Thumbs up.Also i will say testing LH would have been useful,
Thumbs up.Also i will say testing LH would have been useful,
"OK, all is well but I am certainly not happy seeing a 467 total testosterone on a 26 year old, healthy male. I would like to see it closer to the 827 top end at Quest."
Can I ask, what makes you think that a level of 467 is not perfectly healthy for a 26 year old male? Where does it say in the medical literature that all young men need a testosterone level approaching the upper level of the reference range?
How many morning tests did your son do?
Do you fully understand the implications of putting your son onto life long hormone replacement when it may not be necessary?
Depression itself can cause hormone levels to fluctuate. This does not mean depression should be treated with TRT.
Has anything been tried to increase your sons natural production of testosterone?
"I started him on enenthate because I have 20ml of 300mg/ml already available"
Are you saying here that you have self medicated your own son with your own testosterone prescription?
Has he been fully evaluated by an experienced endocrinologist or sexual health physician?
You have initiated treatment on a high dose of 150mgs every 7 days, no wonder he feels good initially! Do you also realise that high doses of Testosterone have the effect of a mood enhancing drug? Do you understand the relationship that testosterone has on dopamine in the brain?
True. But when you posted your total at 275 lb / 48 yrs old that sure as hell got my attention. I thought to myself, I think I will listen and try to learn some things from this gentleman. Your mind is even more impressive than your PR total.So, none of you know anything about me or my background
True. But when you posted your total at 275 lb / 48 yrs old that sure as hell got my attention. I thought to myself, I think I will listen and try to learn some things from this gentleman. Your mind is even more impressive than your PR total.
Before I spend much time on this can you clarify what you are most skeptical about? Is it the efficacy of testosterone for depression, the ineffectiveness of antidepressant drugs, or the idea that antidepressants could be more harmful than testosterone?
It wouldn't have been my first option but I do think it is likely to help. We all run these risk/benefit analyses differently based on what we've seen in life. From what I can glean about BigTex through his postings here, with his background and life experience, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that this is how he would respond to his son's depression. You could do alot worse in my opinion.
True! I missed that. I was too focused on the administering of testosterone to someone with a normal level of T. However, I have had 250 mgs/ml compounded at a compounding pharmacy here in Australia. If my doctor wanted to order 300, they could also do this.@Simbarn wow somehow I don't think he picked up 300 mg/ml at the local pharmacy. LoL!
I will venture to guess this thread has a few more posts to go. I went looking to see if anyone had posted this recent review and found out it was posted.SSRIs
I appreciate your attempt to be helpful but in a real world, one that I have to pay for all of this, I paid $60 for all the test run. I am sure Defy is a great place, but I will not pay $300-$400 for the same advice.
Call me a mizer but that is why I don't go to low T clinics. Now why would you say I don't know what I am doing?
By saying this you also have said my own doctor doesn't know what he is doing.
Bodybuilding sites? That is very insulting. I don't usually frequent those and certainly have not gotten my knowledge from them.
I am a highly educate man who certainly know how to read and understand research. None of this bro science was available for the 42+ years I have been self-medicating and doing blood testing on my own.
My use and my sons use is well within the TRT scope.
I have personally known guys like Dr. John Crisler and been in many discussions with him and others in the business for many years.
It is very obvious you know nothing about me.
I do note that Enclomiphene would be problematic in light of the recent FDA action, but I understand that Empower is still selling it. It could certainly be used temporarily to see if it helps get your son out of his current situation by raising his levels.The cost includes comprehensive blood testing (Free T, Prolactin, DHT, LH, FSH, etc.), which wasn't done here. It includes talking with a medical professional in the field who could talk about other options than jumping on TRT to raise testosterone levels for a young man, like lifestyle adjustments. A medical professional that could have talked about Natesto/nasal gel testosterone that wouldn't have shut down his system. Could have talked about trying Enclomiphene before going to TRT. I feel like that is very different advice than you gave him and well worth the extra cost.
See above. Using steroids for 40 years doesn't make you can expert on it. If you didn't know about Natesto or Enclomiphene, then I think that proves my point. 40 years ago injections were probably the only option, but not anymore.
You might need to find a new doctor who is an expert in the field.
Yes, I could see that as insulting. From what I have seen, most of the guys on those sites are abusing testosterone, not getting blood tests, relying on information passed along by other guys in the dark corners of the gym.
Have your blood tests been a complete TRT panel to give you the full picture of your health? Or just total testoterone and estradiol like you advised your son to take?
I believe that the TRT scope would include medical monitoring and proper blood tests.
My best friend is an anesthesiologist. I personally know him and have talked to him a lot about his practice and field. With that said, I'm in no way qualified to do what he does or answer someone's questions about anesthesiology.
I'm not trying to come off as a jerk here (that may be too late). I feel for your son having issues. My fear is that you've potentially made things worse and others would see your approach and believe that it's the way to go for TRT. I do believe that you're trying to help, and I do hope that he improves, but I think your approach here was misguided and could create more problems for him.
Hmmm, he could but why would he in the context of clinical usage of testosterone ester for TRT?If my doctor wanted to order 300, they could also do this.
Thank you for adding this. Your post makes more sense now. Also appreciate your comments on nasal gel. With proper LH confirmation, hCG monotherapy could also be very reasonable trial.I do note that Enclomiphene would be problematic in light of the recent FDA action, but I understand that Empower is still selling it. It could certainly be used temporarily to see if it helps get your son out of his current situation by raising his levels.
Also, as @madman has done a great job illustrating, Free T is really the key, not total testosterone. You didn't have his SHBG or Free T levels tested. He could have lower total testosterone levels, but if his Free T is in a healthy range, then probably best to look to something other than TRT to help resolve his issues.I do note that Enclomiphene would be problematic in light of the recent FDA action, but I understand that Empower is still selling it. It could certainly be used temporarily to see if it helps get your son out of his current situation by raising his levels.
First off, as I understand it, this board is about sharing ideas with TRT and wellness, not passing judgement on what you feel is ethical. Who are you to determine if what I do is responsible? I could easily make the same accusations about your post misleading the many young men who visit this PUBLIC forum. Does your information have more quality than mine are you the expert to determine what blood test are the best choice? Then maybe you need to discuss this with my doctor who performed the exact same tests on me before writing my script. I have a feeling I know what he would say after spending 35 years as a medical doctor. Now, how responsible is it to tell the board and all who drop by to read that Wellbutri/Bupropioon are considered quite effective with minimal side effects? Is that you opinion? That is irresponsible as an ortho who told me to take Acetaminophen because it is much safer than aspirin. Hell, Acetaminophen is the #1 cause of acute liver failure in the US with 27% of people dying and kills at least 100,000 per year. I’ll take my chance with aspirin. Gee, aspirin also has anti-inflammatory effects Acetaminophen doesn’t have. I was taking it for inflammation in the joint. You would expect a medical doctor to be aware of the pharmacologics of over-the-counter medicine. Back to the Wellbutri/BupropionI have seen the anectodal reports of TRT helping to address depression symptoms as well as small studies which indicate such, both when testosterone was low and needed to be addressed regardless of depression symptoms. I haven't seen anything that would suggest in those that don't have low testosterone that TRT would be a better choice to address depression than something like Wellbutrin/Bupropion. I'm aware of the sexual issues caused by SSRIs and have seen lots of anectodal reports on people who claim that those problems linger after stopping, but I've never dug into them because I haven't had to ever go on them. All drugs have side effects (including testosterone), but I understand Wellbutrin/Burpropion is considered quite effective for depression with minimal side effects that can be quickly reversed after cessation. That's not necessarily the case with TRT, which one of the reasons why Big Tex's decision alarmed me.
I agree. I am not surprised at all based on his background that he put his son on testosterone treatment. My main issue is was it done responsibly and does his posting mislead those who don't know anything about TRT and come to this site for quality information and protocols think that jumping on TRT without proper blood tests and supervision and pursuing all other options is the best choice.
It always pays to pay attention. I always throw in little things that @readalot catches.True! I missed that. I was too focused on the administering of testosterone to someone with a normal level of T. However, I have had 250 mgs/ml compounded at a compounding pharmacy here in Australia. If my doctor wanted to order 300, they could also do this.
Perhaps why I did not pay much attention to it. Primoteston in Australia comes standard as 250 mgs/ml.
All things aside, you did come off like a pompas jerk. You also questioned my, his mother's decisions and my doctor who actually told me what test to buy for him. Oh did I forget to mention that? I did email him a week before we made our decision and asked him what test we needed. I went to LINK2LABS and purchased them, my wife paid t for them. Saved my (my wife and I), son a $200 doctor visit. Again, your fears and opinions are not needed. This board is about sharing ideas in TRT and not being a jack ass and telling people you know better, you are certainly not an expert. We all are capable of learing and it our decision on what we do, not yours. Whether or not you think it was a good decision is way beyond the scope fo this board and is very insulting. Buy the way, how much do you think all of those test would cost? My doctor doesn't do them all because he told me Medicare Advantage will not pay for them. In this case my son surely can't afford them. Not so worried about his system being shut down as I am about keeping him out of a morgue. So far so good. This is a parents worst nightmare. Anyway I will keep this updated and have noprobme admitting I was wrong it that is the case,The cost includes comprehensive blood testing (Free T, Prolactin, DHT, LH, FSH, etc.), which wasn't done here. It includes talking with a medical professional in the field who could talk about other options than jumping on TRT to raise testosterone levels for a young man, like lifestyle adjustments. A medical professional that could have talked about Natesto/nasal gel testosterone that wouldn't have shut down his system. Could have talked about trying Enclomiphene before going to TRT. I feel like that is very different advice than you gave him and well worth the extra cost.
See above. Using steroids for 40 years doesn't make you can expert on it. If you didn't know about Natesto or Enclomiphene, then I think that proves my point. 40 years ago injections were probably the only option, but not anymore.
You might need to find a new doctor who is an expert in the field.
Yes, I could see that as insulting. From what I have seen, most of the guys on those sites are abusing testosterone, not getting blood tests, relying on information passed along by other guys in the dark corners of the gym.
Have your blood tests been a complete TRT panel to give you the full picture of your health? Or just total testoterone and estradiol like you advised your son to take?
I believe that the TRT scope would include medical monitoring and proper blood tests.
My best friend is an anesthesiologist. I personally know him and have talked to him a lot about his practice and field. With that said, I'm in no way qualified to do what he does or answer someone's questions about anesthesiology.
I'm not trying to come off as a jerk here (that may be too late). I feel for your son having issues. My fear is that you've potentially made things worse and others would see your approach and believe that it's the way to go for TRT. I do believe that you're trying to help, and I do hope that he improves, but I think your approach here was misguided and could create more problems for him.
First off, as I understand it, this board is about sharing ideas with TRT and wellness, not passing judgement on what you feel is ethical. Who are you to determine if what I do is responsible?
I could easily make the same accusations about your post misleading the many young men who visit this PUBLIC forum. Does your information have more quality than mine are you the expert to determine what blood test are the best choice? Then maybe you need to discuss this with my doctor who performed the exact same tests on me before writing my script. I have a feeling I know what he would say after spending 35 years as a medical doctor.
Now, how responsible is it to tell the board and all who drop by to read that Wellbutri/Bupropioon are considered quite effective with minimal side effects? Is that you opinion?
That is irresponsible as an ortho who told me to take Acetaminophen because it is much safer than aspirin. Hell, Acetaminophen is the #1 cause of acute liver failure in the US with 27% of people dying and kills at least 100,000 per year. I’ll take my chance with aspirin. Gee, aspirin also has anti-inflammatory effects Acetaminophen doesn’t have. I was taking it for inflammation in the joint. You would expect a medical doctor to be aware of the pharmacologics of over-the-counter medicine.
Back to the Wellbutri/Bupropion
Wellbutrin Uses, Dosage & Side Effects - Drugs.com
Wellbutrin (bupropion) is used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. Includes Wellbutrin side effects, interactions and indications.www.drugs.com
Really, - Bupropion may impair your thinking or reaction. Great for a kid who is going to be driving big rigs on our highways you think? Here is more of the minimal side effects to look foward to:
Heck, I never had any of those symptoms from testosterone. Not even the hostility at high doses. In my irresponsible opinion those side effects are worse than the problem being treated.
- blurred vision;
- sleep problems (insomnia);
- tremors, sweating, feeling anxious or nervous;
- fast heartbeats;
- confusion, agitation, hostility;
Now, as someone else point out and I poked fun at. Yes I am very aware of it....the link between testosterone levels and dopamine. In fact, they seem to have a very bi-directional relationship. Low T can lead to an imbalanced of dopamine which can be linked to depression. How irresponsible is it to ignore that? Look up the research, it is there. On that's right depression and testosterone is anecdotal.
Again, you gave you the high and might power to judge me and pass judgment on my ability to be a parent? Or my knowledge base in TRT for that matter? Like the guy on a video who was a steroid source and got busted, in 2002 I actually worked as an advisor capacity for a wellness clinic my friend opened doing among other things TRT. It was located in the Woodlands of Houston. I guess I got asked to do that because I am clueless and irresponsible. Man, that was 20 years ago.
I had a "expert" cardiologist with a vitae as long as my leg suggest I take Spironolactone, long term to lower testosterone for blood pressure?
Now there is some responsible advice from an expert. Even I knew men transitioning to women used that drug to block testosterone and increase estrogen. It would ahve turned this muscular 65 year old into a fat old woman with boobs.
Kind of odd the patient has more pharmacological knowledge than the expert, huh? Same doctor that did not recognize the signs of a DVT when I went in with tachycardia and a swollen leg. He scheduled me for a nuclear stress test. My wife kind of wants to keep me but she is absolutely terrified of this American medicine. Pulmonary embolism anyone?
Thank you for adding this. Your post makes more sense now. Also appreciate your comments on nasal gel. With proper LH confirmation, hCG monotherapy could also be very reasonable trial.
All things aside, you did come off like a pompas jerk. You also questioned my, his mother's decisions and my doctor who actually told me what test to buy for him.
Oh did I forget to mention that? I did email him a week before we made our decision and asked him what test we needed. I went to LINK2LABS and purchased them, my wife paid t for them. Saved my (my wife and I), son a $200 doctor visit.
Again, your fears and opinions are not needed. This board is about sharing ideas in TRT and not being a jack ass and telling people you know better, you are certainly not an expert. We all are capable of learing and it our decision on what we do, not yours. Whether or not you think it was a good decision is way beyond the scope fo this board and is very insulting.
Buy the way, how much do you think all of those test would cost?
My doctor doesn't do them all because he told me Medicare Advantage will not pay for them. In this case my son surely can't afford them. Not so worried about his system being shut down as I am about keeping him out of a morgue.
So far so good. This is a parents worst nightmare. Anyway I will keep this updated and have noprobme admitting I was wrong it that is the case,
This excellent board is about educating people. Lots of opinions, lots of people challenging those opinions. If you can express yours, I'm not sure why I can't express mine
Opinions are one thing, but personal attacks insults are another. Yea, I kind of lost it when my ability to be a parent was questioned. By the way, when was it I said my son was CURED.? I kind of though I said my wife and I saw some positive signs already. Was it the testosterone or was it our kind loving parental advice. Who knows but I can find a low t clinic in Houston on every corner with experts and pay $300 - $400 and I can find out the truth, right.So did you post because you wanted everyone to agree with you and tell you how great you are or because you wanted legitimate views and opinions? You talk about this being a forum for view and opinions, and when I give mine, you lose it.
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