Testosterone and fat loss


New Member

I'm interested in feedback concerning the subject above. I've read where T can positively affect fat loss in TRT patients.

My question is geared towards what T levels need to be achieved to maximize this fat loss mechanism.

Can one expect this to be achieved when levels are at the upper normal range such as 800 and above?

Thanks for your feedback.

LV, there is no magic number for this. A guy with a 500ng serum level at 2% free test is pretty much the same as a guy at 1,000ng/dl with 1% free test, except other variables like and SHBG would be different, along with E2, etc.

IMO, the route to go is to get a good balance of ALL hormones that can factor into this topic ... Thyroid, adrenals, testosterone (both total & free), E2, & D3 (the hormone that is hugely overlooked). Additionally, combine this with a proper diet that can stimulate your metabolism effectively, include exercise, and compliment your program with the correct supplements (could range in a variety of vitamins, minerals, aminos ..), and the results will come.

Hopefully that helps. Optimum health is a bigger picture than just one number. I've met many guys over the years with a lot of test in their system, but also sitting well over 20% BF.
LV - I don't know the science behind these things, like some people do. All I know is my experience. With no change in diet or exercise, my weight increased by almost 20 pounds within 2 months of testosterone replacement. It has been almost two additional months since then, and still with no change in diet or exercise, my body is finally starting to harden up, and I've lost 10 of the 20 pounds I gained. I'm sure it was water weight, but dude, it can f@&k with your head when the scale says a crazy high number, in a short amount of time. Look at the sticky post by Nelson about how long it takes for testosterone replacement to show its effects. Bottom line - although everyone's response to testosterone replacement will be different, I think it's good advice for people to understand this is no magic pill. It takes time for men to see the benefits.

Was your weight gain due to an increase in eating or a result of an intense weight training program? What is your current weekly dose?
We have no data on this subject, but it seems that some men with low testosterone who start testosterone replacement may have dramatic weight gain in the first few months that tend to stabilize or decrease afterwards. I speculate that unless the weight gain can be explained by extra calorie consumption, it can be caused by water retention. One of the ways to know this is to watch for increases in blood pressure and puffiness.
What about the 20lb weight gain from? Intense weight training?

*With no change in diet or exercise, my weight increased by almost 20 pounds within 2 months of testosterone replacement. It has been almost two additional months since then, and still with no change in diet or exercise, my body is finally starting to harden up, and I've lost 10 of the 20 pounds I gained

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