Sustanon 250 availability Ireland ?


New Member
Hey all,

I`ve been on TRT for a little over 6 months now,first 6 weeks was testogel and last 5 months nebido(including 6 week booster).The testogel hardly budged my testosterone so my Doctor was happy to move me to Nebido.After my 6 week booster,i had moved to 15.3 which filled me with optimism about the future but i still only had one early morning erection which was so alien to me that i realise i had been suffering this condition for much longer than i had originally estimated.I thought things could only get better,informed as i was with all the information here at excelmale,so i understood that this could take up to a year to get right.
I`m not the most patient guy so i decided to read further and it seems to me that sustanon 250 gets quite a good hearing on these boards and elsewhere,easier as it is to maintain levels and more potent in effect for that reason.I guess my question is twofold - has anyone found the transition to sustanon from nebido a noticeable positive one ? And if there are any Irish members here,do you know if sustanon is available in Irish pharmacies ?

Many thanks,Deleuze.
I'm at 8.5 months and feel fantastic mentally and can't stop staring at women, erection are taking their sweet time but are improving at a fast pace at this point. Muscles are doing well, it seems as if my muscle growth is tied to erection quality. Every couple of days my muscle starts to really burn, then calms down some for a couple days.

My erections follow a similar path, like it's an on again and off again. This is how treatment has gone, some days you feel great and others not so much. Mental benefits come first, then your workouts improve and muscle recovery time is faster, than your erections come back online. Rarely does everything happen at once.

The International Index of Erectile Function is a reliable, self-administered measure of erectile function that is cross-culturally valid and psychometrically sound, with the sensitivity and specificity for detecting treatment-related changes in patients with erectile dysfunction. It has five domains: erectile function, orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction. Increases in the IIEF erectile function have been noted after 3 months, but increases in IIEF sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction appear already after 6 weeks. Maximal effects are usually achieved after 3–6 months but may take even up to 1 year in individual cases.
When I started TRT I wasn't injecting often enough, E2 was always above range so that must have delayed my recovery to some extent, you must spend the majority of your time remaining at optimum hormone levels for you to fully recover. High E2 inhibits TRT's effectiveness and prolongs suffering. The only way I felt measurably better is injecting EOD in an attempt to control E2 levels without an AI. I'm on T-cypionate and I inject 17.5mg EOD to keep my E2 levels more stable.

Sometimes it's hard to get a guy dialed in on Nebido because it doesn't allow you to fine tune your treatment, your levels in the beginning are high and by the time you are ready for your next injection, your levels are much lower. The only way to fix it is inject more frequently to keep levels stable and Nebido doesn't allow you to do that. Sustanon is a lot better in that you can inject once a week and keep levels stable.
Many thanks man.

Yes,i think that is the direction i would like to head in,perhaps not an every other day scenario,sustanon,if they have it in Ireland is the way i want to go.Nebido does work on some level as i`m shaving much more often but its far from optimal in my case.

Many thanks again.

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