I have done a modified PSMF diet and have lost a total of 30lbs in 3 mos. Body fat went from 24% to 12%, muscle mass decreased about 6-7lbs. My waist was 36", now 31".
Avg macros:
Before diet:
kcals: 2000-2350
pro: 165-175g
cho: 50-75g
fat: 125-150g
During diet (after 6 weeks, increased pro + cho):
kcals: 1100-1500
pro: 175-200g
cho: 25-75g
fat: 35g
I struggled with recomp for many years thinking fat is not the enemy but not considering the long-terms effects on body comp in that it has over twice as many calories per gram as protein or carbs. I still find it hard to believe the culprit was dietary fat and CICO.
I want to be around 8% bf which I'm not too far away from, but don't want to lose more lean mass.
Any suggestions to lean bulk at this point?
3g pro per kg (~225g)? Keep fat low; increase carbs on refeeds.
Avg macros:
Before diet:
kcals: 2000-2350
pro: 165-175g
cho: 50-75g
fat: 125-150g
During diet (after 6 weeks, increased pro + cho):
kcals: 1100-1500
pro: 175-200g
cho: 25-75g
fat: 35g
I struggled with recomp for many years thinking fat is not the enemy but not considering the long-terms effects on body comp in that it has over twice as many calories per gram as protein or carbs. I still find it hard to believe the culprit was dietary fat and CICO.
I want to be around 8% bf which I'm not too far away from, but don't want to lose more lean mass.
Any suggestions to lean bulk at this point?
3g pro per kg (~225g)? Keep fat low; increase carbs on refeeds.