T.Cyp 100 mg/week - Night sweats, anxiety


Active Member
Hello all,

I was previously on 90 mg/week, divided in 3 weekly doses of 30 mg, M-W-F, IM on the deltoids. After 6 weeks on this protocol, the labs indicated:

Total T: 1044 ng/dL
Free T: 19.52 ng/dl
Estradiol sensitive: 34 pg/mL
SHBG: 36 nmol/L

However, I had the following sides effects:
- slightly increased anxiety
- shriveled flaccid penis
- time to orgasm was slowly increasing
- no morning wood
- sensitive and erect nipples
- resting heart rate went down from 67 to 59
- in spite of anxiety, less of a short fuse

I recently switched to 100 mg/week, divided in 2 doses of 50 mg, Mon-Thu, subcutaneous (SubQ) on the belly fat

I do not have labs yet, but I have started to have the following sides:
- extremely cold feet at night. I actually think this is some sort of neuritis. Recently I started feeling on my hands as well, thou not as extreme
- wake up at 3:00 am soaking wet and on fire, with extreme anxiety (clonazepam to the rescue)
- morning wood has returned (somehow)
- Fuller flaccid penis
- Time to orgasm acceptable
- BP has increased from 117-120/77-80 to 127-135/78-82
- Resting heart rate has gone up from 59 to 67
- more anxiety on the day of the injection mostly, the rest aceptable, but shorter fuse.

What's really killing me is the "menopausal symptoms". Last night I woke up at 2:44 am and was hot as hell. My t-shrt was soaking wet and my hair was dripping seat.

I 've had all of this symtoms before during my naturally low t years. They went away when I started HCG/Enclomiphene and then TRT

No other medication other than Cialis 5mg daily which I take in the morning for BPH, and 81 mg aspirin at night (not exactly every day, but whenever I remember or feel like it)

These are symptoms typically associated with low E2, but it seems difficult to believe that I would have low E2 at this dosage. For the last 2 years that I've been in the TRT world, my E2 has fluctuated from 27 (natural) to 50 (with Enclomiphene citrate, and T levels of 1140 ng/dL) but never more than that/ Lowest has been 20 pg/ml (sensitive) when I was off treatment and my T levels were 388 ng/DL before starting T. Cypionate.

Any ideas/suggestion? The sensation of being overheating and axis that comes with it is very difficult to tolerate. By the way, my temperature last night when that happened was 97.4 F.

After that initial test (and symptoms), personally I would have decreased, not increased dose. The resting HR going down is weird though for the 90mg protocol.
I get really hot when my iron is low, I need a fan all the time, especially when sleeping.

I was very heat intolerant, like my body can’t regulate it’s temperature.
After that initial test (and symptoms), personally I would have decreased, not increased dose. The resting HR going down is weird though for the 90mg protocol.
I left that out, but actually I did go back to 80 mg. There was not much improvement in any area and by the 4th day, I was feeling run down, that's the reason for the "experiment". On 50 there was a number of improvements, in many areas, but these cold feel/night sweats started abruptly. also the nipples became less sensitive.

Like I mentioned, I had all these symptoms at one point or anther before any intervention, but my conclusion was that they were caused by low E caused by my low E2. After I started increasing T they all went away. I doesn't confirm I was right, though, may have been a coincidence, but it's the only thing I have to go by.

I would have expected that with a higher T, E2 would be higher, not lower, so I can't explain these paradoxical symptoms.
I get really hot when my iron is low, I need a fan all the time, especially when sleeping.

I was very heat intolerant, like my body can’t regulate it’s temperature.
I'm familiar with your story and I'm tempted to go and have my ferritin levels tested. All my CBC values are good MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW and MPV. Hematocrits are at 49% and HGB at 16.9

Maybe next time I'll have it tested. Any particular test/panel you can recommend?
Hello all,

I was previously on 90 mg/week, divided in 3 weekly doses of 30 mg, M-W-F, IM on the deltoids. After 6 weeks on this protocol, the labs indicated:

Total T: 1044 ng/dL
Free T: 19.52 ng/dl
Estradiol sensitive: 34 pg/mL
SHBG: 36 nmol/L

However, I had the following sides effects:
- slightly increased anxiety
- shriveled flaccid penis
- time to orgasm was slowly increasing
- no morning wood
- sensitive and erect nipples
- resting heart rate went down from 67 to 59
- in spite of anxiety, less of a short fuse

I recently switched to 100 mg/week, divided in 2 doses of 50 mg, Mon-Thu, subcutaneous (SubQ) on the belly fat

I do not have labs yet, but I have started to have the following sides:
- extremely cold feet at night. I actually think this is some sort of neuritis. Recently I started feeling on my hands as well, thou not as extreme
- wake up at 3:00 am soaking wet and on fire, with extreme anxiety (clonazepam to the rescue)
- morning wood has returned (somehow)
- Fuller flaccid penis
- Time to orgasm acceptable
- BP has increased from 117-120/77-80 to 127-135/78-82
- Resting heart rate has gone up from 59 to 67
- more anxiety on the day of the injection mostly, the rest aceptable, but shorter fuse.

What's really killing me is the "menopausal symptoms". Last night I woke up at 2:44 am and was hot as hell. My t-shrt was soaking wet and my hair was dripping seat.

I 've had all of this symtoms before during my naturally low t years. They went away when I started HCG/Enclomiphene and then TRT

No other medication other than Cialis 5mg daily which I take in the morning for BPH, and 81 mg aspirin at night (not exactly every day, but whenever I remember or feel like it)

These are symptoms typically associated with low E2, but it seems difficult to believe that I would have low E2 at this dosage. For the last 2 years that I've been in the TRT world, my E2 has fluctuated from 27 (natural) to 50 (with Enclomiphene citrate, and T levels of 1140 ng/dL) but never more than that/ Lowest has been 20 pg/ml (sensitive) when I was off treatment and my T levels were 388 ng/DL before starting T. Cypionate.

Any ideas/suggestion? The sensation of being overheating and axis that comes with it is very difficult to tolerate. By the way, my temperature last night when that happened was 97.4 F.


Shooting in the dark here without labs.

Not sure why you would even bother increasing your dose 90 mg T split M/W/F--->100 mg split twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days) as you were already hitting a very high trough TT/FT level.

If your blood work was done at true trough which would be on Monday (72 hrs post-injection) on your previous protocol 90 mg T split M/W/F than with a very high TT 1044 ng/dL, normal SHBG 36 nmol/L it is a given that your trough FT is going to be high let alone peak will be higher.

You increased your dose to 100 mg T/week (50 mg every 3.5 days) it is a given that your trough FT level is going to be high which means peak TT, FT and estradiol levels will be even higher.

Not sure what assay was used to test your FT as you never stated let alone posted the reference range but seeing as you tested estradiol using the most accurate assay (LC/MS-MS) than hopefully you had your FT tested using the most accurate assay (Equilibrium Dialysis).

As I stated numerous times on the forum running too high a trough FT level can be just as bad as having too low FT in many ways.

Where was your RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit sitting on your previous protocol?

Did you ever test ferritin?

Hopefully you tested RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit for your upcoming labs and even than where such markers sit 6 weeks in means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as it will take anywhere from 6-9 months and in some cases up to a year to reach peak levels.

Anytime you increase your dose of T which will drive up your TT/FT level it is a given that it will drive up your RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Like I mentioned, I had all these symptoms at one point or anther before any intervention, but my conclusion was that they were caused by low E caused by my low E2. After I started increasing T they all went away. I doesn't confirm I was right, though, may have been a coincidence, but it's the only thing I have to go by.

I would have expected that with a higher T, E2 would be higher, not lower, so I can't explain these paradoxical symptoms.
I've read (and experienced) very similar accounts. My pre-TRT sleep was terrible and included many early morning awakenings. At the right dose, TRT helped me move beyond that. However, at higher doses, I was back to those early morning awakenings with similar over-heating. Not sure if E2 plays a role in that.

There have been bunch of recent threads talking about TRT dosing and sleep. There is a delicate balance -- too much T feels great but tends to amp up CNS making sleep more difficult
I left that out, but actually I did go back to 80 mg. There was not much improvement in any area and by the 4th day, I was feeling run down, that's the reason for the "experiment". On 50 there was a number of improvements, in many areas, but these cold feel/night sweats started abruptly. also the nipples became less sensitive.

Like I mentioned, I had all these symptoms at one point or anther before any intervention, but my conclusion was that they were caused by low E caused by my low E2. After I started increasing T they all went away. I doesn't confirm I was right, though, may have been a coincidence, but it's the only thing I have to go by.

I would have expected that with a higher T, E2 would be higher, not lower, so I can't explain these paradoxical symptoms.

Again as I have stated in previous posts when starting TRT or tweaking a protocol (increasing/decreasing dose of T) the first 6 weeks means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as hormone will be in FLUX during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE).

It is common during this transition for many to experience ups/downs along the way as the body is trying to adjust.

Even than once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks) it will still take a few months for the body to adapt to its new set-point and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-T symptoms.

Every new protocol needs to be given 12 weeks to claim whether it was truly a success or failure.

You need to understand how exogenous T works and if you are not willing to put in the time needed to truly gauge the effectiveness of a protocol than you are wasting your time.

Many make the mistake of tweaking their protocol every 6 weeks let alone well before the 12 week mark only to end up getting caught up on that never ending merry go round searching for that so called magical protocol!

Top it all off that many hop on TRT with unrealistic expectations!
I left that out, but actually I did go back to 80 mg. There was not much improvement in any area and by the 4th day, I was feeling run down, that's the reason for the "experiment".
What I understand about dose reductions is that even when they are indicated, they can feel pretty bad for weeks or months while you experience withdrawal from the higher levels you've adapted to. This is why people are commonly advised to start low, because starting high is doubly unpleasant between the increased side effects and then the withdrawals when you titrate down.

It doesn't sound like you gave the reduction a fair trial.
Again for any of the rookies starting TRT or in many cases those already well into their journey still caught up on tweaking their protocols to soon this needs to be stressed!

Too many are still making the grave mistake of tweaking their protocols to soon.

Quick fix anyone LOL!

The first 6 weeks means nothing when looking at the BIGGER picture!

This is gold!

26.What is a reasonable timeline to begin to observe improvements in the signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency?

*Following the initiation of testosterone therapy, serum concentrations of testosterone are known to correct earlier than the symptomatic, structural, and metabolic signs associated with TD.76,77 As such, patients should be counseled that symptom response will not be immediate. Expectations for treatment response should be established with each patient. Patients can anticipate improvements in many of the common symptoms of TD (libido, energy levels, sexual function) after 3 months of treatment or longer. Metabolic and structural (body composition, muscle mass, bone density) changes may take upwards of 6 months. 77 In addition, patients should be counseled that diet and exercise in combination with testosterone therapy are recommended for body composition changes.

*Appreciating this pattern of response to testosterone therapy is fundamental when determining the impact of treatment and the appropriate timing of follow-up evaluations while on therapy. For example, if patients undergo a symptom review and measurement of testosterone levels too early (< 3 months), it may lead both physicians and patients to conclude that the treatment has not been impactful (i.e. normal levels of testosterone without symptomatic/structural/metabolic benefit). However, if the same assessment was scheduled 3-6 months after the initiation of therapy, the clinical response tends to be more reflective of normalized levels of serum testosterone.
I'm familiar with your story and I'm tempted to go and have my ferritin levels tested. All my CBC values are good MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW and MPV. Hematocrits are at 49% and HGB at 16.9

Maybe next time I'll have it tested. Any particular test/panel you can recommend?
TRT completely changed my iron metabolism, in ways I still don’t fully understand. There’s another member with normal HCT, HGB and CBC values, ferritin in the 70’s, symptoms similar to ours, and he started taking a low dose iron supplement and started feeling better immediately.

I’m not saying to start taking iron without testing ferritin, only that normal iron status on TRT can appear normal even though it may not be. The TRT creates a kind of tug-of-war with my iron metabolism that is uniquely tied to the dosing schedule/frequency.
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Shooting in the dark here without labs.
I know, it'll take another 4 weeks...

Not sure why you would even bother increasing your dose 90 mg T split M/W/F--->100 mg split twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days) as you were already hitting a very high trough TT/FT level.
Reasons stated above:
- shriveled flaccid penis
- time to orgasm was slowly increasing
- no morning wood
- sensitive and erect nipples

If your blood work was done at true trough which would be on Monday (72 hrs post-injection) on your previous protocol 90 mg T split M/W/F than with a very high TT 1044 ng/dL, normal SHBG 36 nmol/L it is a given that your trough FT is going to be high let alone peak will be higher.

You increased your dose to 100 mg T/week (50 mg every 3.5 days) it is a given that your trough FT level is going to be high which means peak TT, FT and estradiol levels will be even higher.

Not sure what assay was used to test your FT as you never stated let alone posted the reference range but seeing as you tested estradiol using the most accurate assay (LC/MS-MS) than hopefully you had your FT tested using the most accurate assay (Equilibrium Dialysis).
As per quest's results


As I stated numerous times on the forum running too high a trough FT level can be just as bad as having too low FT in many ways.

Where was your RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit sitting on your previous protocol?
Before starting TRT, HCT was at 47, now at 49.6

Did you ever test ferritin?
No, I have not, but may do soon

Hopefully you tested RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit for your upcoming labs and even than where such markers sit 6 weeks in means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as it will take anywhere from 6-9 months and in some cases up to a year to reach peak levels.

Anytime you increase your dose of T which will drive up your TT/FT level it is a given that it will drive up your RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

My concern with this post is not evaluating the protocol or potential issues with it, but seeing if someone had similar symptoms as the ones I have been experiencing for approximately a week or any explanation for them. In spite of the increase in exogenous T (+7 mg week), I'm having symptoms that I typically associate with low estradiol, such as night sweats and anxiety, less sensitive nipples. I had expected the opposite in any case.

These are all symptoms that I had when I had total T=290 ng/dL. Once I started HCG/Enclomiphene/TRT they went away. The cold feet went away, the night seats went away, the general anxiety went way, I became calmer and more understanding, however, all of a sudden, literally overnight, those symptoms came back, all together.

I was particularly afraid of raising the dose because my nipples were very sensitive and permanently erect, something that started a year ago with Enclomiphene Citrate and have never gone away. However, once I switched to 100mg/week, (2x50, subQ), the nipples are less sensitive and less erect than before, I have not had "generalized" anxiety, maybe a bit more anxious on injection day, but that's it. On 90 mg a week (3x30) I was anxious all the time, not "bad" anxiety, but noticeable.

My interest was in finding an answer to this paradoxical (to me) response.

I'm not expecting a solution from anyone, if someone doesn't know that's fine, if someone has an idea, I'd like to hear it.

BTW, It's fine to criticize one's protocol or actions as well. This posts are preserved for posterity and some new members eventually may find it helpful. There's always solid/good advice here, even though it may not help with the original question.

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What I understand about dose reductions is that even when they are indicated, they can feel pretty bad for weeks or months while you experience withdrawal from the higher levels you've adapted to. This is why people are commonly advised to start low, because starting high is doubly unpleasant between the increased side effects and then the withdrawals when you titrate down.

It doesn't sound like you gave the reduction a fair trial.

It may very well be. However, I still have not seen anyone comment on the particular symptoms which were the reason I posted.

Has anyone seen/experience this? Even though I'm bothered by them I'm not worried, just intrigued. Since we discussed all these things here I thought it might be interesting to speculate and try to find and explanation.
TRT completely changed my iron metabolism, in ways I still don’t fully understand. There’s another member with normal HCT, HGB and CBC values, ferritin in the 70’s, symptoms similar to ours, and he started taking a low dose iron supplement and started feeling better immediately.
This is interesting @Systemlord. I trust your opinion when it comes to iron/ferritin as I have read your story and I know you struggled for a long time with misdiagnosis of this issue.

I will have my doctor check my ferritin next time I see him (in a couple of months). Anything else I suggest I check? Transferin,? anything else?
I’m not saying to start taking iron without testing ferritin, only that normal iron status on TRT can appear normal even though it may not be. The TRT creates a kind of tug-of-war with my iron metabolism that is uniquely tied to the dosing schedule/frequency.
Appreciated. Not, I won't start supplementing until I've checked. Thanks.

By the way, did you ever had any of those symptoms I mentioned above?
- cold feet/hands
- night sweats

If you had them, were they resolved only when you solved your ferreting issues?
Anything else I suggest I check? Transferin,? anything else?
My ferritin and iron saturation were the first two biomarkers to dip below range before all others, years before.

By the way, did you ever had any of those symptoms I mentioned above?
- cold feet/hands
- night sweats

If you had them, were they resolved only when you solved your ferreting issues?
The night sweats stopped after getting ferritin 80> and also months after I stopped getting phlebotomies.

I remember right after my phlebotomies, I was crazy hot and constantly sweating!

As for the cold feet, 95% percent gone, I only get slightly cold feet 2 hours after taking my Jatenzo.

Let me remind you Jatenzo peaks at 2 hours. God forbid I forget to take my iron alongside my Jatenzo!
I know, it'll take another 4 weeks...

Reasons stated above:
- shriveled flaccid penis
- time to orgasm was slowly increasing
- no morning wood
- sensitive and erect nipples



As per quest's results



Before starting TRT, HCT was at 47, now at 49.6

No, I have not, but may do soon



My concern with this post is not evaluating the protocol or potential issues with it, but seeing if someone had similar symptoms as the ones I have been experiencing for approximately a week or any explanation for them. In spite of the increase in exogenous T (+7 mg week), I'm having symptoms that I typically associate with low estradiol, such as night sweats and anxiety, less sensitive nipples. I had expected the opposite in any case.

These are all symptoms that I had when I had total T=290 ng/dL. Once I started HCG/Enclomiphene/TRT they went away. The cold feet went away, the night seats went away, the general anxiety went way, I became calmer and more understanding, however, all of a sudden, literally overnight, those symptoms came back, all together.

I was particularly afraid of raising the dose because my nipples were very sensitive and permanently erect, something that started a year ago with Enclomiphene Citrate and have never gone away. However, once I switched to 100mg/week, (2x50, subQ), the nipples are less sensitive and less erect than before, I have not had "generalized" anxiety, maybe a bit more anxious on injection day, but that's it. On 90 mg a week (3x30) I was anxious all the time, not "bad" anxiety, but noticeable.

My interest was in finding an answer to this paradoxical (to me) response.

I'm not expecting a solution from anyone, if someone doesn't know that's fine, if someone has an idea, I'd like to hear it.

BTW, It's fine to criticize one's protocol or actions as well. This posts are preserved for posterity and some new members eventually may find it helpful. There's always solid/good advice here, even though it may not help with the original question.

Interesting that your night sweats went away when you were taking enclomiphene. One of the main reasons I quit enclomiphene was because of the severe night sweats it was causing!
Not exactly like that. It's... complicated

  • Nights seats: Started way before treatment. It came came and went on its own. I can't say that neither of them (HCG,EC, or T.Cyp) are responsible for fixing the problem, but, after starting with them I had not had them anymore until yesterday
  • Shriveled Penis: Mostly HCG fixed that...initially. After the honeymoon period it was more on/off, not consistent. Same thing with EC. TRT at 100 mg/week has fixed it permanently (so far)
  • Morning wood: No morning wood before treatment. Again, HCG was responsible for the initial miracle, as well as many other instances. I don't remember any changes with EC. More consistent with T.Cyp at 100 mg per week. None at 90 mg/week
  • Sensitive nipples: never had them before this journey. Even with HCG 2000 IU per week never had any sensation or erection of my nipples. After 3 months on Enclomiphene, they started to grow became erect and extremely sensitive. Doctor evaluated it and says it's not gyno. After that, HCG at certain dosages could exacerbate the problem. TRT at 90mg/week definitely exacerbated it, but not to the level of EC. After switching to 100 mg/week it has subsided noticeably. Not gone, but much less
  • Long tome to orgasm: Was there before any treatment. Completely solved during the Honeymoon of HCG 2000 IU, for 3 weeks, then on/off after that. EC made it harder, much harder to orgasm. Things had improved a bit with low dose HCG, but not consistent. TRT 90mg/weel make it progressively worse. After changing to 100 mg/week things improved immediately.
  • Cold feet: had them before any treatment. It was hands and feet. It was brutal. went to doctor and he said, literally "the blood is reaching your feet" and dismissed it. It was painful and lasted many months if not years. After starting with HCG, EC, TRT etc that had not been an issue until last coupe of weeks. It has improved somehow and it was never as bad as before, but it still there.
  • Anxiety: I was diagnosed with GAD before any treatment and have relied over the years on many things (Mirtazapine, Trazodone, Bupropion, Buspiron and Clonazepam). HCG did away with most of my anxiety. Did not solve the insomnia though. EC continued the same trend. TRT has improved my sleep. On 90mg I slept relatively well without Clonazepam, but during the day I felt anxiety was increasing. On 100 mg, I feel mostly "normal" except the day of the injection at night, but sleep is mostly acceptable, no much difference.
  • LUTS: At one point, HCG started to improved my LUTS. I don't remember if EC had any effect, but I don't think so. TRT has improved my LUTS. I don't take alfusosin anymore, just tadalafil 5mg daily. I've noticed that if I take aspirin (any dose, 81mg or 325mg) daily, mu LUTS improved significantly. If I stop taking it, immediately I start having more difficulties.Currently at 100 mg + tadalafil + aspirin (81mg) I'm mostly happy.
Before reaching any conclusion about 100 mg/week being a magic dose, notice that it's been just 2 weeks (after 8 weeks at 30mg x3) And along with the dose, there have been changes in frequency and method (from 3xWeek to 2xWeek, and from IM to subQ) so too many variables to be sure.

That's why I started this thread. It seems this response is either unrelated to the change in dose/frequency, or I'm having a paradoxical response.
Sorry to hear you are struggling there mate.

Something similar I had as well or at least some of the symptoms you've listed. Most of mine were- elevated BP and RHR, some anxiety, feeling hot and overstimulation, as I believe.

My protocol of choice, since starting TRT less then 12 months ago, was 100mg/week split 50mg E3.5D of Sustanon250 as it was the only pharma grade option I could get my hands on as I'm doing everything on my own.

I'll give just a quick context on my labs at that given time. Tested in the morning right before the next injection, fasted, my TT was 30nmol/L or 865ng/dL. My baseline TT before starting treatment was 16.7nmol/L or 482ng/dL. I won't use cFT just TT for now to get my point through. So basically close to 2x my natural production FWIW. I'm not sure this can ever be healthy. Imagine what my TT is at the peak if my through is like that? Must be absurdly high. So at that time I was having a lot more elevated BP and RHR, some anxiety and felt hot a lot more then now.

So without going too much into the fitness, supplement and diet, which def has a huge impact on how we feel and how our body performs, etc, this is what has helped me the most till this day:

  • Switched from E3.5D protocol to E5D or even E6D if something fucks up or I forget very rarely, but never stress about it.
  • Ditched the Sustanon250 for Testosterone Enanthate(Testoviron) also Pharma grade fwiw.
  • Kept the 100mg amount the same only E5D now.
  • Dialed in my diet, training and supp regiment.
  • Trying to avoid night work as it wrecks me and my readings properly.
Before all that and using E3.5D protocol my BP in the morning was elevated up to and into 130s/80s with RHR elevated as well. Was using lots of magnesium and potassium at that point to see if they worked but nothing worked and kept feeling ruff. Mid-day came and elevated my BP/RHR more and so anxiety kept increasing, was getting hott af and so on and so forth. Sleep was never effected as I sleep good on 100mg and on 250mg same as far as I recall.

Now around 3 weeks ago I've made a switch to Testosterone Enanthate 100mg E5D. Still working out hard and heavy when my injuries permits and also doing my stairmaster 40min cardio 3-4x/week. Dropped magnesium, potassium and all protocols incl these that I was doing and guess what. From 135/90 my BP is down to 110/65/55 the lowest it ever was in my life. Less hot, less anxious, less feeling of a racing heart, a lot more cool, calm and collected, I believe. Ofc I started on a bunch of other supplements for cardiovascular, anti inflamation benefits, etc but thats another story.

So IMHO and IMHE the injection frequency and the product you are using are def the first line of defence so look at if you are strulling. I'm not sure about SubQ as I do all the classic oldschool way- IM. The more shots per week the worse I felt. Mind you I also tried the EOD protocol but only a short-term for 2 weeks or so and fuck me I felt like a complete hot pile of crap lol I know 2 weeks is fuck all but I had enough of feeling like that, went back to E3.5D and pretty much straight away felt better, less hot, less stimulated, etc. So def for me so far in my journey protocol 100mg E5D has been the best and with the least minimum sides so far. It's only been 8 weeks but it's very promising and coupled with my blood results I still have room to increase the dose and see if it makes me feel better without destroying my BP and making me feel like crap.

My 0.02 cents and hang in there, you will figure it out.

Best regards,

p.s. I def missed some important parts but the post was getting too long already so tried keeping it to the minimum. Always happy to help where/if I can.
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