I've been on a compounded cream for 8 to 9 weeks
this tuesday, wednesday i didnt use it, but today i just did, i felt more tired today
i wont use tomorrow and the weekend if possible
should i just stop cold turkey?
My natty levels before were 360 at my lowest and at my best 450ng, it all depends on the day, for example i noticed i had my levels taken on saturday after a full day of work, im always at 350-360
if i do it on monday after weekend rest and relaxation, i was at 455ng one time
considering the cream is different from injections and doesn't last as long, should i just stop altogether as i just did though i used it
The main reason is my erections are shit even when alone to porn, it was NEVER like this ever in my 39 years. Im actually watching less and less porn for months now. TRT caused this somehow and I read other guys experience it too
quite a few guys on these videos about trt and ED comment their experiences, very similar to mine
It seems during the honeymoon phase, erections get better, then after is all downhill regardless of dosage, and other parameters
Its possible this is caused by TRT messing up with a lot more stuff in the body than people realize
A few comments
this tuesday, wednesday i didnt use it, but today i just did, i felt more tired today
i wont use tomorrow and the weekend if possible
should i just stop cold turkey?
My natty levels before were 360 at my lowest and at my best 450ng, it all depends on the day, for example i noticed i had my levels taken on saturday after a full day of work, im always at 350-360
if i do it on monday after weekend rest and relaxation, i was at 455ng one time
considering the cream is different from injections and doesn't last as long, should i just stop altogether as i just did though i used it
The main reason is my erections are shit even when alone to porn, it was NEVER like this ever in my 39 years. Im actually watching less and less porn for months now. TRT caused this somehow and I read other guys experience it too
quite a few guys on these videos about trt and ED comment their experiences, very similar to mine
It seems during the honeymoon phase, erections get better, then after is all downhill regardless of dosage, and other parameters
Its possible this is caused by TRT messing up with a lot more stuff in the body than people realize
A few comments
I started trt and 4 weeks in I was a bull in the bed..then it seemed to drop off after the 10 week mark. Now I have a issue with maintaining an erection. I’m not horny anymore at all
I've tried 200/week, 100/week, 140, 160, and 180 per week, twice weekly and weekly injections, I even tried both 70/80 a week, then dropped it to 40mg/week and had the most success for the longest period yet out of 3 years of this experiment from hell. But eventually no matter what dose, it always leads to the same issues with ED or anorgasmia. Tried all sorts of anastrozole dosing too, can sometimes help when I get overly emotional and I can feel my e2 is too high, but eventually that causes issues too.
I feel my interest in women increased but my penis has become numb on trt, cant keep it up like i use to. Muscle mass increased, inflamation in body less, performance in sports activity better, libido higher but erections weak
Trt definitely causes ED issues. I was doing injetions 5ml weekly. During this time my libido became great but my ed was way worse! I stopped taking TRT for about 6 months over concern over the ED it was causing me. I noticed during these 6 months that I stopped trt that my ED became non existent which was a sigh of relief I could get rock hard again. However, after a while off of testosterone my sex drive libido plummeted againNow the reason I am so sure is because hating so much to lose this libido I contacted hone did some blood tests again and with a testosterone of only 300 I started the injections again. As soon as I did my ED was back not to mention even taking viagra doesn't help. So I can say without a doubt that trt can definitely cause ED for me!
I have this problem plus sensitivity of my penis lost. I had a rock hard erections before the therapy when my test was below 250 ng/ml. A lot of erection issues after that-soft erection, no sensitivity, it is horrible. Looks like i need to have a private lab at home in order to dial up all these hormones. Who can go for a blood work that often? I am throwing this staff in the garbage . There are alternatives out there much more safe than trt which is basically firing your balls.
Same here! WTF!! Before the TRT a had a rock hard erections and super orgasms . 2 months on the therapy and i not only lost my erection quality but also the sensitivity of my penis. I was forced to take Cialis for the first time in my life and even this has not helped too much. My last tested total test was 1650 ng/dl with 150 mg a week on 3X50 mg every other day protocol. I am stopping this shit . It is just not normal to have a solid erection when the test is 250 ng/dl and almost nothing plus sensitivity loss with test over 1600 ng/dl. I better be with low T instead of low erection quality