Very high trt starting dose?


New Member
After looking over my latest blood results my doctor made the decision to start me on trt. My test levels were 9nmo/l and she also said my gh levels were at 50% of what they should be.
Everything else came back good (Estradiol, liver, kidney, shbg etc)
My concern is the starting dose of 250mg of test e every 5 days... She also wanted to prescribe me hgh but that is not something I can afford.
I am 36, train martial arts and weights 6x a week, eat a healthy diet and drink little alcohol.
Unfortunately I live rural far away from any endos and good medical facilities so I've had to use a sports and anti aging clinic via telemedicine.
I feel as if my starting dose should be much lower. How do I broach this subject with my doctor? Should I start at say 150mg a week (75mg x 2) and just let them know at my 8 week checkup?
I've decided to add 25mg ed MK677 to help stimulate my gh production.
This is all so confusing. I just want to feel better. My anxiety and depression is consuming me...
Woah what doctor is this? Europe?

I would tell her you want to start lower like you said. Then if all is well you have the option of going 200 or more in the future. That's generally not a normal long term solution though...
Woah what doctor is this? Europe?

I would tell her you want to start lower like you said. Then if all is well you have the option of going 200 or more in the future. That's generally not a normal long term solution though...
No I'm in Australia.
All the research I've done indicates this is way too high for long term trt. But what do I start at? 100mg a week? 150mg? I want to split the dose up twice a week as well. Do I just reduce it myself and tell the doc at my 8 week check up that I thought her dose was too high so I lowered it myself? Or do I not tell her and just monitor my own bloods?
I would start out at 125 mg every 5 days, you could even split it up twice weekly. The MK677 may increase your appetite substantially, injectable peptides is best.

Can you please provide the labs that you say are good, more detailed info and you make it better advice.
Yeah do what systemlord says. Tell them that's what you prefer...hopefully they will be fine with it. You're paying them. Might as well be honest.
I would start out at 125 mg every 5 days, you could even split it up twice weekly. The MK677 may increase your appetite substantially, injectable peptides is best.

Can you please provide the labs that you say are good, more detailed info and you make it better advice.
They are sending my labs up with my starter pack. I should have it tomorrow or early next week. I'll post them up as soon as I get them.
They are sending my labs up with my starter pack. I should have it tomorrow or early next week. I'll post them up as soon as I get them.

If you don't mind me asking what's the name of the telemedicine clinic there in Australia?

Would like to spread the word around.
Or alternatively could I use the 250mg e5d as a type of mini blast to take advantage of first time exogenous testosterone and then drop it back after 8 weeks or so to a more appropriate trt dose based on my next bloods?
Worst thing I did in my 5 years of TRT is starting with a dose of 160 mg. It was way too high for me. As the guys above said, lower that dose.
I started at 160 mg and was just fine. But I do agree that starting over 200mg per week is pretty high, of course, without SHBG and T levels it’s hard to say what she’s thinking.
I started at 160 mg and was just fine. But I do agree that starting over 200mg per week is pretty high, of course, without SHBG and T levels it’s hard to say what she’s thinking.
Yer true. I'll look over my results when she sends them through.
I started with 100mg/wk Test-Cypionate (not enanthate)(1 injection every 7 days) and it was like a rocket ship BANG. It felt VERY strong for me, especially since that dose goes on top of my natural production until natural production becomes suppressed.

Here's how I felt on just 100mg/wk:
Immediately confident, focused and mentally relaxed. Within hours I was feeling like physical movements were easier and my muscles were relaxing. Breakout session at the gym. Next day my muscles felt like they were growing at a decent rate. My mood was vastly improved. It's in more detail in my thread but this lasted for the entire 7 days on the first and maybe 2nd shot. By the 3rd shot I started feeling like it didn't last the full 7 days.

A month later I recently upped it to 120mg/wk and again BANG felt like a powerful change. 120mg/wk right now feels VERY potent for me.

I can't speak for your case and I don't give medical advice, going from my low natural levels to my low natural levels PLUS 100mg/wk was a HUGE impact and it felt like nothing I ever felt before. Then going from 100 to 120mg/wk again felt like a huge increase to me. Also again I got Test-Cypionate prescribed, not Tes-e as I think you're going to be on.
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After looking over my latest blood results my doctor made the decision to start me on trt. My test levels were 9nmo/l and she also said my gh levels were at 50% of what they should be.
Everything else came back good (Estradiol, liver, kidney, shbg etc)
My concern is the starting dose of 250mg of test e every 5 days... She also wanted to prescribe me hgh but that is not something I can afford.
I am 36, train martial arts and weights 6x a week, eat a healthy diet and drink little alcohol.
Unfortunately I live rural far away from any endos and good medical facilities so I've had to use a sports and anti aging clinic via telemedicine.
I feel as if my starting dose should be much lower. How do I broach this subject with my doctor? Should I start at say 150mg a week (75mg x 2) and just let them know at my 8 week checkup?
I've decided to add 25mg ed MK677 to help stimulate my gh production.
This is all so confusing. I just want to feel better. My anxiety and depression is consuming me...

It is always best to start low and go slow!

You stated "Everything else came back good (Estradiol, liver, kidney, shbg etc)
My concern is the starting dose of 250mg of test e every 5 days"

You said your SHBG came back did not state HIGH nor LOW.

250 mg every 5 days is ridiculous dose to start on for trt and you do not even have high SHBG.....even if one had high SHBG maybe 200-250 mg/week would be needed and even than in many cases less than 200 mg/week may be all that is needed.

You also state "She also wanted to prescribe me hgh but that is not something I can afford" and "Unfortunately I live rural far away from any endos and good medical facilities so I've had to use a sports and anti aging clinic via telemedicine"

Sports/anti-aging clinic prescribing 250 mg every 5 days as a starting trt dose and offered you hgh because your GH levels are at 50% of what they should be.....seems to me they are pushing this anti-aging thing.

Sure there is nothing dangerous or unhealthy using such dose but highly doubtful it is needed and even than if you do not have high SHBG it is way too high a dose to start on trt.
Or alternatively could I use the 250mg e5d as a type of mini blast to take advantage of first time exogenous testosterone and then drop it back after 8 weeks or so to a more appropriate trt dose based on my next bloods?
This is TRT, you said, and not an AAS cycle: there is no therapeutic indication for a "mini blast." You're starting to restore your normal hormonal levels, not working to ride the rocket. A dose of 250mg/every five days (for eight weeks, you wrote) is likely to spike your estradiol and render any benefits you're receiving from exogenous TRT moot.

Finally, as @madman noted, SHBG isn't "good" or "ba" - it simply is. We play te card we were dealt when designing a protocol. It can't be ignored, it must be known and worked with.
Personally.... I would start at 100 mg x 1/week and go up (or down) from there IF necessary. Also your SHBG may be good now but a "mini-blast" could well lower it as many have seen from using higher levels of Test.
Thank you everyone for your advice. This is all new to me and honestly a bit intimidating. I will be calling my doctor first thing on Monday to have a discussion about my protocol and why she wants me to start so high.
I realise that as a clinic that treats high level athletes and compound their own gear my health is most likely not as important as their cash flow. My options are limited where I live. I understand that I will have to monitor my bloods closely to achieve the best outcome for my health.

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