Testosterone & Social Anxiety


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Hi Guys
What can anyone tell me about Testosterone & Social Anxiety ?
I've suffered from SA for years and since starting taking T I've noticed I'm alot calmer, when in conversation I can hold eye contact not a bother now, I can think about what I'm saying rather then being anxious and feeling uncomfortable and I'm totally at ease and feeling like I felt before ever suffering SA I remember what that was like and I'm starting to feel like my old self again , the more I think about it I'm convinced my SA started when my T started to lower initially, anyone any experience of this?
Hi Guys
What can anyone tell me about Testosterone & Social Anxiety ?
I've suffered from SA for years and since starting taking T I've noticed I'm alot calmer, when in conversation I can hold eye contact not a bother now, I can think about what I'm saying rather then being anxious and feeling uncomfortable and I'm totally at ease and feeling like I felt before ever suffering SA I remember what that was like and I'm starting to feel like my old self again , the more I think about it I'm convinced my SA started when my T started to lower initially, anyone any experience of this?

If you were not experiencing anxiety due to a neurotransmitter imbalance than low t may very well have been the culprit. Most will experience a reduction/improvement in anxiety even to the point of not experiencing it anymore once their testosterone levels are optimized as trt has positive effects on mood/well being. I definitely feel more upbeat/outgoing/confident since starting trt. Wish I would have started sooner as I struggled for many years especially with depression. Testosterone is truly a life changing hormone when levels are healthy/optimal!
For the past 10-15 years I noticed I started getting shy and had SA, it happened so slowly that I didn't notice it. Now I'm more outgoing, confident, calmer and SA is gone. I think people would see me look away when we were in conversation, I realised I was doing it and that it wasn't who I am at all. It all melted away in 3 months and can only imagine where I'll be in another 9 months.
I'm a manager at my job. I supervise 10 people. I never held meetings and was just scared to meet with my team. My team was chaotic. I was a meek leader. I avoided confrontation, sat at my desk, never spoke up, etc. My team was actually bullying me!

I started testosterone after going to the doc with complaints of feeling run down, lack of libido, gaining belly fat, even though I was not getting bigger elsewhere, testicle pain, softer erections, etc. They did bloodwork. First test was 290 and the second was 277, all at Labcorp. It took several months, but I started speaking up more. I started giving my opinion. I then held my first team meeting, after being a manager for 6 years. As the time passed, I became more confident, more assertive and stepping up.

Now, I became more confident and assertive, but not aggressive. I was actually calmer, more focused. People started noticing the difference. I'm more of an 'alpha' male but in a calmer, more focused fashion. It was strange. I was non confrontational, but I would be very irritable, and fly off the handle. I was like a PMS'ing woman. It took a couple of years, but TRT make a difference. I'm off of venlafaxine now and I don't have anxiety or panic anymore. My waist is down to a 34, from 40, I'm not tired in the afternoon, and I'm just generally in a happy mood. Sex is great, strong erections and I even last longer now.
In my own case, I'd argue that my anxiety was moderated by rising estradiol levels (along with the rising testosterone). I say that because I had absurdly low e2 at the start of TRT - osteopenia was diagnosed. While it took the usual time it takes most of us to balance my testosterone at a consistent level, estradiol rose to a healthy level and stayed there. As it did any anxiety I had resolved itself.
Hey, hi there, new here. this site came at the right time. I was confused, because even though I had set out on a mission of forgiving and letting go, instead, I stood up and stated on FB "I am dropping all hypocrites, users, bullies et... from my FB" and proceeded to put initials of people concerned. The point was I stood up for myself. Here were I live, I would do everything at night to avoid meeting people. Now I am up and about and walk with a confident stride. I was afraid to go out before. I have been taking Testosterone, HCG and B 12 and something else, plus DHEA and Anastrozole for almost two months. I can now walk (without sciatica) for 20 blocks. I could not do more than 2 blocks before and if so with severe pain. Simple change: I live in a duplex and in order for people not to see me, I would do my laundry at night. Yesterday, I did tons of laundry during the day. I "got a new attitude" and yes the changes started slow. I mean the Social Anxiety. and have taken Tradozone, Xanax, Blood Pressure meds etc. Oh boy, I have a new life. Thanks
Jez Guys, thanks for all that, over the years I was all the above, couldnt go to a bar with friends lost friends, I really felt I'd alot happen me, from having low t I didn't know about and going through all those symptoms that comes with low t, bad erections no erections no libido fat around belly no where else really looked outa shape, terrible mood low mood depressed weak exhausted fatigued down all the time, and on top of all that social anxiety, what all that did to my head was the worst , askn myself how am I like this am I just unlucky or was this just me, looking back im lucky to be still standing and although I'm in a way way normal place now, and feel fantastic ive lost 3 stone, feel good look good have strength. The person I was is gone but mentally I'm so angry and upset for the life ive had to live for years and I accepted that life as I knew no better back then... im angry at my doc who for years never tested me for low T and when he did I was down to 175 ng/dl and possibly like that for years.
Still onwards and upwards eh
Thanks all, least now I know even the SA was related to having low T
Yep. I experienced some anxiety too with work, colleagues, friends and especially clients. I'm much calmer now and adapt much better. Like you I wonder how much better my life would have been had I started treatment sooner. But I can't change the past so I look forward to a healthy me. Glad you got on the right track.

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