Yes I agree and have questioned it.
increase Based on my latest blood work he said and not much change to mood/symptoms. Total T was sitting at 7-12nmol pre TRT. Now at about 14.9nmol.. Im Not sure where 200mg will put me but il have bloods done in about 6 weeks to see. He also said further blood work before considering an AI (I did ask about having on one standby just in case). He said he's not so much interested in the numbers but my symptoms.
Way too high of a jump going from 125-200mg/week.
A dose increase of 20mg/week can result in a big jump in TT/FT levels.
If I were to increase my dose 10-20mg/week it will result in a 300ng/dL increase in TT.
Keep in mind that you were only injecting Sustanon 125mg once weekly and although your current TT 14.9 nmol/L (430 ng/dL) trough (7 days post-injection) level is sub-optimal that your peak TT/FT levels will be much higher earlier in the week.
The downfall of high dose once-weekly injections is that there will be a big variation between the peak--->trough level and blood levels will not be as stable throughout the week.
125mg every 5 days or increasing the overall weekly dose to 150 mg and injecting 75mg twice weekly (every 3.5 days) would be a more sensible move.
200mg once weekly is going to most likely have your peak TT/FT/e2 levels too high let alone it will drive up your hematocrit/hemoglobin.
Although symptom relief is what truly matters blood work is still critical not only to make sure blood markers are in a healthy range but more importantly minimize any potential negative side-effects as there is such a thing as too high T levels for therapeutic treatment.
On average most men can easily achieve a healthy TT/FT level using 100-150mg/week of T and yes some need slightly higher doses but in many cases, 200mg/week is rarely needed to achieve such.