Well-Known Member
I am a huge supporter of testoserone only and perhaps small doses of hcg every few months and thats it. Usually if T dosages are not high ( over 120 mgs per week) and you miantain low body fat, estrogen is not a problem. To me, and its only my opinion, too many men are looking to feel perfect all the time. They want a high sex drive 24/7, always have energy, always be in a good mood ect..
Unfortunately, thats very unrealistic and leads many men to start searching for problems that arent truly an issue.
Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??
I always think it's twisted logic to attempt to discuss what normal is?
Is it normal to wear clothes, drive around at 60 mph, take jets to other countries, swallow antibiotics, live with central heating and air conditioning, swap out your heart? Etc, etc. It seems to me all of human existence is about an attempt to get away from the restrictions of what is "natural". Then we make a token effort like take a hike in the park as a symbolic return to nature.
Regardless, labcorp hardly a bastion of aggressive TRT, they define average T levels for men of 60 as a range of 264 - 916 ng/dl. So they think 900 ng/dl is within the averages.
IMO it's always a danger to exceed any norms, most often it isn't a good thing, but sometimes it makes life much better and sometime it just doesn't have a positive or negative effect.