New Member
Hi, im from Norway. Ive been on T enanthate testoviron for about 3 years. When i was to pick up my last prescription at the farmacy they were sold out, and not only that farmacy, but all the farmacys in the whole country. Its just crazy, new deliveries of testoviron expected in December, but may not arrive before some time next year. I got told it was sold out from the factory in Germany! lol? But anyway, i got a new prescription for a generic type named Testosteron-Depot GALEN, its supposed to be enanthate, 1ml vials 250mg. My problem is that when i draw it up in the syringe (same type of syringes ive always used), it get sucked in like normal. But when im about to inject it, it gets stuck in the syringe, it gets harder and harder to "push" it out of the syringe.. to the point where i realy need to use force to get it out. Anyone encountered this before? may it be because its another type of oil used in it? ive thrown the leaflet away, and need to have a doctor lisence to download the leaflet .pdf from the manufacturers website (stupid shit). I have wasted 2 vials trying to inject myself with this. Was thinking on taking it to the farmacy and dicuss it, but figured i could try asking here first. Thx for any help