Tapering off TRT


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I joined because I have read so much of Nelson's work and have enjoyed reading many posts which have been very helpful and informative.

I started TRT at 2oomg/week cypionate divided into 2 doses. My test was 341 at the time. I really had no symptoms, but have abused AAS in the past and was looking for fitness gains more than anything. It did not disappoint!

I was prescribed anastrozole which completely shut down my libido, so I quit after 1 week. My estradiol is still registering low even though I have continued with the T.

I have been on this therapy for approximately 14 weeks and have had a lot of ups and downs including ED which I have never experienced before. My hemo is also borderline high so I have donated blood in an attempt to rectify that. It takes an act of congress now for me to ejaculate and often to maintain an erection which is why I want to come off and go back to "normal".
I should state that this problem is intermittent and L arginine and pine bark extract seem to help. I should also mention that the problem is often on the third time in a given day (my libido is through the roof)

My question is.....Should I taper down to 100mg per week for a few weeks? Im am really afraid of the impending crash.

Thanks so much for any replies
If you are planing to go off TRT completely, I would plan to run a re-start protocol for a few weeks after stopping the T to get your natural production kick-started and hopefully avoid a crash. HCG for a couple of weeks, then Clomid at something like 25 mg EOD. I know that Defy Medical has re-start programs for guys wanting to go off TRT.
Welcome to Excelmale. I'm sorry your experience with TRT has been a challenge, but I wonder if you are receiving the best possible medical support as you navigate your protocol. You mentioned being prescribed Anastrozole - what was the dose? What were your estradiol levels that called for an AI? Are you taking HCG? As you consider abandoning TRT have you had discussions with your doctor about working to restart your access?
I would go off completely, keep a very clean diet. Hopefully your thyroid is good, take your supplements. Exercise everyday, even if it's just walking.
Welcome to Excelmale. I'm sorry your experience with TRT has been a challenge, but I wonder if you are receiving the best possible medical support as you navigate your protocol. You mentioned being prescribed Anastrozole - what was the dose? What were your estradiol levels that called for an AI? Are you taking HCG? As you consider abandoning TRT have you had discussions with your doctor about working to restart your axis?

Right, there's plenty of empty holes, we need some labs...
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I joined because I have read so much of Nelson's work and have enjoyed reading many posts which have been very helpful and informative.

I started TRT at 2oomg/week cypionate divided into 2 doses. My test was 341 at the time. I really had no symptoms, but have abused AAS in the past and was looking for fitness gains more than anything. It did not disappoint!

I was prescribed anastrozole which completely shut down my libido, so I quit after 1 week. My estradiol is still registering low even though I have continued with the T.

I have been on this therapy for approximately 14 weeks and have had a lot of ups and downs including ED which I have never experienced before. My hemo is also borderline high so I have donated blood in an attempt to rectify that. It takes an act of congress now for me to ejaculate and often to maintain an erection which is why I want to come off and go back to "normal".
I should state that this problem is intermittent and L arginine and pine bark extract seem to help. I should also mention that the problem is often on the third time in a given day (my libido is through the roof)

My question is.....Should I taper down to 100mg per week for a few weeks? Im am really afraid of the impending crash.

Thanks so much for any replies

Post all the labs you have...much of that while it's informative its not actionable, devoid of a lot of details.
Thanks guys. I was prescribed (anti aging clinic) the AI before I even got the test. It was 1mg twice per week. I did that one week and split in half the second week. After 4 weeks with no AI my Estradiol was 13. (test 1400). My E was 21 prior to starting and no problems with ED at all. That is what is driving my decision. Lack of sensitivity seems to be the problem. My doc is no help at all really. I hate to say that, but it seems to be the case. Ive considered dropping to 100mg/week to see if my T range would be around 600. Not sure if that science is accurate, just guessing. I have reduced my dose to a little less than .5 cc but just slightly. No HCG or anything else other than Arginine and Pine bark extract. My doc did offer Cialis, but i can perform a lot of the time, I just lose erection mid way about every other time. I know that lack of sensitivity is an issue. I have not noticed any testicular atrophy at all, so I am hoping that is a good indicator that I can get back to normal pretty quickly. I am 42 by the way. Any advice is greatly appreciated and thank you for the responses so far.
Thanks Vince. I am about to leave the office but I have them here and will scan them in when I get back. I love 90% of the trt experience, but I really want to get back to normal sex life. Plus, this dosage (assuming thats the problem) is really affecting my emotional states. I feel very hormonal for lack of a better word
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1mg of Anastrozole is a heavy heavy dose, it's wayyyyyy to much. For instance I'd say that most guys here are using .25mg twice per week, as a maximum. Estrogen is the hardest piece to find and you haven't been treated effectively in that way. I can sympathize with the sensitivity and the on/off again ED and inorgasma, been there, still working on it but I'm better.
It doesn't sound like that particular Anti-Aging clinic is giving you the best possible proper care.
1mg twice a week of Anastrozole is a ton, even with 200mg/week of Test.
I take 100mg twice a week and only take 0.25 mg Anastrozole (along with 500 IU's of hCG).
PrimeBody (endorsed by this site) handles my care.
I can completely understand why you would want to change or even transition off TRT at this point.
But you always have the option of transferring your care or seeking out better care IMO.
Get labs, if you need to raise e2 you could do once a week inject bs 2 to help it come up faster if it's taking too long and then run labs again.
Lowering your dose from 200mg to 100mg is a significant drop. I started at 160mg and have had several 20mg dose adjustments over the last 3 years. I'm now at 60mg twice a week with 1/4 AI twice a week. If I were you, I don't know that I'd go from 200mg to 100mg like you are considering. I think you would notice a big difference if you went from 200 down to say 160. I suspect you'll feel a big relief from the emotional side effects that come with that heavy of a dose.
Thanks guys. Maybe I will try 160 for a while. Maybe with a slightly lower dose I will regain some sensitivity. Maybe HCG would help? Im skeptical about adding something else to the mix really. Here is a synopsis of my two labs:

Test 342
TSH .9
Vitamin D 22.9 (started supplementing after labs)
GFR 131.4
estradiol 21
free T 8.3
DHEA 217
reverse T3 11.1
estrone 58
homocyst 9.6
HGB 14

Labs after 8 weeks on 200mg T cyp/week
vitamin D 80.5
estradiol 13
Testosterone 1392
free test 39.69
% free test 2.9T bioavailable 1034
SHBG 21.5 *this wasn't on first lab)
hemoglobin 14.7
hematocrit 44

It looks like they used 2 different lab companies so its a little hard to compare. Everything else was in "normal" ranges. Is there an easy way to divide 160mg into two doses per week? Im assuming .4/cc (my cup is 200mg/ml

Thanks again for all the help

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