Surviving Propecia

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I have been on Propecia for 12 days. I notice weak erections, and difficulty reaching an orgasm. It could be in my mind, from all these Propecia horror stories. Not sure. I also don't want all my hair falling out while on TRT. I mean, if I can keep my hair and get better on TRT, well that would be a score. Not sure. I mean, my penis feels numb during sex. I will wait and see, but I don't want to be on TRT with a numb penis and weak orgasm. That would defeat the whole purpose. I keep telling myself to give Propecia a little more time. Stopping DHT from shredding my scalp and prostate seems like a good thing to prevent.

If I were a betting man, I would wager that if you lived on a deserted island and never heard of propecia side effects you would probably never experience any propecia side effects, this phenomenon is largely nocebo related.
If I were a betting man, I would wager that if you lived on a deserted island and never heard of propecia side effects you would probably never experience any propecia side effects, this phenomenon is largely nocebo related.

lol, probably right. I have been sticking with the Propecia. I need to stop thinking about it.
i'd caution taking advice from this guy. While a lot of what he says is logical, he believes his experiences and his experiences only are dogma. He also thinks everything and anything is psychosomatic. I agree that adverse events from finasteride are very rare (4%). But why take the chance. It looks like only very few people are susceptible.

I have also studied the pfs phenomenon as well. I do not think you have enough. It looks like propecia has the potential to cause hypogonadism as evidenced by decreased t and gonadotropins which can be resolved with time and healthy life style and or hormonal therapy. In even a lesser amount of patients, propecia totally disrupts the endocrine system and the way that androgens works. This is evidenced by men trying trt with good doctors (crisler, shippens) and having worsening of symptoms (penile shinkage, libido, etc). I am in close contact with a guy who's t has naturally doubled since he got off of propecia and has no libido, is impotent, no energy, increased hair loss, dry skin, a burning prostate and shrunken genitals.

If you want to use propecia, go ahead. The numbers are small. My best two buddies love propecia. I have many friends who took accutane and only got dry skin. But understand there can be serious adverse effects, some permanent. We simply do not know why yet.

awesome post
awesome post

Yes very true, but why would propecia burn your prostate? It's my understanding that propecia actually eases stress on the prostate by limiting DHT... Also, not sure how it would lower testosterone, if anything it should raise it, because 5AR enzyme binds with propecia, freeing testosterone.
Also, could the other variable be, that men go on propecia, then after many years they quit (when the are older) and they simply have LOW T which occurred because "most" men's Testosterone drops every year anyway, and they find some comfort in blaming it on Propecia? Corrolation does not equal causation. Just my 2 cents.
Yes very true, but why would propecia burn your prostate? It's my understanding that propecia actually eases stress on the prostate by limiting DHT... Also, not sure how it would lower testosterone, if anything it should raise it, because 5AR enzyme binds with propecia, freeing testosterone.
Also, could the other variable be, that men go on propecia, then after many years they quit (when the are older) and they simply have LOW T which occurred because "most" men's Testosterone drops every year anyway, and they find some comfort in blaming it on Propecia? Corrolation does not equal causation. Just my 2 cents.

The androgen receptor, thus androgens are responsible for prostate development and integrity. If you would like studies I will go find. But burning or pain only happens with the biggest minority which I mentioned- the ones who do not get better with androgens, time, or what gut cleanse you think you're doing.

Based on the reports that's I read which is a lot since I've spent time analyzing situations, which do not get me wrong, some are mere hypochondriacs and feel better within days or weeks, many guys end up with lower testosterone after and only take the drug for a short amount of time. There have been guys who take propecia for 15 years, no shit will your T be lower after X amount of years. But I am not referring to those cases. And you cannot base every case off one or two cases, every individual must be looked at clinically.

What you're basically saying is something like people report side effects from ibuprofen like gastric bleeding or headaches, but since it doesn't happen in everyone you do not have to worry because correlation doesn't equal causation and it's probably in your head. Horrible way of thinking IMO. And PS, they just found out Ibuprofen cause can lower T in men by inducing compensatory hypogonadism. It's year 2018, wake up, this stuff is still new to us. We don't know everything buddy.

I am not even bashing propecia. It works well for many people, the majority actually. Understand though, denying problems caused by Propecia is ludicrous. Aside from thousands of anecdotal reports, there are studies you should look at. Iif you're the minority you could be gambling with your happiness. Just my two cents, lol, enjoy your Propecia.
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I'd caution taking advice from this guy. While a lot of what he says is logical, he believes his experiences and his experiences only are dogma. He also thinks everything and anything is psychosomatic. I agree that adverse events from Finasteride are very rare (4%). But why take the chance. It looks like only very few people are susceptible.

I have also studied the PFS phenomenon as well. I do not think you have enough. It looks like Propecia has the potential to cause hypogonadism as evidenced by decreased T and gonadotropins which can be resolved with time and healthy life style and or hormonal therapy. In even a lesser amount of patients, propecia totally disrupts the endocrine system and the way that androgens works. This is evidenced by men trying TRT with good doctors (Crisler, Shippens) and having worsening of symptoms (penile shinkage, libido, etc). I am in close contact with a guy who's T has naturally doubled since he got off of Propecia and has no libido, is impotent, no energy, increased hair loss, dry skin, a burning prostate and shrunken genitals.

IF you want to use propecia, go ahead. The numbers are small. My best two buddies love Propecia. I have many friends who took Accutane and only got dry skin. But understand there can be serious adverse effects, some permanent. We simply do not know why yet.

You don't have to take my advice at all, and I mentioned I wouldn't advocate for either drug personally, even as a medical professional. These aren't just "my experiences" as I have been very interested in the phenomenon and have done quite a bit of research, and I have experience in the psychiatric field and have cared for thousands of patients. Though I've never taken propecia, I did use saw palmetto as part of a prostate blend and I didn't have any issues, what is interesting is this herb has been used by the ancients for a sexual tonic and there have never been any documented issues with it prior to it being associated with possibly lowering DHT. I have my DHT levels tested while I was on SP and they were near the upper range, so it didn't lower my DHT levels. As far as accutane, I took this medication as a teenager and so did my dermatologist, she has never had a patient with accutane induced sexual or mood dysfunction, and as a matter of fact, not a lot of derms have, but I am not saying that it doesn't cause problems, but it seems many of the accutane/propecia suffers have one thing in common, poor gut health or a genetic predisposition to poor gut health.

Like I said, I'd advise people to be cautious taking these drugs, but the accutane/propecia community is largely toxic and they spin this "well now I'm screwed for life" idea which I find incredibly counterproductive and it's simply not true in my opinion.
You don't have to take my advice at all, and I mentioned I wouldn't advocate for either drug personally, even as a medical professional. These aren't just "my experiences" as I have been very interested in the phenomenon and have done quite a bit of research, and I have experience in the psychiatric field and have cared for thousands of patients. Though I've never taken propecia, I did use saw palmetto as part of a prostate blend and I didn't have any issues, what is interesting is this herb has been used by the ancients for a sexual tonic and there have never been any documented issues with it prior to it being associated with possibly lowering DHT. I have my DHT levels tested while I was on SP and they were near the upper range, so it didn't lower my DHT levels. As far as accutane, I took this medication as a teenager and so did my dermatologist, she has never had a patient with accutane induced sexual or mood dysfunction, and as a matter of fact, not a lot of derms have, but I am not saying that it doesn't cause problems, but it seems many of the accutane/propecia suffers have one thing in common, poor gut health or a genetic predisposition to poor gut health.

Like I said, I'd advise people to be cautious taking these drugs, but the accutane/propecia community is largely toxic and they spin this "well now I'm screwed for life" idea which I find incredibly counterproductive and it's simply not true in my opinion.

I also have many friends who have taken Accutane. My best friend took accutane for 1 year and drank heavily on it. No issues. But then you have people like my family friend who took it and was perfectly healthy before and developed joint issues and libido issues on it despite normal blood work. I have also taken Saw Palmetto as a kid, it was advertised in a T booster that'll raise your T levels. Didn't do shit to me, better or worse. Point is, when looking at the total amount of people who are prescribed propecia, and adverse sides, something authentic happens, RARELY. Some of the minority are screwed for life as it's been 10+ years and thousands wasted on medical treatments, herbs, diets, cleanses etc. And it's real. The question is why some people and not others. I am hoping science can find out.

I vow to never prescribe such a risky medication once I am a mid level practitioner. Practically unethical if you know it has actually ruined 1 persons life, and you're still willing to prescribe it.
I also have many friends who have taken Accutane. My best friend took accutane for 1 year and drank heavily on it. No issues. But then you have people like my family friend who took it and was perfectly healthy before and developed joint issues and libido issues on it despite normal blood work. I have also taken Saw Palmetto as a kid, it was advertised in a T booster that'll raise your T levels. Didn't do shit to me, better or worse. Point is, when looking at the total amount of people who are prescribed propecia, and adverse sides, something authentic happens, RARELY. Some of the minority are screwed for life as it's been 10+ years and thousands wasted on medical treatments, herbs, diets, cleanses etc. And it's real. The question is why some people and not others. I am hoping science can find out.

I vow to never prescribe such a risky medication once I am a mid level practitioner. Practically unethical if you know it has actually ruined 1 persons life, and you're still willing to prescribe it.

I'm on the fence with Propecia. I have been on it for 2 weeks. I might ride it out and see what happens, if however, become a limp noodle...bye.. done... I will throw that stuff away. It seem to be worth a try. I should have tested my DHT before taking, however, I will get it tested soon. Hey, if I stop my Propecia NOW will my TRT trash my hair in 6 weeks time? If not I would like to get off, until I dial in my TRT... Any suggestions?
The androgen receptor, thus androgens are responsible for prostate development and integrity. If you would like studies I will go find. But burning or pain only happens with the biggest minority which I mentioned- the ones who do not get better with androgens, time, or what gut cleanse you think you're doing.

Based on the reports that's I read which is a lot since I've spent time analyzing situations, which do not get me wrong, some are mere hypochondriacs and feel better within days or weeks, many guys end up with lower testosterone after and only take the drug for a short amount of time. There have been guys who take propecia for 15 years, no shit will your T be lower after X amount of years. But I am not referring to those cases. And you cannot base every case off one or two cases, every individual must be looked at clinically.

What you're basically saying is something like people report side effects from ibuprofen like gastric bleeding or headaches, but since it doesn't happen in everyone you do not have to worry because correlation doesn't equal causation and it's probably in your head. Horrible way of thinking IMO. And PS, they just found out Ibuprofen cause can lower T in men by inducing compensatory hypogonadism. It's year 2018, wake up, this stuff is still new to us. We don't know everything buddy.

I am not even bashing propecia. It works well for many people, the majority actually. Understand though, denying problems caused by Propecia is ludicrous. Aside from thousands of anecdotal reports, there are studies you should look at. Iif you're the minority you could be gambling with your happiness. Just my two cents, lol, enjoy your Propecia.

Ugh... it's that "what if" scenario that worries me. I will give it a try. I mean, hell, we are all taking a risk by the fact we are on TRT, except much more scarier.
I'm on the fence with Propecia. I have been on it for 2 weeks. I might ride it out and see what happens, if however, become a limp noodle...bye.. done... I will throw that stuff away. It seem to be worth a try. I should have tested my DHT before taking, however, I will get it tested soon. Hey, if I stop my Propecia NOW will my TRT trash my hair in 6 weeks time? If not I would like to get off, until I dial in my TRT... Any suggestions?

Measuring plasma DHT isn't too reliable anyway so don't stress about that. I personally never would've taken it to begin with. The chances are very low but I don't like to take possible permanent risks. I just don't think 5ar should be inhibited in anyone since it's such a vital enzyme involved in a lot more than just DHT synthesis.
Measuring plasma DHT isn't too reliable anyway so don't stress about that. I personally never would've taken it to begin with. The chances are very low but I don't like to take possible permanent risks. I just don't think 5ar should be inhibited in anyone since it's such a vital enzyme involved in a lot more than just DHT synthesis.

Yes. I know. I'm not sure. I mean it does defeat the purpose of TRT to then block a vital component. I guess I can get the buzz clippers out and give up... Not sure. Damn, sh*t, why the damn hair?
bro good luck to you hopefully you are one of those folks who took propecia and didn't got these awful very long lasting side effects.. but you are fool for taking it I assume you heard of pfs syndrome before you took it.. these side effects from enzyme inhibiting drugs are real not just finasteride AIs too. even dr crisler mentioned that there are guys who took them and situation never improved. vitamin_c is a fool he doesnt belive anything if that didnt happen to him but hes just lucky dude who didnt take those drugs
bro good luck to you hopefully you are one of those folks who took propecia and didn't got these awful very long lasting side effects.. but you are fool for taking it I assume you heard of pfs syndrome before you took it.. these side effects from enzyme inhibiting drugs are real not just finasteride AIs too. even dr crisler mentioned that there are guys who took them and situation never improved. vitamin_c is a fool he doesnt belive anything if that didnt happen to him but hes just lucky dude who didnt take those drugs
But taking an exogenous drug that shrinks your nuts, shuts down your HPTA, raises your red blood cells and acceletate the growth of your prostate is healthy? Come on, man. That's like a crack head telling someone that diet coke is bad for you. I am sure there can be side affects but that is with any drug, even TRT. I am not sold on Propecia but I am not going to buy into all the hype either. There are indivual horror stories for everything. People can say candy bars made their d*ck limp. I mean come on with the hype. I took it for over a year with not one problem except a full head of hair. But when someone says that people scream and foam at the mouth about PFS... Damn everything is a synsrome now a days.
But taking an exogenous drug that shrinks your nuts, shuts down your HPTA, raises your red blood cells and acceletate the growth of your prostate is healthy? Come on, man. That's like a crack head telling someone that diet coke is bad for you. I am sure there can be side affects but that is with any drug, even TRT. I am not sold on Propecia but I am not going to buy into all the hype either. There are indivual horror stories for everything. People can say candy bars made their d*ck limp. I mean come on with the hype. I took it for over a year with not one problem except a full head of hair. But when someone says that people scream and foam at the mouth about PFS... Damn everything is a synsrome now a days.

The difference between a candy bar making your **** limp and a propecia making your **** limp is that candy bars do not inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, which is pertinent for male sexual physiology. Propecia inhibits that enzyme. So I would disregard stupid claims like that but definitely pay much closer attention to a drug that vastly effects your neurosteroids and hormones.
Yes very true, but why would propecia burn your prostate? It's my understanding that propecia actually eases stress on the prostate by limiting DHT... Also, not sure how it would lower testosterone, if anything it should raise it, because 5AR enzyme binds with propecia, freeing testosterone.
Also, could the other variable be, that men go on propecia, then after many years they quit (when the are older) and they simply have LOW T which occurred because "most" men's Testosterone drops every year anyway, and they find some comfort in blaming it on Propecia? Corrolation does not equal causation. Just my 2 cents.

I think the greater risk is that Propecia is just a waste of money and does next to nothing.

I was kinda-sorta interested in this "post-propecia syndrome" until I read the quote by one of the "doctors": "Gynecomastia in men taking this drug is proven. "
LOL. Yes it is probably true that for a drug taken literally by millions of people that some will have a reaction to it. There's never been a drug that this wasn't the case. I think propecia will only work on men with the mildest form of hairloss anyway.

I took Propecia for a while when it was first available on the market in 1997, after having tried many other even more useless OTC remedies. Anybody remember topical niacin? . . . well, Propecia didn't do a thing for me. I have serious genetic male pattern baldness that started when I was 18 or 19, so I was always going to be a tough case. I switched to Avodart (dutasteride) when it came on the market. I did notice some benefit, but by then my hair loss was so advanced there was little point to continuing to spend the money on it.

I've either been buzz-cutting my hair or shaving my head smooth for the last 20+ years. Hair is a nuisance, I don't know why people (other than women) bother to put up with it. I understand the trauma for young men, because I certainly went through that when I was in my early 20's. It sucked. But by my mid-30's people stopped caring and I look back at it all now as a lot of silliness.

I do miss my hair for cushioning collisions and for keeping me warm in the winter, but honestly if I could go back and regrow all my old hair I'm not sure I would. My wife and most other women I talk to who aren't 19 or 20 find bald men attractive in general. In fact I remember the first time I shaved my head all the women friends I had went crazy over it (one was my future wife) and wanted to touch it. At the time I kicked myself for not shaving sooner.
The difference between a candy bar making your **** limp and a propecia making your **** limp is that candy bars do not inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, which is pertinent for male sexual physiology. Propecia inhibits that enzyme. So I would disregard stupid claims like that but definitely pay much closer attention to a drug that vastly effects your neurosteroids and hormones.
And yet you miss the entire point of my post... It's funny I hear men on trt claim they will gladly take years off their life with TRT if they can live a happy life on TRT yet they believe some jack-sack with a limp d*ck.l crying tears on propecia. And by the way most of these so called PFS all look like pale, pasty frail cry babies before taking propecia.
I think the greater risk is that Propecia is just a waste of money and does next to nothing.

I was kinda-sorta interested in this "post-propecia syndrome" until I read the quote by one of the "doctors": "Gynecomastia in men taking this drug is proven. "
LOL. Yes it is probably true that for a drug taken literally by millions of people that some will have a reaction to it. There's never been a drug that this wasn't the case. I think propecia will only work on men with the mildest form of hairloss anyway.

I took Propecia for a while when it was first available on the market in 1997, after having tried many other even more useless OTC remedies. Anybody remember topical niacin? . . . well, Propecia didn't do a thing for me. I have serious genetic male pattern baldness that started when I was 18 or 19, so I was always going to be a tough case. I switched to Avodart (dutasteride) when it came on the market. I did notice some benefit, but by then my hair loss was so advanced there was little point to continuing to spend the money on it.

I've either been buzz-cutting my hair or shaving my head smooth for the last 20+ years. Hair is a nuisance, I don't know why people (other than women) bother to put up with it. I understand the trauma for young men, because I certainly went through that when I was in my early 20's. It sucked. But by my mid-30's people stopped caring and I look back at it all now as a lot of silliness.

I do miss my hair for cushioning collisions and for keeping me warm in the winter, but honestly if I could go back and regrow all my old hair I'm not sure I would. My wife and most other women I talk to who aren't 19 or 20 find bald men attractive in general. In fact I remember the first time I shaved my head all the women friends I had went crazy over it (one was my future wife) and wanted to touch it. At the time I kicked myself for not shaving sooner.

Great post. Always look at risk vs. benefit and the bigger picture.
And yet you miss the entire point of my post... It's funny I hear men on trt claim they will gladly take years off their life with TRT if they can live a happy life on TRT yet they believe some jack-sack with a limp d*ck.l crying tears on propecia. And by the way most of these so called PFS all look like pale, pasty frail cry babies before taking propecia.

I understood your point. And you missed mine... which is to analyze the individual situation and use your head.

There have been no studies that if TRT is administered safely and correctly under a knowledgeable physicians supervision that it induces morbidity and/or mortality. Hypogonadism is much more detrimental to your health than correctly administered TRT ever could be.

Abuse of testosterone and Anabolic steroids doses are different story.

Do not generalize everything.
Great post. Always look at risk vs. benefit and the bigger picture.

Yes... It's all risk versus reward. The horror stories about PFS sound, sorry to say, ridiculous. Someone takes one pill and they are wrecked for life, then -- you gind out they are on a class action lawsuit. Lol... Hahaha. Cone on. And I find that most people against propecia have hair. Funny. Just an observation. I am not for or against it, but some men foam at the mouth when you even mention propecia, yet they are willing to shut down their HPTA and let their nuts shrink to marble size and even risk infertility..smh.
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