Tamoxifen dosage


Hi everybody,

What's the most common Tamoxifen dosage to lower Estradiol in men?

My latest blood results, on my lowest day, on a 50mg test cyp x 3 injections a week (150 mg total):

Free T: 18.60 pg/mL (3.64-19.30)
17 Beta Estradiol: 55 pg/mL (<56)
Prolactine: 8.1 ng/mL (3.5-19.4)
SHBG: 39.3 nmol/L (13.5-71.4)
Vit D: 22.10 ng/mL (30-100)
Magnesium: 1.83 mg/dL (1.80-2.60)

I feel pretty good as far as energy levels and libido goes, but still dealing with weak erections and no morning woods (haven't had one in probably 20 years). My guess is that I've been somewhat extrogen dominant my whole life.

High E2 symptoms right now:
- Hard/sensitive nipples
- Slightly swollen ankles and hands
- Weak erections

Tamoxifen is a SERM. It acts as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissue. It will not lower estradiol levels. To lower estradiol levels you would need an aromatase inhibitor like anastrozole.
Was you estrogen lab done with the "Sensitive" assay?

I ask because if it wasn't than the results are not reliable as the standard default E2 lab is designed for women not men and tends to over estimate values.

You're symptoms, however, are consistent with elevated E2.

You need an aroamatase inhibitor like Anastorzole not a SERM.

And if you do start on it PLEASE start low like .25 mg once a week and work up if necessary.

This AI is a very powerful antagonist in men and can tank your E2 faster than you might think.
Was you estrogen lab done with the "Sensitive" assay?

I ask because if it wasn't than the results are not reliable as the standard default E2 lab is designed for women not men and tends to over estimate values.

You're symptoms, however, are consistent with elevated E2.

You need an aroamatase inhibitor like Anastorzole not a SERM.

And if you do start on it PLEASE start low like .25 mg once a week and work up if necessary.

This AI is a very powerful antagonist in men and can tank your E2 faster than you might think.

Mr Old Bud GD is a straight up experienced guy IMO and he is so very correct on the low dosage at .25 I tanked my E2 and takes a week or so to get back balanced and not a good feeling as well as effecting sexual performance ! So Go GD

Oh and the male ultra sensitive Estroniol is a needed test we are males not female !!
I know that the ultra sensitive test would be ideal, but that's what we get here in Spain for now.

17-beta Estradiol is E2, AFAIK.

Thanks for the clarification about Tamoxifen, guys

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