Uninterrupted Sleep May be More Important Than Amount of Sleep

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
Uninterrupted Sleep May be More Important Than Amount of Sleep

Getting uninterrupted sleep may be more important to people's mood than the overall amount of sleep, according to a new study from Johns Hopkins University.

For the study, 62 healthy men and women underwent a three-day sleep experiment in an inpatient clinical research facility. The participants were randomly selected to either have three consecutive nights of uninterrupted sleep, later bedtimes, or forced awakenings.

The findings, reported Nov. 1 in the journal Sleep, showed that by the second night those with the eight forced awakenings saw a 31 percent reduction in positive mood. Those with a delayed bedtime saw their positive mood decrease by about 12 percent compared to the first day.

This is a very interesting topic because I have my interruption on my sleep very often. Issues from my time in the Army. (I deal with it.)
drug - drug interaction and sleep

Nelson Vergel, I find your post as an opportunity to share my personal experiences with drug interactions that also shade light on sleep interruption among other issues. Most MD lack the education and training and time to help in that mater. I found that the site www.drugbank.ca/ is one of the most comprehensive free data base, which can help in the mater. The site has a section where the known biological interactions for each drug are compiled. Off course not all the data is available, but one can be helped with just some knowledge and motivation . The most basic is to know the generic names of the drugs you take. An extra expertise is the secret ingredient, identifying which carriers are involved in in the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). It is not for everyone but can help many in bringing the combined data to a clinical pharmacist or caring MD for evaluation.
Note the Multidrug resistance protein 1 = MDR protein called also P glycoprotein = P gp is many time involve in increasing drugs penetration to brain and causing sleep interruption by drugs you would not suspect.
Note also that most drugs prescribed for sleep (or the side effect of sleepiness ) many times are of no help probably as a result of taking other durg(s) that competing on same proteins.
Drug interaction checkers most used by MDs are the micromedics and epocrates ignors these most of the metabolic and transporter interactions.

. "BioInteractor utilizes data on drug-target, -enzyme and -transporter associations to provide insight on drug-drug interactions. It allows you to identify, for instance, which drugs act similarly on the same target. Such drugs may have additive pharmacodynamic effects if given concomitantly. Conversely, two drugs may antagonize the beneficial effects of each other by having opposite actions on a specific drug target. BioInteractor uses ranked drug-enzyme association information to predict enzyme-mediated drug interactions that may be clinically relevant."
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