The whole E2 side effects convo is still a very fascinating one to me. I’m not sure what to make of it, tbh. Both sides have good points. And even though I put WAY more weight into real life anecdotes, than studies and/ or what science tries to explain what should be going on, I will admit that it’s not easy for anyone to try and extrapolate what’s going on in these anecdotes of men taking an ai and seeing objective improvements in sexual function, and also improvements in other areas, such as mood and energy, for examples. There’s absolutely no denying that many men have had this experience, and relatively quickly once they take the ai. This is not disputable. It’s happened hundreds and hundreds of times to men on HRT, and again, just can’t be denied. Obviously doesn’t happen everytime, but I’ve read with my own eyes hundreds and hundreds of anecdotes over the years of men taking an ai and seeing improvements in areas such as sexual function, mood, energy, sleep, well being, etc. There’s just no way all these anecdotes can be chalked up to coincidence or dumb luck or what not
What I’m interested in is the why this occurs. What exactly is happening in the body that gives some men improvements when they take an ai. Is it as simple as their E2 comes down a bit, while androgens remain the same, thus improving their T to E ratio, and then consequently feeling better and/ or seeing sexual improvements? I want it to be this simple, but I’m really not sure if it is. I’m legit dying to know tho, I can tell u that! Lol
Another thing to consider, which hopefully might help narrow down what’s going on, would be the fact that it’s extremely common to see men take a DHT derivative, mainly masteron, primobolan and/ or Proviron, and see moderate to drastic improvements in libido, and often times erections as well, but mainly libido. It’s undeniable that DHT derivatives have the reputation to improve sexual function, and often times well being and energy. The question is, however, what mechanism of action from these compounds are causing these improvements? Is it mostly the lowering of E2, or at least the minimizing of E2 effects, while either keeping total androgens the same, or with certain DHT derivatives actually increasing total androgens? Is it mostly the fact that they can give the person similar effects as increasing their DHT level would give them? Is it the combo of lowering E2/ decreasing E2‘s effects, increasing total androgens, and giving the person DHT like benefits all at the same time? Obv there’s a big difference in the mechanism of action between an ai and a DHT derivative, but I can’t help but try to connect what they both might have in common, and why they can sometimes result in similar effects with some guys. Obv not always. I just wonder how much of the sexual improvements from both come from their shared quality of lowering E2. That’s obv the only thing they have in common, as far as I know.
Doss anyone know whether an ai can increase DHT or not? Like if anastrozole deceases the amount of test that gets converted into E2, does that mean there’s more test available to be converted into DHT? Or would the amount of test that’s being converted into DHT remain the same?