So here is an amateur question I asked my doc because I was feeling bad again on the topicals. He said the idea intrigued him.
A thought about topical application. Is it in any way feasible that topical testosterone gets ‘bound' in the lymphatic system and could lead to the elevated salivary levels seen in my last testing? I find it odd that at only 10mg a day my levels were out of range. Coupled with the fact that over the last 3 weeks, my sexual drive and function were diminishing daily, my weakness was coming back, my intense shortness of breath was returning, etc. As a trial, on Monday I injected merely 15mg of T Cypionate and by the next day my penile function was returning, my shortness of breath had abated dramatically and I once again had energy to start doing pull-ups and was able to play soccer with my son. All things that had been increasingly difficult the past few weeks. I do not plan to keep self dosing T, but it was done as a trial with a low amount to see if T levels or the T delivery system could be to blame.
I just can't help but think that even though topicals show high levels via skin prick or salivary, there has to be a reason that serum levels show it to be low. I know the ZRT explanation, but is that a good thing that it is trapped in capillary beds and not detected in serum? Could that imply that somehow it is trapped in surficial tissues and not readily transported to internal organs, deeper muscles fibers, heart, etc? The body is very smart and good at keeping invaders out but sometimes it doesn't know we are trying to help. Once a compound crosses the skin barrier is it distributed freely or is it possible that it can become ‘trapped' in the lymphatic and other systems for ‘filtration' and removal and thereby not available for use where it is needed?