Top 5 Exercises to Help You Gain Muscle

Nice! I wish that my body had the ability to recover from exercise well enough to do that. Even when I was 18 I could never train a body part more than once a week and hope for it to recover before the next workout. Now that I am on TRT and had hoped that my ability or speed at which I recover from a workout and get stronger would have improved, but I have found that it has not. And yes, I am getting plenty of protein, good macros, good sleep...its just not something my body seems to be able to do. I am not an Ectomorph, never have been, but my body thinks it is...
I work out my entire body every other day and use moderate weight (mostly machines and cables) since back, guad and hand surgeries (unrelated to working out) in the past few years. I think I am the biggest I have been even with TRT+ HCG and moderate weight settings. My friends think I am lying. :)

Nelson you look jacked, you have great muscle separation!!!! Several different ways to success in fitness and all in life in general.... I have modified mine over 20 years and comfortable with what I do (never had a serious injury or surgery).... A lot of people hate to admit it but genetics play a big role too...
Of course, I have been working out since I was 23 (I am 56 now). After wasting due to HIV and losing 25 pounds in 1992, I built 35 pounds with two cycles on nandrolone plus testosterone over 20 years ago and stayed on low dose nandrolone + TRT until 2004. Then just TRT for a few years until I brought in HCG.

I stay lean but that also has a reason that most people do not know. One of the old HIV drugs actually kills your fat cells under the skin (this is called lipoatrophy). In fact, it does it so well and that your face and ass sink in. I even created a website called .

My longest break from the gym was 1 month due to surgery. I never skip although some bad weeks I work out only twice. I am also short (5'7") with stocky genes from my dad (this helps!).
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Of course, I have been working out since I was 23 (I am 56 now). After wasting due to HIV and losing 25 pounds in 1992, I built 35 pounds with two cycles on nandrolone plus testosterone over 20 years ago and stayed on low dose nandrolone + TRT until 2004. Then just TRT for a few years until I brought in HCG.

I stay lean but that also has a reason that most people do not know. One of the old HIV drugs actually kills your fat cells under the skin (this is called lipoatrophy). In fact, it does it so well and that your face and ass sunk in. I even created a website called .

My longest break from the gym was 1 month due to surgery. I never skip although some bad weeks I work out only twice. I am also short (5'7") with stocky genes from my dad (this helps!).

I am with you on the genes as I am a copy of my dad and I rarely miss the gym too... Thanks for all you do and you look great and are an inspiration to all!!!
Of course, I have been working out since I was 23 (I am 56 now). After wasting due to HIV and losing 25 pounds in 1992, I built 35 pounds with two cycles on nandrolone plus testosterone over 20 years ago and stayed on low dose nandrolone + TRT until 2004. Then just TRT for a few years until I brought in HCG.

I stay lean but that also has a reason that most people do not know. One of the old HIV drugs actually kills your fat cells under the skin (this is called lipoatrophy). In fact, it does it so well and that your face and ass sunk in. I even created a website called .

My longest break from the gym was 1 month due to surgery. I never skip although some bad weeks I work out only twice. I am also short (5'7") with stocky genes from my dad (this helps!).

Wow- that's interesting. Thanks for sharing Nelson.

When I was younger (mid 1990s), I knew a family friend who looked like a mild to moderate version some of those illustration pictures. If I thought about it, I would have imagined this was due to wasting (he was HIV+ and eventually died of AIDS-related complications), but perhaps lipoatrophy due to medication was at play.
You got that built with cables and machines only ? I know this is an old post But that's impressive would like to know what your routine is ?
Free weights are also the number one source of injury. I hardly use them. I focus on cable and other machines as I grow older. Luckily, I have not injured myself in 30 years. I see guys doing free weights during the first 6 months at the gym and injuring themselves. This gets them out of the game.

Free weights should be used by people who know what they are doing and are strict with their form. Not for beginners. My two cents.

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