I’ve actually worked with hundreds of people over the years on HRT, though I never thought I’d need it because I looked and felt like someone on HRT anyway, most people assuming I was on it. At the end of the day we’re all figuring this out together and everybody’s different. It wasn’t that long ago that people only injected once a week or once every two weeks. You have to dial in your own protocol yourself and trust yourself, how you feel, and bloodwork above anyone on the internet. Although I would agree that if you’re just starting off things can be weird for people, it does appear to be indecisive nitpicking if you’re trying to give something 3 full months to evaluate in most cases.
Your points on exogenous hormones for most other therapies not precisely corresponding to natural levels is also very true. Hell, even with how your average PCP type would handle TRT with giving you one shot every two weeks.
There’s also the matter of whether you want to consider this testosterone therapy or testosterone replacement therapy, the former being what most guys actually use and benefit from. Although you should do your best to get things in check naturally before doing anything like HRT, it probably is the case in many people that testosterone is being used as a therapy for something they may not be able to otherwise address naturally, or for simply having been dealt a bad genetic hand. I can see no reason to fault anyone for using it in that manner if they do it responsibly. This is an extreme example, but most professional athletes in sports with money on the line and actors known for their physiques are all on HRT. As are executives in Silicon Valley and otherwise. Go ahead and be satisfied with the hand you were dealt though, even if you don’t have so much as a pair of 2’s.
In all things, find a doctor you trust that has experience, do your research, ask everybody, and be the one in charge of your own health because no one knows what it’s like to be you but you. If you feel better and your blood work’s great at higher levels like 1300-1500 and you’re not having negative side effects, I can’t see a reason not to do that.
Drumroll, please!.....
Personally, MY protocols settle in after 3-4 weeks and feel the same thereafter. As do EVERYONE'S that I’ve PERSONALLY known doing HRT.
I’ve actually worked with hundreds of people over the years on HRT...
.....and still clueless about how exogenous esterified T works
No one and I mean no one is settled let alone has adapted to a protocol 3-4 weeks in when hormones are in FLUX let alone dialed-in at 6-8 weeks!
Even then once blood levels have stabilized 4-6 weeks (TC/TE) it will take a few months for the body to adapt to those new levels (setpoint) and this is the critical time period when one should truly gauge how they feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-T symptoms let alone CLAIM whether the protocol was truly a success or failure.
The first 6 weeks mean nothing when looking at the bigger picture!
Yes, this is whether one is starting trt or tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency).
Even more critical when first starting TRT due to shut-down of the HPG AXIS!
Every protocol needs to be given a fighting chance.....12 weeks to truly claim success or failure.
You have to dial in your own protocol yourself and trust yourself, how you feel, and bloodwork above anyone on the internet.
True within reason.....first and foremost you need to understand how exogenous T works let alone have sense in your head before taking such an approach.
Although I would agree that if you’re just starting off things can be weird for people, it does appear to be indecisive nitpicking if you’re trying to give something 3 full months to evaluate in most cases.
A bit weird to say the least.
Hormones are in FLUX during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks).
Again blood levels are rising week after week and it is common for one to experience ups/downs during the transition.
This is where many fail jumping the gun 6 weeks in and tweaking their protocols left and right because they do not feel well.
It's called LACKING the understanding of how exogenous esterified T works.
Top it all off that the HPG axis takes time to fully shut down (2-6 weeks) depending on the dose of T used (higher doses of T have been shown to result in quicker suppression).
Had to lay this out again
.....it does appear to be indecisive nitpicking if you’re trying to give something 3 full months to evaluate in most cases.
Let me get this right here.
Most men suffering from hypogonadism go undiagnosed for years before looking into things let alone hopping on trt yet putting in the 12 weeks needed to truly gauge whether a protocol is a success or failure is considered indecisive nitpicking let alone in most cases?
That is just downright embarrassing not to mention you already stated.....
Personally, MY protocols settle in after 3-4 weeks and feel the same thereafter. As do EVERYONE'S that I’ve PERSONALLY known doing HRT.
I knew right off the bat after you made such a statement that you were blowing smoke out your ASS!
There’s also the matter of whether you want to consider this testosterone therapy or testosterone replacement therapy, the former being what most guys actually use and benefit from.
TRT, TOT.....so-called OPTIMAL.....blurred by most!
*The goal of TRT is to replace physiological levels of testosterone through the use of exogenous testosterone in order to achieve a healthy TT/FT level which will result in the relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time minimizing/avoiding any potential side effects (cosmetic/overall health) while keeping blood markers HEALTHY LONG-TERM!
In many cases, we are all running what would be considered supra-physiological as
many tend to feel better running higher/slightly higher-end trough TT/FT level let alone many are running what would be considered absurdly high trough TT/FT levels.
Comes down to the individual and where they feel FEEL BEST whether running a trough TT 600-1200 ng/dL with FT 20-30 ng/dL or TT 1500+ with FT 50-80 ng/dL.
Most men can easily achieve a healthy let alone very high trough FT (30-40+ ng/dL) with a trough TT 1000-1300 ng/dL and yes that is even men with highish/high SHBG!
Unfortunately, most are clueless as to where their FT level truly sits as they use/rely upon inaccurate assays.
Many are running levels much higher than they think.
Unfortunately, some of these same individuals are struggling.
Any man that truly
far from common) let alone
very common) to run absurdly high trough FT 50-80 ng/dL would be running a trough TT 1500-2000 ng/dL.
If one truly feels their best at such levels, side-effect free, and overall blood markers are healthy then it is what it is.....to each his own.....do what you feel is best for you.
Although you should do your best to get things in check naturally before doing anything like HRT, it probably is the case in many people that testosterone is being used as a therapy for something they may not be able to otherwise address naturally, or for simply having been dealt a bad genetic hand. I can see no reason to fault anyone for using it in that manner if they do it responsibly. This is an extreme example, but most professional athletes in sports with money on the line and actors known for their physiques are all on HRT. As are executives in Silicon Valley and otherwise. Go ahead and be satisfied with the hand you were dealt though, even if you don’t have so much as a pair of 2’s
Hate to burst your bubble here but if you think that running what would be considered the so-called TOT/HRT (trough TT 1500-2000 ng/dL with trough FT 50-80 ng/dL) whatever the f**k you want to call it will result in
everyone feeling their best, let alone packing on any significant amount of muscle you are out to lunch.
Top it all of that genetics (which many lacks) will have the final say!
Many men on TTh will and do feel great running much lower T levels.
Although having healthy T levels let alone following a proper diet/training protocol will result in improvements in body composition (muscle gain/fat loss) there is no comparison between TRT, HRT, so-called OPTIMAL bullshit, and using/abusing AAS for the sole purpose of muscle/strength gains.
Huge difference when it comes to the muscle/strength gains one would achieve on TRT, HRT, so-called OPTIMAL using your standard HRT protocols 100-200 mg T/week as oppose to using/abusing T (400-600 mg T/week) for the sole purpose of gaining muscle/strength.
Many of these muscle-bound actors are using/abusing T in much higher doses (300-600 mg T/week) whether cycling/blasting and cruising.
Even many athletes in the off-season are using doses much higher than HRT, so-called OPTIMAL.
Many have a past history of steroid abuse (T/AAS)!
I can see no reason to fault anyone for using it in that manner if they do it responsibly.
Using/abusing T/AAS (400-600 mg/week) for the sole purpose of gaining muscle/strength.....sure!
Unfortunately, this has absolutely nothing to do with TRT, HRT, so-called OPTIMAL bullshit.
Using such doses whether cycling, blasting/cruising have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining long-term health!
Plain and simple.
In all things, find a doctor you trust that has experience, do your research, ask everybody, and be the one in charge of your own health because no one knows what it’s like to be you but you. If you feel better and your blood work’s great at higher levels like 1300-1500 and you’re not having negative side effects, I can’t see a reason not to do that.
The only sensible thing you stated as the SHIT STORM OF SMOKE CLEARS!