Ad hominem attacks, the last refuge of the incompetent. I'm sure this will be your usual hit-and-run approach: Spew insults and make assertions that you can't or won't support. As a matter of fact I have looked at some of the literature. While I never denied that EDCs may be a factor in declining testosterone/semen levels, the hype overshadows the much more influential lifestyle factors that are under our control. If you're obese, sedentary and eat junk then fixing that is going to have much more influence on your health than fretting about EDCs.
All this verbiage and not a shred of support. Not surprising coming from a guy who parrots misinformation about free T and SHBG.
I don't see anybody that has side effects that make it problematic for significant fraction.
That's some kind of statistical miracle. But then you're the guy who doesn't consider high blood viscosity to be a risk factor. That's unfortunate for those you influence and for your patients — assuming you're not just some online poser.