would happen?

She would think you don't love her anymore this would give her the right to move on.

Sadly, a lot of woman lose their value as they age and stop caring, further devaluing themselves through their inaction. The age faster and experience more health problems as a result of the low hormones.
I don’t think I could ever trust another woman enough to marry one again. My wife was the sweetest doting woman I’d ever known before we got married. It was fine until we had kids. At that point I could never do anything right.
When you say the talks got nowhere, how often was it brought up and what types of concerns did you raise/solutions did you propose? I completely understand and agree either way your point that sex isn’t worth significantly altering your relationships with kids and grandkids in a negative way. At the same time, humans have needs and desires that ideally will be fulfilled for an optimal life. If your wife won’t fulfill them (and worse won’t even discuss it or attempt to fulfill them) then you should at least be able to talk through it to hopefully come up with a solution to help everyone be happier.

If she has no desire to be intimate with you, would she be alright with you opening up the relationship? Just because she has turned off her desires, it’s unfair for her to expect you to do the same. That is likely not going to be an easy conversation, but she will at least know how serious you are about it and hopefully be glad you’re willing to still communicate. If fully open isn’t an option, then maybe a hall pass a few times per year. Still probably going to be a no from her, but worth a shot.

If neither of those are options, then perhaps maybe a sex doll and/or vr porn. Obviously not as good as the real thing, but vr porn is pretty crazy these days. I generally wouldn’t recommend porn because it tends to diminish the actual connection of a couple, but if that intimacy is already gone then the risk/reward ratio shifts greatly. It could be a way for you to release those urges and fulfill that desire without many of the negatives that go along either cheating. And you never know, maybe that would light a spark in her that could bring back some type of sexual relationship with the two of you.

If she is unwilling to discuss any of that or listen to your concerns, then unfortunately the issues go much deeper than just loss of sexual connection. If that’s the case then she has apparently lost interest in whether or not you are living a happy, fulfilling life. At that point marriage counseling seems like a good first step, if she’s even willing. Otherwise it sounds like she’s kind of given up on that aspect of her life and just wants the benefits that go along with being married with none of the sacrifices, and that’s not how it supposed to work. In that case, good luck with however you decide to proceed. I hope everything works out for you.
“ If that’s the case then she has apparently lost interest in whether or not you are living a happy, fulfilling life.”

That is precisely it. She really doesn’t give a damn whether I’m happy or not. It’s as if she blames me for anything and everything in her life that isn’t perfect. I hate the idea a marriage counseling as it was this counselor that she was seeing years ago who must’ve put a lot of this crap into her head. Most counselors I’ve ever known had so many of their own personal problems that they aren’t really fit to help someone else.
I don’t think I could ever trust another woman enough to marry one again. My wife was the sweetest doting woman I’d ever known before we got married. It was fine until we had kids. At that point I could never do anything right.

No, i can't understand why some men get married more than once. If a relationship's strong, why should it need a legal contract? I think if you're planning a family, it's a good idea. But if you've done all that, and then the relationship's ended, don't get burnt twice!

As to your sex dilemma, have you thought about just going out and paying for it? Or would you find that degrading?
Blessed is the man whose wife maintains a healthy sexual desire. My wife gave up on having sex about 12 years ago after she experienced post menopausal dryness and pain on intercourse. What’s even worse was she also gave up totally, and I mean totally, on anything even remotely resembling intimacy. ...
You have my sympathy. Having experienced something similar, I think people fail to appreciate the dramatic effects menopause can have on some women. It goes well beyond libido, perhaps affecting feelings of empathy and connectedness to significant others. Nominally my wife divorced me because I did not share her evolving religious views. But I suspect that these differences would have seemed less important to her in the absence of shifting hormones, and she has acknowledged her lack of desire for intimacy was a factor. The irony is that as this happened I was improving my own hormonal situation, which strengthened the bond I felt with her. I was fortunate that the changes in her did not affect her basic kindness. Financially speaking she had me by the balls, but instead of crushing she just squeezed enough to cause some minor discomfort. Thus we were able to remain friends, to the extent that I now let her use my guest house, even as I try to move on, emotionally speaking.

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