TRT - Trouble After Years of Success

Can someone please answer whats the diffrence between Estrogen and ultrasenstive estrogen.
You mean estradiol, also known as e2 (men typically only need to monitor this one of the three estrogens produced by the human body). The difference is in the lab test - the (ultra)sensitive test is performed via liquid chromatography, dual mass spectrometry (LC, MS/MS) technology. The standard test, fine for women, unreliable in men, relies on a different procedure. Men have far less estradiol in their system and the more sensitive test is required to sort out the proper level. Typically, the standard test reports higher levels than the (ultra)sensitive test. Your results are not unique, but they are unusual.

If your doctor hasn't been monitoring e2 with the (ultra)sensitive raises significant questions about his/her competence.
Thanks Guys for all the information. Having high estrogen is not fun in fact its misrable. I hope I can get it balance because thete has been a few times I thought I was loosing my mind. It all started when I changed my protocol.
While you have been on "T" for 10 years I recommend you get a great book that covers E2 and other areas that you may not have been aware of.
GetLee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
It covers a wide range of subjects and is recent.
A good read!
Ive been on TRT for 10 years and the last year has been misrable. My Dr had me on 200mg cyp every 10 days , I had prostate issues. I switced to 30 mg 3 times a week thinking that would help with estrogen and it did plus im taking Dim. Ive been able to bring my estrogen down but I dont feel good low sex drive anxiety. My numbers all come back in rage. Im tempted to go back to 100mg once a week any suggestions

I went to 50 ml per wk

I split up to twice wkly

This still has a compounding effect & I have to stop or cut back by end of mo or two

I'm still working it out

I 1st started anastrozole to reduce E & it worked

I have added HcG & it worked its all vital combo

I sure don't know how you did 10 yrs
Ive been on TRT for 10 years and the last year has been misrable. My Dr had me on 200mg cyp every 10 days , I had prostate issues. I switced to 30 mg 3 times a week thinking that would help with estrogen and it did plus im taking Dim. Ive been able to bring my estrogen down but I dont feel good low sex drive anxiety. My numbers all come back in rage. Im tempted to go back to 100mg once a week any suggestions

Hi , as other said . 200 mg every 10 days is far to much.
I am in the process of reducing my test.
Take it slow, work with the people on this forum and check other forum.

Not sure if you take HCG , but you need to check it if you on test.
Something to take care of estrogen is also a must because you taking testosterone.

Go slowly .
If I were you , I'll reduce my test to 60ml a week as a start. Two injections 3.5days.

I will also take low dosage of estrogen controller not blocker - as you need estrogen

Blood test every 4 weeks until it's getting steady. Then tuning with the estrogen controller .

Remember some doctors dont know what they are doing ( lol you have doctor that smoke )
You feel like a bitch because your hormones are playing with you. Control it.
Excersis no matter how you feel .

This is just my opinion only.
Was the 200mg every 10 days what you have been doing for the last 10 years or that's only within the last year when you were feeling bad?
It's been suggested it was a lab error, an ultrasensitive can't be higher than a standard estrogen test, it defies all logic and reasoning.
On Mon my Ultrasenstive was 70 and regular estrogen was 46. Why is my Ultrasenstive so much higher than regular?
I think you've stumped us. As has been noted, there are a handful of members here who do, consistently, post higher, standard estradiol values, but nothing such as you present. Nothing close.

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