TRT - Should I?


New Member
Hey gents,

I'll try to make this short. I am a 32 year old male. Very active. Work out 7 days a week. 7 days with around 1.5-2 hours of cardio and 5 days of 1-1.5 hours of lifting. I have anxiety and depression and ooze stress.

Noticing that despite my rigorous workout schedule some fat was still hanging on (in the midsection (muffin top) for example and even changing diet I started to wonder about my test. I also haven't noticed the muscle growth I'd expect with my exercise level and supplementation of lots of protein, BCAAs, vitamins, etc. For month when I was younger I had test injections but it stopped for reasons I can't remember. Fast forward to now. I order some labs and my test shows, even with lots of working out, at 415nl (LH at 7.8). I have an appointment with a urologist on May 18th and I pretty sure he will prescribe TRT.

I'm just unsure if I want to get it. I've heard about how it atrophies your testicles and you are on it for life and this and that.I worry about estrogen and such too. I mean, should I try just HCG first? Or OTC methods to increase test? I have a month and I have some OTC booster. Should I try it and get retested a couple days before? Or just leave it as is so when the inevitably retest me it comes in similarly? If I do is cream OK or must I do injection?

I have read how TRT has changed lives and I sure could use that. Its actually that pesky anxiety trying to scare me over being forced to be on a substance the rest of my life (though for example I have no such feelings for the people I know on Synthroid), testicular atrophy, mood swings, increased risks of cancer and strokes, etc.

Looking for some real talk from real people. Hoping someone will help, and thank you in advance.
No reason to stress out too much about it.
Many guys on here and other places safely on TRT for over 20 years.
Everyone on here who responds will probably tell you this:
Step 1: Full set of labs (complete/full pre-TRT hormone panel)
Step 2: Possibly re-evaluate how you're working out and why so much (almost certain you're over-training unless you're a professional athlete ;-)
Step 3: No such thing as an over the counter T booster that actually works (just being honest here)
Step 4: Browse this forum, learn what you can, have labs done and then feel free to ask questions (if you can't find an answer here I'd be stunned)

Lastly, if TRT is truly what you need, then adding in hCG will prevent the atrophy you are worried about.
Many of us use it at least twice weekly, some every other day, some daily.

Hope this helps you begin the process!
When you had your labs, was it first thing in the morning and fasting. I believe high-fat diet low carb is ideal for losing weight and building muscle. Also after you workout supplement with high quality whey.
Thanks guys, yes I know the doc will run a complete panel before prescribing. I actually had a CBC with these test labs as well. They were done first thing in the morning with 11-12 hours of fasting (minus water).

I am curious what you think of over-exercising? I am to where I am because results weren't coming. I am thinking low test had to do with that. It also has a byproduct of briefly helping my anxiety and depression.

On the TRT, would it or HCG (or the estrogen blocker) cause any serious risks such as cancer, infertility (once through my divorce I have a great hope of being a dad one day) or anything else?

Thanks so much for the kind and helpful responses.
Oh, and also Vince I always drink a high quality whey protein shake (usually ON) after workout. I have also started supplementing with Casein at night before bed and one in the morning for breakfast.
Stewdoigg - As stated above, full Labs would be great, but at your age, and you're major challenges being a muffin top and tremendous stress, not sure that's enough to go on a medication, at least in my opinion. I have been on testosterone for three years and have never experienced atrophy of the testicles, I know I'm not the norm, but have never taken HCG (although likely will at some point). As far as being on the drug for life...I went off it after one year and my levels went back to almost identically where they were prior to going on therapy, so I never experienced the sub-baseline levels that some guys fear. I believe testosterone to be a safe drug when used correctly, but that's no excuse to go on it if you don't need it. Is injecting small doses of Benzyl Benzoate & alcohol healthy long term? We don't know for sure but certainly have many educated guesses. We'll know more in the next decade, and I've said before that I suspect we'll be doing testosterone replacement therapy very different in the future as this relatively new area of medicine continues to unfold
Stewdoigg - As stated above, full Labs would be great, but at your age, and you're major challenges being a muffin top and tremendous stress, not sure that's enough to go on a medication, at least in my opinion. I have been on testosterone for three years and have never experienced atrophy of the testicles, I know I'm not the norm, but have never taken HCG (although likely will at some point). As far as being on the drug for life...I went off it after one year and my levels went back to almost identically where they were prior to going on therapy, so I never experienced the sub-baseline levels that some guys fear. I believe testosterone to be a safe drug when used correctly, but that's no excuse to go on it if you don't need it. Is injecting small doses of Benzyl Benzoate & alcohol healthy long term? We don't know for sure but certainly have many educated guesses. We'll know more in the next decade, and I've said before that I suspect we'll be doing testosterone replacement therapy very different in the future as this relatively new area of medicine continues to unfold


Respectfully those aren’t my most major challenges. Those are mental/emotional and I have read so many accounts today of guys who sound just like me and TRT changed their lives. That’s my biggest draw. Also, my 415 is with vigorous workout, so if I only worked out a few days a week (compared to most guys who get tested with a relatively sedentary lifestyle) I would probably only be at 350 or less. I think. What do you consider mandatory minimum criteria for TRT? What were your readings before you began and currently? Originals symtpoms?

Respectfully those aren't my most major challenges. Those are mental/emotional and I have read so many accounts today of guys who sound just like me and TRT changed their lives. That's my biggest draw. Also, my 415 is with vigorous workout, so if I only worked out a few days a week (compared to most guys who get tested with a relatively sedentary lifestyle) I would probably only be at 350 or less. I think. What do you consider mandatory minimum criteria for TRT? What were your readings before you began and currently? Originals symtpoms?

415 with vigorous workouts........................I would say look at overtraining as many symptoms can be related to that! Lifting weights only increase testosterone minimally and it is transient if that. Overtraining can cause the exact opposite and lower t as can lack of sleep/stress/poor diet/unhealthy lifestyle factors/excess body fat. With a test level of 415ng/dl unless your free t is extremely low at your age I would STRONGLY consider other factors before jumping into trt as it is definitely no miracle cure for ones ailments and not everyone who goes on trt is going to see improvement in all aspects as many struggle with having a healthy libido.
Another question that should be asked, are you sleeping. You probably know all the benefits of getting a proper night's sleep. So I'm wondering are you getting a good night's sleep?
Honest question, coming from someone who makes a living training other people. Why do you work out so much? That much cardio and lifting everyday? Why? It's probably not doing you any good, either because you're not giving your body enough time to recover or because the intensity of your physical activity is extremely low.
Hey gents,

I'll try to make this short. I am a 32 year old male. Very active. Work out 7 days a week. 7 days with around 1.5-2 hours of cardio and 5 days of 1-1.5 hours of lifting. I have anxiety and depression and ooze stress.

Noticing that despite my rigorous workout schedule some fat was still hanging on (in the midsection (muffin top) for example and even changing diet I started to wonder about my test
. I also haven't noticed the muscle growth I'd expect with my exercise level and supplementation of lots of protein, BCAAs, vitamins, etc. For month when I was younger I had test injections but it stopped for reasons I can't remember. Fast forward to now. I order some labs and my test shows, even with lots of working out, at 415nl (LH at 7.8). I have an appointment with a urologist on May 18th and I pretty sure he will prescribe TRT.

I'm just unsure if I want to get it. I've heard about how it atrophies your testicles and you are on it for life and this and that.I worry about estrogen and such too. I mean, should I try just HCG first? Or OTC methods to increase test? I have a month and I have some OTC booster. Should I try it and get retested a couple days before? Or just leave it as is so when the inevitably retest me it comes in similarly? If I do is cream OK or must I do injection?

I have read how TRT has changed lives and I sure could use that. Its actually that pesky anxiety trying to scare me over being forced to be on a substance the rest of my life (though for example I have no such feelings for the people I know on Synthroid), testicular atrophy, mood swings, increased risks of cancer and strokes, etc.

Looking for some real talk from real people. Hoping someone will help, and thank you in advance.

May or may not apply to you, but sounds similar to this case study just posted here:
May or may not apply to you, but sounds similar to this case study just posted here:

I began reading but unfortunately I could, at best, only identify with maybe 15-20% of his factors. I don't think it applies to me.

I see you guys think 415 with exercise (probably 350-400) is a good number for a 32yo male. Can I get the folks who are taking TRT to tell em what their before numbers were and what he after numbers they are happy with are?

Also wanted to confirm you guys think if I workout less and sleep more my numbers will rise dramatically? When I was first treated for low T (early to mid 20s) I slept much more and was of course younger. I am not sure how it will suddenly rise under the same contusions now that I'm older?

The last comment is with my mood and sense of well being - you guys are seeming to cone as if I just determined this was the issue out of the blue. It was instead a battle I have raged against for roughly 2 decades. I have barely kept it usually under control at great stress. Thinks like Prozac and Kolonpin produced absolutely no relief (I haven't taken any antidepressants or the like for about a decade). I have read stories of men with similar issues (unlike the story above) who's lives were changed by TRT.

Anyhow, what about HCG to raise test if you think I'm not TRT material? Aside from lifting it is the only method I've heard that can raise natural levels. How does it work? Any success stories?
It's sounds like, you talked to TRT doctors. You were treated with low T in the past. What was your protocol back then. Do you still have labs.
I began reading but unfortunately I could, at best, only identify with maybe 15-20% of his factors. I don't think it applies to me.

I see you guys think 415 with exercise (probably 350-400) is a good number for a 32yo male. Can I get the folks who are taking TRT to tell em what their before numbers were and what he after numbers they are happy with are?

Also wanted to confirm you guys think if I workout less and sleep more my numbers will rise dramatically? When I was first treated for low T (early to mid 20s) I slept much more and was of course younger. I am not sure how it will suddenly rise under the same contusions now that I'm older?

The last comment is with my mood and sense of well being - you guys are seeming to cone as if I just determined this was the issue out of the blue. It was instead a battle I have raged against for roughly 2 decades. I have barely kept it usually under control at great stress. Thinks like Prozac and Kolonpin produced absolutely no relief (I haven't taken any antidepressants or the like for about a decade). I have read stories of men with similar issues (unlike the story above) who's lives were changed by TRT.

Anyhow, what about HCG to raise test if you think I'm not TRT material? Aside from lifting it is the only method I've heard that can raise natural levels. How does it work? Any success stories?

In regard to mood, TRT can have a strong impact on mood/anxiety/depression; it certainly did in my case. As for HCG monotherapy, this thread is an account of one member's experience.
I began reading but unfortunately I could, at best, only identify with maybe 15-20% of his factors. I don't think it applies to me.

As far as what appears severe over training, stress, etc, sounds life far more than you realize applies to you. Regardless, how we went about changing it, may be a good guide for you.

I see you guys think 415 with exercise (probably 350-400) is a good number for a 32yo male. Can I get the folks who are taking TRT to tell em what their before numbers were and what he after numbers they are happy with are?

Also wanted to confirm you guys think if I workout less and sleep more my numbers will rise dramatically? When I was first treated for low T (early to mid 20s) I slept much more and was of course younger. I am not sure how it will suddenly rise under the same contusions now that I'm older?

Impossible to know conclusively. The fact remains, excessive exercise, stress, lack of sleep, etc will suppress T and raise cortisol. Your number is not great, but has to be viewed in the context of symptoms and other labs, such as free T, E2, etc.

Whether you get on TRT or not, you'll do yourself a favor by addressing those issues.

The last comment is with my mood and sense of well being - you guys are seeming to cone as if I just determined this was the issue out of the blue. It was instead a battle I have raged against for roughly 2 decades. I have barely kept it usually under control at great stress. Thinks like Prozac and Kolonpin produced absolutely no relief (I haven't taken any antidepressants or the like for about a decade). I have read stories of men with similar issues (unlike the story above) who's lives were changed by TRT.

Anyhow, what about HCG to raise test if you think I'm not TRT material? Aside from lifting it is the only method I've heard that can raise natural levels. How does it work? Any success stories?

This forum is full of success stories. Get the full panel done, work on the issues that may be suppressing T levels, meet with doc, take it from there would be my advice.

- Will @
At this point we're entering the realm of speculation: what might happen, how this variable will be impacted, when that issue is likely to be addressed, if this side effect is likely. All are perfectly good questions, and things we who've been on TRT for a while wondered about before we started treatment. As Will noted in his excellent post, this Forum is replete with success stories, members who overcame the challenges you are dealing with (and others). To be fair, there are active members here who have been disappointed with the results that they've seen with TRT. These guys aren't simply the fellows who fell into the hands of poor doctors that prescribed lousy protocols; some of them are being treated by the leading practitioners in the United States. All of which means there is no guarantee. You've been given a number of lifestyle suggestions that are worth following no matter what you decide to do about TRT, please consider those. And don't overthink this any more have - find a good doctor, not just a local practitioner who has a board certification after their name, and see what sense can be made of the labs and your desires. Please keep us posted!
I agree that that part if not most of your problems may be due to over training. Too much steady state cardio can have a negative impact on cortisol and testosterone. Try switching to a HIIT for your cardio 2-3 x's instead of 7 days a week of SS cardio. It's been proven to burn more calories over a 24 hr period and helps increase T.
Testosterone therapy indeed can help improve testosterone levels in your body and reverse the effects of hypogonadism. And you are in your 40ties or 50ties and you feel energetic, your sex desire is still on point – there is no need for this therapy. You are lucky!
But, for men who are not this case, testosterone supplements and medicaments can help you to feel again young, more vigorous and energetic, like back in the old days. Studies show that testosterone therapy has positive benefits, but men experience different effects and benefits from this treatment. For example, one group of men experience increased muscle mass, but at the same time feeling no changes in their strength.
Testosterone therapy indeed can help improve testosterone levels in your body and reverse the effects of hypogonadism. And you are in your 40ties or 50ties and you feel energetic, your sex desire is still on point – there is no need for this therapy. You are lucky!
But, for men who are not this case, testosterone supplements and medicaments can help you to feel again young, more vigorous and energetic, like back in the old days. Studies show that testosterone therapy has positive benefits, but men experience different effects and benefits from this treatment. For example, one group of men experience increased muscle mass, but at the same time feeling no changes in their strength.
I'm happy that you're posting, when you refer to studies can you post the link.

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