Sorry for the delay as me and seppuku already replied on Saturday just before the site crashed.
Going to break this down for you again!
@seppuku was bang on when he stated that you were injecting 175 mg T/week as the 5 unit mark on the U-40 insulin syringe would be 25 mg T if the strength of your T is 200 mg/mL as you stated in one of your replies that went missing from the thread after the site crashed on Saturday.
Not sure who would be at fault here for deciding to use a U-40 insulin syringe to inject your TC/hCG.
If it was the clinic then they are out to lunch as no one would use the U-40 especially when injecting testosterone or hCG let alone.
Even then hard to believe they would not explain the dosing when using such as this is critical.
There is a big difference here when it comes to drawing an accurate dose when using a U-100 vs U-40 LDS insulin syringe.
Pay attention to the mL/units.
(U-100) 1.0 mL syringe = 100 units
(U-40) 1.0 mL syringe = 40 units
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Always need to know the strength of testosterone (TC/TE/TP/T-blend) you are injecting?
Most men on TRT are using TC or TE in the 200 mg/mL strength.
If using 200 mg/mL strength:
U-100 insulin syringe
1 ml = 100 units
0.01 mL = 1 unit = 2 mg TC/TE
Same for the 0.5 mL (50 units) or 0.3 mL (30 units) insulin syringes.
U-40 insulin syringe
1 mL = 40 units
0.025 mL = 1 unit = 5 mg TC/TE
Same for the 0.5 mL (20 units) or 0.3 mL (12 units) insulin syringes.
You are using a
U-40 1 mL (40 unit) insulin syringe.
0.025 mL = 1 unit = 5 mg TC
5 units = 25 mg TC
Seeing as the strength of your TC is 200mg/mL and you are injecting 0.025 mL (5 units) = 25 mg TC daily then you would be injecting a fairly high weekly dose 175 mg TC.
Also keep in mind you are also injecting hCG 3x/week let alone a higher dose than you think to boot which can easily bump up ones T/estradiol further!
Just to put this in perspective most men on testosterone therapy are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD or daily.
The majority of men can easily hit a healthy/high or in some cases absurdly high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections!
Yes there are some outliers who may need the higher-end dose 200 mg T/week but it is far from common as in RARE!
Such dose is pushed by the more T is better mentality crowd you know those dime a dozen run of the mill T clinics, blast n cruizzers loaded on those so called men's HRT/health forums let alone so called gurus polluting GOOTUBE!
Bottomline here is the 25 mg TC daily (175 mg/week) along with a higher dose of hCG then you think has you hitting an absurdly high TT 1499.8 ng/dL (52 nmol/L).
Even then although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of T responsible for the positive effects.
Seeing as you are hitting an absurdly high TT roughly 1500 ng/dL with normalish SHBG 27-29.9 nmol/L then it is a given that your FT will be sky-high!
Unfortunately you never had your FT tested as you posted FAI (free androgen index) which is not used/relied upon when testing FT.
You need to have your FT tested using what would be considered the most accurate assay which is the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis especially in cases of altered SHBG in order to know where your FT level truly sits.
If you do not have access to such which is most likely the case seeing as you are from the UK than you will need to use/rely upon the go to calculated method which would be the linear law-of-mass action cFTV.
Key point here:
* Seeing as you are hitting an absurdly high TT roughly 1500 ng/dL with normalish SHBG 27-29.5 nmol/L then it is a given that your FT will be sky-high!
5. line would be 30 mg right? It’s a 0,5 ml insulin syringe 40 Iu. What’s confusing me it says 40 iu but then on the syringe it says 20 IU?!? So with my math 30 mg on these syringes would be 30 mg.