TRT and Arimidex issues


New Member
I started my TRT a few months ago after having some ED and low testostrone numbers. I had very low sex drive or really felt really well at age 39. The doctor after a few weeks prescribed Viagra and that worked fantastic. After a few more weeks I wanted to try something more normal for sex life so we tried 5mg Cialis. This worked very well for 2 weeks. 1st round of blood came back with..

Testostrone around 750 (was 260)
E2 non sensative at 48
Total Estrogen at 188.

The doctor put me on 1mg Arimidex 5 days a week. And then the nightmare begins... the 1st 3 days I felt good I fact sexually I was able to have multiple sex episodes with my girlfriend on 2 of those days. By Friday I could tell my erection quality was getting poor and by Saturday very difficult to get an erection. On Sunday I felt so terriable I spent the whole day in bed to just try to sleep off the crash.

Called the doctor. They told me no way I could of crashed my estrogen that fast. Told me to take 5 days off the AI and go back on it 1 mg 2x a week. Well the whole week no moring wood at all anymore (before this moring wood was always there and getting better with Cialis). No ability to get an erection at all. Went another week of the 2x 1mg arimidex. Can't get an erection at all on Cialis. Tried Viagra nothing at all. Called doctor for blood work. Told me I needed to see head doctor instead because they use 1mg 5 to 7 days a week on all their male patients. We did blood work anyway. No more Arimidex for about a week now. I get weak morning wood and still nothing good for sex. I get a soft rubbery erection from Viagra that doesn't last long. I'm starting to get worried that this Arimidex has messed me up. I was doing very well without it and gaining confidence with sex and improvement overall.

Recent labs have me at

780 total testostrone
24 non sensative e2
65.1 total estrogen

It appears my estrogen is in the tank based on what my body would like to have. I'm worried because I've seen slight improvement in erection as the days go by but no real progress where I can have sex with a woman.

A mild case of ED low T has turned into a huge fiasco. Would you agree it's because of the Arimidex and Estrogen. How long will this go on for?
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I started my TRT a few months ago after having some ED and low testostrone numbers. I had very low sex drive or real felt really well at age 39. The doctor after a few weeks prescribed Viagra and that worked fantastic. After a few more weeks I wanted to try something more normal for sex life so we tried 5mg Cialis. This worked very well for 2 weeks. 1st round of blood came back with..

Testostrone around 750 (was 260)
E2 non sensative at 48
Total Estrogen at 188.

The doctor put me on 1mg Arimidex 5 days a week. And then the nightmare begins... the 1st 3 days I felt good I fact sexually I was able to have multiple sex episodes with my girlfriend om those days. By Friday I could tell my erection quality was getting poor and by Saturday very difficult to get an erection. Ono Sunday I felt so terriable I spend the whole day I bed to just try to sleep off the crash.

Called the doctor. They told me no way I could of crashed my estrogen that fast. Told me to take 5 days off the AI and go back on it 1 mg 2x a week. Well the whole week no moring wood at all anymore (before this moring wood was always there and getting better with Cialis). No ability to get an erection at all. Went another week of the 2x 1mg arimidex. Can't get an erection at all no Cialis. Tried Viagra nothing at all. Called doctor for blood work. Told me I needed to see head doctor instead but we did blood work. No more Arimidex for about a week now. I get weak morning wood and still nothing good for sex. I get a soft rubbery erection from Viagra that doesn't last long. I'm starting to get worried that this Arimidex has messed me up. I was doing very well without it and gaining confidence with sex and improvement overall.

Recent labs have me at

780 total testostrone
24 non sensative e2
65.1 total estrogen

It appears my estrogrn is in the tank based on what my body would like to have. I'm worried because I've seen slight improvement in erection as the days go by but no real progress where I can have sex with a woman.

A mild case of ED low T has turned into a huge fiasco. Would you agree it's because of the Arimidex and Estrogen. How long will this go on for?

You have a fool for a doctor. He tested your estradiol with the wrong test and then prescribed an AI at a dose for a woman recovering from breast cancer. Of course you tanked your E2. Test your estradiol with the sensitive test, for cheap, self-testing (why he ordered total estrogen is a mystery and a waste of your money, it serves no purpose), put the Anastrozole aside, continue with your TRT and your levels will slowly rebound. Then find another doctor. You will never find success with this physician.
I made an appointment to see Shippen next month. Just worried about the sex and erections. With the pills it made life so much better and enjoyable. It saved my relationship and was helping me with the mild ED. Sucks now that all the confidence is gone and im having relationship problems again. Dont blame the woman one bit. I made a complete 360 degree turn around sexually only to have it fail me now once again. Hopefully my body rebounds in a timely fashion.
I made an appointment to see Shippen next month. Just worried about the sex and erections. With the pills it made life so much better and enjoyable. It saved my relationship and was helping me with the mild ED. Sucks now that all the confidence is gone and im having relationship problems again. Dont blame the woman one bit. I made a complete 360 degree turn around sexually only to have it fail me now once again. Hopefully my body rebounds in a timely fashion.

It can take some time, but you'll see your estradiol return to a healthy level. The ignorance of so many doctors, putting patients in misery. Keep us posted as to how things play out. Good luck.
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Is there anything that can help speed up the process. I'm sure natural is the best way to go.

No, there isn't anything more you can do. Estradiol rises in the wake of testosterone. It could take a bit of time, but it will happen. Patience is necessary in every aspect of TRT. You'll be Ok, much better with competent medical care.

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