TikTok and Instgram has changed EVERYTHING.
Macroevolution on AAS.
TikTok and Instgram has changed EVERYTHING.
That's surely implied in your original post, where you speak of "toxic women" ruining men's lives, and then of your realization of the "true nature" of women—after enduring a few failed relationships. Maybe you've been unlucky, or I've been lucky, or both. The women close to me might as well be of a different species when it comes to the stereotype you're constructing. I say be aware of human nature, but in the end judge people as individuals.Who said condemn women's nature? ...
I think Bixt meant if you were literally transplanted your 20year old self into present day.No, my success rate in 2022 would be far higher than when I was young. I know more about how relationships and success works. I genuinely know how to be a growing, better version of myself and encourage those around me to do the same.
You inferred I wanted to condemn women which was not true. I explicitly stated this in my response to you. It is the men's fault for falling victim to feminized thinking. If a woman is being toxic toward her man, I blame the man because ultimately it's his fault for not being a man and putting up with it. Furthermore, of the two sexes only one is burdened with the task of self-accountability. A beautiful woman could essentially be a horrible person, and still find a way to get everything she wants out of life. A man on the other hand, must become. The hero's journey.That's surely implied in your original post, where you speak of "toxic women" ruining men's lives, and then of your realization of the "true nature" of women—after enduring a few failed relationships. Maybe you've been unlucky, or I've been lucky, or both. The women close to me might as well be of a different species when it comes to the stereotype you're constructing. I say be aware of human nature, but in the end judge people as individuals.
An interesting article here on hypergamy, though the popups are annoying. His conclusion:
Men have developed equally self-serving strategies than women have, so don’t uses hypergamy to hate on women. Hate the game, if you want, but not the players. Or, much better, simply learn to enjoy the game and the players.
P.S. The movies also say that it's hilarious to put drugs in people's food at a party. That doesn't work so well in real life either.
This is what bothers me. There are bad men, there are good men. There are bad women and there are good women. I have no axe to grind there. I don't believe either sex has a monopoly on evil.U.S. marriage, alimony and child support/custody laws are skewed heavily in favor of the woman, so until that comes back around, young men (especially entrepreneurs) are really taking a huge risk vs. reward with marriage. Prenups are also very hard to enforce in most states, regardless of how well they are drafted.
"For those saying this is all negativity, you're free to ignore the facts and bury your head in the sand, but this is definitely a sad situation for young men today"Been happily married for 20+ years now - have 3 kids. I think I found that diamond in the rough - the traditional woman - stayed home to raise the kids while I built my business. But 1. I live in the Midwest and 2. vetted her REALLY well - we dated FIVE years before getting married. I met her family and parents many times and her two sisters are also happily married and she has a great relationship with both parents AND respects them. She also takes great care of herself.
In today's market I can't even imagine trying to find a traditional woman in the U.S., especially in a big city. There are tons of red-pill YouTube channels on this, but I can see with ALL the young women I know from 10 to 25 (including my tween/teen daughters), that generation is now completely addicted to social media & entertainment (much more than guys). They are addicted to that Dopamine hit by swiping through apps, getting constant approval online, etc - giving them an unrealistic view of the real world and always looking for the next thing. I even get caught up in social media sometimes.
If I was single again and had the means, I would seriously consider at least looking overseas - and probably Southeast Asia. I've seen a lot if info showing that even Eastern European gals are getting highly westernized, so I'd probably stay away from there.
U.S. marriage, alimony and child support/custody laws are skewed heavily in favor of the woman, so until that comes back around, young men (especially entrepreneurs) are really taking a huge risk vs. reward with marriage. Prenups are also very hard to enforce in most states, regardless of how well they are drafted.
My 17 year old son has a terrific, traditional long-term girlfriend - he's VERY lucky - most of her friends are sleeping around even at her age (not going to pair-bond well when they are older). But even then, I worry when he comes to me some day if they want to get engaged as there is just so much risk involved. I would probably try to put any inheritance he might get into some sort of trust only he can get funds from - I have to look into that. As others have said, I don't blame women, it's just female nature PLUS the current legal/social environment they are in - the perfect storm for where we are now.
For those saying this is all negativity, you're free to ignore the facts and bury your head in the sand, but this is definitely a sad situation for young men today. (and it wasn't exactly easy back when I was young)
Oh, and if I did not want kids, I may well have not even gotten married ... or at least not until my 40's or later. Marriage is a legal contract - the most important contract you will sign in your life - never forget that.
What you describe happens to a lot of men, and divorce lawyers encourage women to claim abuse to bolster her case, kick the man out of the house and gain custody of the children.This is what bothers me. There are bad men, there are good men. There are bad women and there are good women. I have no axe to grind there. I don't believe either sex has a monopoly on evil.
But I do take exception to the way the divorce industry has weaponized the court system to be highly skewed in favor of the women. My wife could easily get a nice divorce "pension" for herself. All she has to do is give herself a few slap marks. Then call up the police, act scared and say that I hit her. I will be taken to jail pronto. Then she files for an order of protection to get me thrown out of the house. Next step is to file for divorce and use the order of protection against me in court to obtain a favorable settlement from a judge who has a soft spot in his/her heart for the little lady. It happens all the time.
It's not likely to happen to me and I don't lose sleep over it. Been happily married for 34 years. But it happens enough that I would never get married again if I somehow ended up being single. I don't know if this is the reason for the decline in rates of marriage, but I suspect it gives some men a reason to think twice about it.
Well said. Simply pointing out the problems men face in relationships in todays world is not condemning women. It's simply stating a fact.I think Bixt meant if you were literally transplanted your 20year old self into present day.
You inferred I wanted to condemn women which was not true. I explicitly stated this in my response to you. It is the men's fault for falling victim to feminized thinking. If a woman is being toxic toward her man, I blame the man because ultimately it's his fault for not being a man and putting up with it. Furthermore, of the two sexes only one is burdened with the task of self-accountability. A beautiful woman could essentially be a horrible person, and still find a way to get everything she wants out of life. A man on the other hand, must become. The hero's journey.
Could be, but perhaps if men learn to recognize that these shaming terms are used to silence any opposing views, then maybe they will be less inclined to remain silent. The more of us who speak out, the less power these "politically correct" woke, censors will have.I think many people are scared to in light of, they need to be "politically correct". The mainstream promotes feminism and bashes "patriarchy". Members of this thread (including myself) will be deemed to be "misogynistic". Terms in my country such as GBV (gender based violence) are used wrongly to further entrench feminism.
this accusation is very substantial. Had she been so inclined she could have caused serious harm to your career. All for what is an innocent and more importantly a research backed statement.we discussed how strange it is that we could be called sexist, which is a substantial accusation, for such an established and well meaning perspective.
Could be, but perhaps if men learn to recognize that these shaming terms are used to silence any opposing views, then maybe they will be less inclined to remain silent.
this accusation is very substantial. Had she been so inclined she could have caused serious harm to your career.
She sounds like a typical feminist. Denying science because it doesn't fit with the narrative, and resorting to name calling rather than having an adult conversation. What these woke people don't seem to get, is that there is nothing wrong with there being differences. Like apples and oranges. Both are fruit, but different. One is not better than the other. Men and women both bring different things to the table and this applies to child rearing as well. There is a lot of science that proves children raised in female only households fair much worse than ones from two biological parents, being a father and mother. The dismissal of fathers as being necessary has been escalating for decades. In some countries, they no longer even require the father's name on a birth certificate. And look at Mother's Day verses Father's day. Mothers are celebrated in the media, while fathers day is often framed in a negative view, or highjacked to celebrate women who are filling both roles.The other day I was talking with two co-workers. One male and one female. The male had just become a father and we were talking about how attached the newborn is to her mother and how he feels he is currently playing a background support role at the moment. The conversation morphed into how a mother and father have different parental roles as evidenced by the newborns attachment to her mother/food source at her very young age. The conversation could have gotten very scientific, diving into neurochemistry and family dynamics, the human maturation process. BUT before that could happen we were called sexist by the female for stating that mothers and fathers are different while equally important. And she was very serious. She stated a woman can fill both roles of mother and father. I stated that there is data that suggests that offspring success rate is higher when both parents are present. Of course there are outliers but the data is there, men are important in child development. Later on we we discussed how strange it is that we could be called sexist, which is a substantial accusation, for such an established and well meaning perspective. But, ya know....feminism.
So bixt I suspect your intuition is correct. People walking on eggshells even when a completely sane perspective is offered.
Long story short, I was with a cluster B chick for years that’s like Johnny’s ex but a lot worse and turned my life inside out much like it did his. I knew what his girl was like once I heard anything about it. It’s always the same shit. Makes dating after on easy mode though if you survive them. I’m easy to please at this point, don’t stab me.Hey everyone. The description of this subforum states that anything goes, but let's see if we can keep this controversial (by today's standards) topic objective and logical, not degrading.
We have all seen some stories in the news lately of full blown Hollywood A listers having their lives turned upside down by toxic women, Will Smith and Jonny Depp. After a few failed relationships of my own I have come to the realization that despite what our culture says, women are not the innocent angels that the movies told me they were.
Has anyone else here taken the red pill and awaken to the true nature of each sex?
If you were red pilled, what's your story?
Are women still the fair maidens that need our chivalrous protection and provisions or are they just biologically programmed to finesse resources?
Any and all red pill/blue pill discussion I find interesting so please contribute if you feel inclined.
If you’re in the top 20% of men, you can still do fine, and it doesn’t take much to achieve that. Don’t be fat, work out, dress nicely, get your shit together. Social media did ruin women but it also ruined men. Most guys now masturbate all day and play video games instead of going outside. I love games but in general guys turned into masturbating dopamine monsters and women turned into cam whores and validation seekers. Social media’s basically porn for women. Both sexes now seemingly live in a porn fantasy world targeted at their gendered inclinations.TikTok and Instgram has changed EVERYTHING. Good luck to the young honest man in the USA trying to find wife material.
If your 20 year old self could travel in time to 2022 he probably wouldn't stand a chance.
This post is so true and I have accepted that women don't love men the same way we love women. They are emotional and the love they feel is an emotional love. If she doesn't have some type of drama or anxiety in her relationship she will get bored and not feel"in love". I used to be susceptable to this need for drama women have and I would engage my emotions into it because I wasn't aware of their nature. Now that I know, I can provide this stimulus in a much more masculine way without getting wrapped around the axle myself. I remember being so befuddled, listening, trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about, explaining my point of view in the most productive way I could. Now I know how to give her that excitemnt, anxiety, etc without torturing myself and she ends up enfatuated. In order to achieve this, be fun to be round, dont make her the center of your Universe, maintain your sex appeal, if she acts up then just stay calm and remove your attention, don't give up your friends and hobbies. The second you start making all these concessions by bailing on your friends, quitting hobbies she doesnt like, gettting fat, her love for you will fade. I used to do what women told me, expressing my emotions, being more sensetive, trying to win her over when things went south. All these behaviors are boring to her and end in disaster eventually. The relationship I am in now is so much better now that I have been guided by wise men instead of women. She is so nice to be around. Gives me any type of sex I want and enjoys making me happy and she is crazy about me. Weird thing is she would still ask me to make all the concessions I previously mentioned and she is unaware that she'd losed attraction for me and it would all come crashing down.Long story short, I was with a cluster B chick for years that’s like Johnny’s ex but a lot worse and turned my life inside out much like it did his. I knew what his girl was like once I heard anything about it. It’s always the same shit. Makes dating after on easy mode though if you survive them. I’m easy to please at this point, don’t stab me.
My cluster b / BPD ex was about as big of a red pill as I could have swallowed, not that I was ever all that blue. Girls like them do reflect the innate feminine psyche, but it’s also not true to say all women are like that. The way the BPD girls differ is that they have no emotional control. They’re 5 year olds forever with that, or worse. They feel happy, they’re the best human being on the planet and devoted to you like you’re a god. If they’re sad, you turn into the devil and don’t matter and must be destroyed. Most girls indeed are not like that. They’ll feel similar things as crazy girls do, but they’re adults so they calm down or cope or at times laugh at themselves. Not as much as guys do, but it’s there.
Men and women are very different and I think it’s better to approach women and treat them with that in mind. They also will never love men like men love women, male love being closer to the Hollywood movie kind as women only really love children and children love dogs. Girls can suck and get away with nearly everything but they’re still great when you accept that and them as women and don’t pretend they’re dudes with vaginas. People go MGTOW when they don’t accept women for who they are and not the ‘hot dudes with vaginas’ movies have sold people on.
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