Sustanon 250mg vs Testoviron 250mg

Where I live all pharmacies are out of Testoviron that I normally use. So I had no choice than to buy Sustanon 250mg. What can I expect ie will the testo levels change (drop) when adm. with the same dosage?

I read one article where the author claims among others " Sustanon 250 doesn't turn into estrogen easily. That's why water retention, fat accumulation, gynecomastia and other negative reactions linked with high estrogen levels are unlikely to appear if normal dosages of Sustanon 250 are taken."

This sounds really good but is it really so?
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Difficult to know. Sustanon has 4 different testosterone esters with different half lifes. What you found about sustanon being difficult to aromatase sounds like bro science. Both sustanon and testoviron are testosterone esters which will ultimately aromatise. Dosage and individual characteristics will be the main factor of how much aromatization you will have.
Where I live all farmacies are out of Testoviron that I normally use. So I had no choice than to buy Sustenon 250mg. What can I expect ie will the testo levels change (drop) when adm. with the same dosage?

I read one article were the author claims among others " Sustanon 250 doesn't turn into estrogen easily. That's why water retention, fat accumulation, gynecomastia and other negative reactions linked with high estrogen levels are unlikely to appear, if normal dosages of Sustanon 250 are taken."

This sounds really good but is it really so?

Sustanon 250mg/ml contains 4 testesterone esters (1 short/2medium/1 long)

- testosterone propionate 30mg (short ester)
- testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg (medium ester)
- testosterone isocaproate 60mg (medium ester)
- testosterone decanoate 100mg (long ester)

the total amount of active testosterone minus the ester per ml is 176mg

Testoviron Depot 250mg/ml contains 1 ester

- testosterone enanthate 250mg

the total amount of active testosterone minus the ester is 180mg

As long as the dose of active testosterone is kept the same during protocol than there should be no issues with effectiveness other than sustanons half lives of the 4 different esters which may impact blood testosterone levels compared to testoviron if only injecting each once weekly as sustanon would result in a higher supra-physiological peak due to the shorter ester added and overall it has a longer half life than testoviron (enanthate) but in the end once steady stae is reached does it really matter.

Sustanon 250 is used by many in the European countries and all over the world as an effective trt formulation.

Some inject once weekly or slit up dose and inject twice weekly (every 3.5 days).

Dosages used would come down to what one needs to attain testosterone levels whether (mid-normal to high-normal) of the physiological range in order to experience relief/improvement in low t symptoms.
As far as claims of Sustanon not aromatizing is simply just internet mumbo jumbo as once the ester is cleaved off all that is left is testosterone whether one is using testosterone propionate/enanthate/cypionate or any other esterified testosterone.

How much one will aromatize to e2 comes down to the dose of testosterone used , free t/shbg levels, and body fat stores.

As far as one experiencing side effects from elevated e2 it comes down to intra-individual variability and genetics as some can tolerate higher levels of e2 than others.
What I already noticed it´s a bit easier to inject and doesn´t give lumps that enhanthate sometimes gives. Sustanon has peanut oil and the other has castor oil.
some bro science says short esthers of testosterone aromatize less.. i call it bullshit but nobody knows 100%
how much estrogen you will have depends on your aromataze activity.. lets say you are on AI it binds to aromatase enzyme and lowers its activity.. unless you take testosterone pre mixed with AI you should have same aromatize activity no matter what testosterone ester you inject
its harder to predict peaks and lows with multiester testosterone so if you want to be on top of labs you probably will have more success with single ester testosterone
Well after been using Sustan for months I can clearly say I feel better on Sustanons mix ester than on Testoviron enanthate. Less red face, less feeling hot etc... however have no labs to show only in December.
That’s really good to hear. There is currently a worldwide shortage of Primoteston Depot (Testosterone Enantate) so myself and many others will likely have to switch to Sustanon as an alternative, at triple the price. I am hoping some more Primoteston turns up before I have to fill the alternative script as I’d rather not change from something that seems to be working well.....

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