Can some of you knowledge gentleman help me formulate a starting dose for ED TRT injections. I am low SHBG, high free T, and high estrogen guy. Really stuck on how much test and anastrozole I should begin with given my situation.
I like to recommend 10-12mg (70-84mg weekly) for an every day protocol, its a good starting point that's not overambitious and it's not consider too low. Hold off on the AI until labs and symptoms indicate high estrogen, and start on the lowest dosages humanly possible.
In my experience 1/4th of .125 EOD after 3 doses is enough to drop my estrogen into the low teens.
Systemlord thank you for your input and response. I will start with 12mg and see what the labs say. Also, just to clarify should I take anastrozole (if needed) ed or take it EOD?
btw, what's your current protocol?
You don't just decide to take the AI because you think you need it, labs first bro because your perception of low E2 could be something else, like T and E fluctuating or coming down with the flu or not eating lunch.
I'm doing 20mg EOD and stopping the AI for awhile because no matter how much I lower the dosage, my E2 just will not come back up on it's own.
Ok, gotcha. When I was injecting 200mg/week M/Thr my estrogen was thru the roof and required a whopping 2mg anastrozole/week to control it. But, I guess with the ed injections and lower dose this may not be an issue.
Systemlord thank you for your input and response. I will start with 12mg and see what the labs say. Also, just to clarify should I take anastrozole (if needed) ed or take it EOD?
btw, what's your current protocol?
Yes I have. I usually know when my E2 is high when my bp gets high and I have those symptoms I described. What is your dosing schedule like? It’s funny you mention anxiety from daily injections. I almost feel the same from it. I swear I felt better on twice a week injections.