Surviving Propecia

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I understood your point. And you missed mine... which is to analyze the individual situation and use your head.

There have been no studies that if TRT is administered safely and correctly under a knowledgeable physicians supervision that it induces morbidity and/or mortality. Hypogonadism is much more detrimental to your health than correctly administered TRT ever could be.

Abuse of testosterone and Anabolic steroids doses are different story.

Do not generalize everything.
And I Will use the anti propecia nut's line... " it may not happen a week from now, or a month from now, or even 10 years from now but Testoterone will ruin your life" lol hahaha. Damn these people. It's the same premise.
And I am not here to bash anyone. I am on TRT myself and feel it is great. I just think that this whole propecia thing is suspect is all. I believe it's over hyped so class action lawyers can make a buck. That's my take, don't then get on here and call me names and foam at the mouth because your buddy Billy Bob's d*ck when limp after one pill and call that proof.
nobody forces you to use trt brother come on... if you have legitimate concerns and feel that it can **** you up why would you use it.. you will not die from low T so if you are really that concerned about possible dangers of staying on trt just stop.. if I had to use finasteride along wth trt because im afriad i might lose hair i would not use trt at all.. we are talknig about feeling worse than low T potentially if you are one of those folks who finasteride will **** up..
as far as if you will get side effects from it you would know by now because its like a light switch you wake up next day and yuo feel crashed (all symptoms of low T, might be also shrunken genitalia and so on)
nobody forces you to use trt brother come on... if you have legitimate concerns and feel that it can **** you up why would you use it.. you will not die from low T so if you are really that concerned about possible dangers of staying on trt just stop.. if I had to use finasteride along wth trt because im afriad i might lose hair i would not use trt at all.. we are talknig about feeling worse than low T potentially if you are one of those folks who finasteride will **** up..
as far as if you will get side effects from it you would know by now because its like a light switch you wake up next day and yuo feel crashed (all symptoms of low T, might be also shrunken genitalia and so on)
I know... I am still on the fence with the whole propecia thing. I did not take my dose yesterday. I love my TRT so far... By the way I take 60 mgs 3 times a week... Mon, wed, Friday... No AI... I will see blood work on second. What do you take?
Yes... It's all risk versus reward. The horror stories about PFS sound, sorry to say, ridiculous. Someone takes one pill and they are wrecked for life, then -- you gind out they are on a class action lawsuit. Lol... Hahaha. Cone on. And I find that most people against propecia have hair. Funny. Just an observation. I am not for or against it, but some men foam at the mouth when you even mention propecia, yet they are willing to shut down their HPTA and let their nuts shrink to marble size and even risk infertility..smh.

I especially loved the “propecia made me ***” thread I found on pfs forums , it’s absolute hysteria . Also, when saw palmetto got thrown into the mix was an even bigger joke , there is no clear evidence it lowers DHT levels at all. I read a story about some some tribe that lacks the 5AR enzyme and none of them are running around with PFS symptoms . Any medication can give you side effects, but the propecia/accutane community does nothing but fuel negativity and hysteria. What the mind believes, the body will follow .
I especially loved the “propecia made me ***” thread I found on pfs forums , it’s absolute hysteria . Also, when saw palmetto got thrown into the mix was an even bigger joke , there is no clear evidence it lowers DHT levels at all. I read a story about some some tribe that lacks the 5AR enzyme and none of them are running around with PFS symptoms . Any medication can give you side effects, but the propecia/accutane community does nothing but fuel negativity and hysteria. What the mind believes, the body will follow .

So, very true. I mean it's good to know the risks and be on the look out for side affects (as with any drug) but all you hear is stuff that sounds crazy. I heard one pill caused someone to jump off a bridge. Not making light of this tragedy, but come on.
I especially loved the “propecia made me ***” thread I found on pfs forums , it's absolute hysteria . Also, when saw palmetto got thrown into the mix was an even bigger joke , there is no clear evidence it lowers DHT levels at all. I read a story about some some tribe that lacks the 5AR enzyme and none of them are running around with PFS symptoms . Any medication can give you side effects, but the propecia/accutane community does nothing but fuel negativity and hysteria. What the mind believes, the body will follow .
i wonder if it can be true because ive seen some articles about 5-ar and male sexual prefernces i will post a link
I especially loved the “propecia made me ***” thread I found on pfs forums , it’s absolute hysteria . Also, when saw palmetto got thrown into the mix was an even bigger joke , there is no clear evidence it lowers DHT levels at all. I read a story about some some tribe that lacks the 5AR enzyme and none of them are running around with PFS symptoms . Any medication can give you side effects, but the propecia/accutane community does nothing but fuel negativity and hysteria. What the mind believes, the body will follow .

Yeahhh I don't know about this whole I feel homosexual thoughts now thing, but I am not going to comment on it because I simply do not know how they feel.

I think at the end of the day you must realize you have hypochondriacs, lawyers trying to make a buck, and very negatively affected men out there and among those men some perfectly fine before propecia and some not.. Like I said,
each patient must be looked at individually and clinically. Not one case is the same. Then drawing conclusions based on that. That is what makes a good provider.

We have only been using enzyme inhibitors for such a short period of time. We do not know everything. The neuroendocrine system is intticate and complex.
So, very true. I mean it's good to know the risks and be on the look out for side affects (as with any drug) but all you hear is stuff that sounds crazy. I heard one pill caused someone to jump off a bridge. Not making light of this tragedy, but come on.

I have not taken my Propecia for 3 days, because of these damn PFS stories. I would have been fine if not for these horror stories getting into my head.
Some men say it only take one pill.

Sorry, but I do not believe that nonsense. There are other issues that these people need to come to grips with, before even starting Propecia. That's like someone saying, they took one injection of testosterone and got gynecomastia. I'm calling bullsh*t with a lot of these claims.
Sorry, but I do not believe that nonsense. There are other issues that these people need to come to grips with, before even starting Propecia. That's like someone saying, they took one injection of testosterone and got gynecomastia. I'm calling bullsh*t with a lot of these claims.

That doesn't surprise me, but you have a horse in this race so there is a little bias here don't you think? Not ALL the documented cases can be false and when one understands what this drug targets and disables, it's not that much of a stretch. Then again I'm just an open minded silly man.

If you really believe what you were saying, you would be taking this drug right now and would not have stop taking it.
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