Testosterone propionate for TRT

I had tried Prop for a good 3 month run using about 120mg/wk SubQ ED and I loved it except for the PIP... no matter where I injected I always had a tolerable but annoying painful/tender injection area, sometimes a small lump that went away in about a day or two... If not for the annoying PIP I would use Prop no question.. I did feel stronger and had more energy and it made sense using a faster acting ester since Im injecting ED anyway.. because the PIP became so annoying I started cutting my prop with Cyp (50/50) and it seemed to work pretty well at reducing PIP and I seemed to still retain some of the benefits of using straight prop... Unfortunately I can't get a 50/50 prop/cyp blend so I am using a 50prop/200cyp (250mg total) blend from my docs compounding pharmacy. Im thinking about seeing if my doc can get me a seperate prop script along with my cyp script and then I will just cut myself...
i was thinking about doing this myself too Billy.

Using a sterile vial and mixing Test enanthate and prop together in the vial in either 50/50 or 75/25 mix (TE/TP)

And pinning every day.

I was wondering if this would create a better version of Sustanon 250. As it would eliminate the longer esters which are in Sustanon which 'seem' to create havoc for some lads!
When I had my short Prop trial they had me on 25mg/Day and the vial strength I could get from Hallandale was only 50mg/mL so I had to shoot .5ml each day which was just a small part but of the large picture why I didn't like it.
@Vince Carter
Thats a shitbag Vince. All of the prop in europe comes in 100mg /1ml which would make it more tolerable.

What would be your personal view on mixing Enanthate or cyp with Propionate to create a blend Vince?
( Say 25% prop / 75% Enan )....and then pin every day.

Do you think this would create the 'magic' that some experience on Sustanon, but without the negs from the very longer esters that are in Sustanon?

My doc will write me a script for both ( prop and enanthate )

Has anyone given this a bash yet do you know?
Ive got myself some of this from the pharmacy Tommy. ( i asked my trt doc to give me a script of it, with the intention of trying it once my enanthate runs out.)

Whats your protocol with it?

Im a massive outlyer, a huge hyper responder to test. i only use 55mg per week and pin every day ( 55mg/7)...this gives me optimal levels of test shgb and e2. ( on paper)

But to be honest, ive never felt awesome, even though my numbers on paper are good, and had heard so many good things ( and bad) about sustanon 250.

Are you pinning every other day?
I want to keep my protocol as simple as possible so I do not pinn every day. 50mgx2/w keep my levels high enough. I could even go lower because I really don´t feel a lot from going up or down within 20mg. I don´t want to overthink TRT at all anymore and don´t wake up in the morning worring about how I feel and if I had a good morning erection and dwelling on my e2 etc... I´m done with these things and doing fine like that. Regarding my own experience of using Testoviron and Sustanon is that the later one makes me feel better, less red face, less hot, etc,, However we are all different so give it a try for a month or so and let us know how it went. Good Luck!
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Ive got myself some of this from the pharmacy Tommy. ( i asked my trt doc to give me a script of it, with the intention of trying it once my enanthate runs out.)

Whats your protocol with it?

Im a massive outlyer, a huge hyper responder to test. i only use 55mg per week and pin every day ( 55mg/7)...this gives me optimal levels of test shgb and e2. ( on paper)

But to be honest, ive never felt awesome, even though my numbers on paper are good, and had heard so many good things ( and bad) about sustanon 250.

Are you pinning every other day?

I was on testosterone Propionate for over 4 months. At first I had a huge increase in energy and wellbeing but it was short lived (probably due to the long estered testosterone that we’re still around)
I switched to sustanon 250 a week ago because I’ve read the same. It was designed to limit the conversation to estrogen and decrease frequency of injections. I do want to feel the benefits of Testosterone Propionate in the Sustanon so I inject daily.

I’ve only been on one week so it could be placebo effect but one thing I do feel is being more steady as opposed to edgy and angry. Only time will tell until the long esters build up in the system. I’m injecting 27mg daily.

I’ll keep everyone posted.
@Vince Carter
Thats a shitbag Vince. All of the prop in europe comes in 100mg /1ml which would make it more tolerable.

What would be your personal view on mixing Enanthate or cyp with Propionate to create a blend Vince?
( Say 25% prop / 75% Enan )....and then pin every day.

Do you think this would create the 'magic' that some experience on Sustanon, but without the negs from the very longer esters that are in Sustanon?

My doc will write me a script for both ( prop and enanthate )

Has anyone given this a bash yet do you know?
I use a blend of 20 percent Propionate and 80 percent cypionate every 3 days and I feel great
I was on testosterone Propionate for over 4 months. At first I had a huge increase in energy and wellbeing but it was short lived (probably due to the long estered testosterone that we’re still around)
I switched to sustanon 250 a week ago because I’ve read the same. It was designed to limit the conversation to estrogen and decrease frequency of injections. I do want to feel the benefits of Testosterone Propionate in the Sustanon so I inject daily.

I’ve only been on one week so it could be placebo effect but one thing I do feel is being more steady as opposed to edgy and angry. Only time will tell until the long esters build up in the system. I’m injecting 27mg daily.

I’ll keep everyone posted.
please do @madhacker
@Vince Carter
Thats a shitbag Vince. All of the prop in europe comes in 100mg /1ml which would make it more tolerable.

What would be your personal view on mixing Enanthate or cyp with Propionate to create a blend Vince?
( Say 25% prop / 75% Enan )....and then pin every day.

Do you think this would create the 'magic' that some experience on Sustanon, but without the negs from the very longer esters that are in Sustanon?

My doc will write me a script for both ( prop and enanthate )

Has anyone given this a bash yet do you know?
My use of Prop and then Enanthate one their own didn't show me any reason to try a blend. In the end I had wondered if a faster ester would give my body less chance to aromatase but that wasn't the case. I don't think a blend would be any different for me.
Its worth trying for you guys, just didn't work for me.
I just started propionate 3 days ago after trying to get Cypionate, enanthate and topicals to work for me for well over nine years. Man what a difference! It ramps up until 4-5pm and starts to subside and just feels more natural. I have very high shbg in the 65-75 range typically. I’m only using 10mg per day to start with nothing else. I realize it contains the same molecule as all the rest, but for me this is a totally different animal. Today is 14 days without any Cypionate so perhaps I might have to bump the dose up ever so slightly after a few weeks. I’d give it a 9.5 out of 10 for sure.
Do you still like the prop? I’ve read some of your other posts and I know you’ve been at this for a while. Was it you that at some point moved to a very low dose of cyp (like 60mg 1xweek)?
Anyone have updates on their tests with Prop? I've been on cyp for 7 years and struggled with water weight the whole time. Finally fed up with it and want to try a trial of a short ester to see how I do. I've been injecting EOD for years so I know I can keep it up and ED wouldn't be that big a change.

I am really eager to see how some variation in my T levels makes me feel. Curious how you guys have responded if you've kept trying it over time.
Anyone have updates on their tests with Prop? I've been on cyp for 7 years and struggled with water weight the whole time. Finally fed up with it and want to try a trial of a short ester to see how I do. I've been injecting EOD for years so I know I can keep it up and ED wouldn't be that big a change.

I am really eager to see how some variation in my T levels makes me feel. Curious how you guys have responded if you've kept trying it over time.

I’ve done ok with prop. Seems about the same experience that I’ve had with cyp, maybe a little better, but overall I don’t think I’ve noticed many differences, if any.

I’m switching over to creams as soon as Empower ships out my prescription. Should be this week. Have you considered using creams? If you’re looking for variation in levels, creams might be just what you’re looking for.
I’ve done ok with prop. Seems about the same experience that I’ve had with cyp, maybe a little better, but overall I don’t think I’ve noticed many differences, if any.

I’m switching over to creams as soon as Empower ships out my prescription. Should be this week. Have you considered using creams? If you’re looking for variation in levels, creams might be just what you’re looking for.

Interesting. I would have expected more differences in cyp vs prop just knowing how differently the esters behave and clearance time, etc. What motivated you to move to creams? Are you doing scrotal ones or arms/back?

I started my TRT experience many years ago with Androgel. It failed to raise my levels much but helped with some subjective quality of life stuff. My doc at the time pulled me off of it and put me on cyp which I've been on ever since. Part of me wishes I'd stayed with it as I think chasing numbers is kind of a losing game. I may lower my dose for a bit and see how I do. I have had blood levels in the past that were considered optimal for both TT, FT, and E and I didn't feel great.

Honestly I've never felt fantastic on injections, but testosterone helped return my libido and erection quality and that has been worth it. At the same time, I've gained a steady 20lbs and have looked "soft" the whole time, whether my E2 has been normal, normal-borderline-high, low, and crashed through the floor. I suspect it's something about the T itself and likely the ester as other guys have reported similar kinds of things.

I went through a few years before getting on TRT where I had no nocturnal erections, low libido, and difficulty maintaining erections. I'm 38 now and don't want my sex life to decline or have roadblocks, so I'd have to see what the creams would mean for my wife and I. What cream are you going on? What's the application frequency and location?

Any other thoughts on what I've mentioned?
Interesting. I would have expected more differences in cyp vs prop just knowing how differently the esters behave and clearance time, etc. What motivated you to move to creams? Are you doing scrotal ones or arms/back?

I started my TRT experience many years ago with Androgel. It failed to raise my levels much but helped with some subjective quality of life stuff. My doc at the time pulled me off of it and put me on cyp which I've been on ever since. Part of me wishes I'd stayed with it as I think chasing numbers is kind of a losing game. I may lower my dose for a bit and see how I do. I have had blood levels in the past that were considered optimal for both TT, FT, and E and I didn't feel great.

Honestly I've never felt fantastic on injections, but testosterone helped return my libido and erection quality and that has been worth it. At the same time, I've gained a steady 20lbs and have looked "soft" the whole time, whether my E2 has been normal, normal-borderline-high, low, and crashed through the floor. I suspect it's something about the T itself and likely the ester as other guys have reported similar kinds of things.

I went through a few years before getting on TRT where I had no nocturnal erections, low libido, and difficulty maintaining erections. I'm 38 now and don't want my sex life to decline or have roadblocks, so I'd have to see what the creams would mean for my wife and I. What cream are you going on? What's the application frequency and location?

Any other thoughts on what I've mentioned?

On prop, I don’t really like my E2 to free T ratio. I can’t get my free T past mid range, yet my E2 was in the 70’s on my last bloowork. To get my E2 in the 70’s, my total T usually has to around 1800. Right now total is around 1000. But my dose is pretty high. So I don’t really want to raise my dose anymore to improve my free T. Plus it’s getting a little costly, since prop is more expensive, and it’s only 100mg/ml instead of 200mg/ml like cyp and enanthate. Im on the equivalent of almost 200mg/ week of cyp. Prop also can leave my thighs a little sore from the injections. The other reasons I want to switch to creams is because I haven’t really felt much different on prop than cyp. I still have quite a bit of brain fog. Libido is good, but definitely could be better. And I’ve just heard so many good things about creams. I also like the fact that if you want a stronger libido, you just apply more cream to the testicles than other areas. And I like the fact that I wouldn’t have to inject myself. I don’t mind the injections all that much, but I think I’d much prefer to just rub a little cream on my body.

I’m very worried about hair loss, so I’m not going to let DHT go too high. There’s many guys on the fb group I am apart of, which consists of many members on creams, that have reported not having any hair loss on TRT until they raised their DHT too high with scrotal applications, and then saw things improve when they stopped applying it to the scrotum. So my plan is to apply it to areas like the back of the knees, tops of the feet, front of the neck, and possibly armpits, and then see where that gets my T levels, and DHT levels. If T levels look good, and DHT isn’t too high, I’ll probably apply one click to the scrotum, along with applying the other clicks to the other areas I mentioned, and see how much that brings up my DHT. On cyp and prop, my DHT is usually at the top end of the range, or slightly over. Around the 90-100 mark. So I’m interested in seeing how libido is when I raise it a little past that. Don’t want to go too crazy though, to avoid the risk of any hair loss. But I like the fact that I can manipulate DHT and libido just by where I apply the cream. It’s a nice flexibility to have, imo.

The cream is a 20% concentration I believe. It’s 50mg per click, and a click is a 1/4 ml. I plan on trying both once per day, and twice per day applications. Many men do well on twice per day it seems, but someone on here said everything clicked when he went to once a day, from twice a day, so I’d like to see if I notice any differences between the two.
Anyone have updates on their tests with Prop? I've been on cyp for 7 years and struggled with water weight the whole time. Finally fed up with it and want to try a trial of a short ester to see how I do. I've been injecting EOD for years so I know I can keep it up and ED wouldn't be that big a change.

I am really eager to see how some variation in my T levels makes me feel. Curious how you guys have responded if you've kept trying it over time.

I took testosterone propionate for a few months but ended up switching to cream. At first I felt great on the prop. but the energy that came with it faded away over time and it felt very similar to taking testosterone cyp.
I took testosterone propionate for a few months but ended up switching to cream. At first I felt great on the prop. but the energy that came with it faded away over time and it felt very similar to taking testosterone cyp.

How you doing on the cream, and what’s your dose and application site(s)

I just switched from propionate to cream today.

I'm taking 150mg daily, 3 pumps, 2 morning - 1 night, applied to the scrotum. It's just an experiment.
I notice more energy on the cream over testosterone prop. but I think it's likely due to the large spike in testosterone after application and DHT. What bodybuilder doesn't feel good on an abundance of androgens? I really just think that the testosterone cream is the new "bud light lime" trend right now. If someone was low in DHT, I feel a combination of DHT cream and injectable testosterone would yield similar results. If someone had androgen resistance I think that testosterone and a low dosage of an androgen such as nandrolone would also yield even better results as synthetic steroids have a higher affinity for androgen receptors.
As far as I know, DHT cream is unavailable in the US and I think a combination of low dosage cream and daily shots of testosterone prop may yield better results.
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My use of Prop and then Enanthate one their own didn't show me any reason to try a blend. In the end I had wondered if a faster ester would give my body less chance to aromatase but that wasn't the case. I don't think a blend would be any different for me.
Its worth trying for you guys, just didn't work for me.

What’s your protocol now? Are you still going with daily Test E/Test C?
@Vince Carter
What would be your personal view on mixing Enanthate or cyp with Propionate to create a blend Vince?
( Say 25% prop / 75% Enan )....and then pin every day.

Do you think this would create the 'magic' that some experience on Sustanon, but without the negs from the very longer esters that are in Sustanon?

My doc will write me a script for both ( prop and enanthate )

Has anyone given this a bash yet do you know?
I would have been skeptical of this blend idea previously, but now that I have more experience with daily propionate I'm warming up to it. Somewhat unexpectedly my testosterone numbers on propionate are showing more variation than I actually want, around +/-40% from the mean. If the idea is to mimic diurnal variation in young men then +/-20% should be the goal.
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