SubQ or Shallow IM? Worried about leakage. Starting my TRT regiment soon.

I’m a low SHBG guy with 22% bodyfat (skinny fat)..SHBG is 23.

I’ve heard SHBG guys need more frequent injections. If that’s true, then wouldn’t SubQ be better for them as I’ve heard the Test levels are more stable?

I have 27 gauge 1/2” needles for injection. Originally I wanted to inject SubQ into my stomach and buttocks, however, I don’t want any “leakage” into my joints causing me to miss a weeks worth of work. I also don’t want the lumps that come with SubQ.

This makes me consider doing Shallow IM. I feel like 1/2” needle could get into the muscle if I inject into the shoulder and MAYBE ventroglutial, but due to my high BF I’m not sure. Here are my main questions:

1. What precautions should I take to not get leakage when injecting that affect my joints, ability to walk, ability to move, etc?

2. If I were to inject 1 time per week Shallow IM and then the other SubQ would there be a major difference in the swings and/or outcome?

I honestly am afraid to inject into the outer quad as I’ve read a lot of horror stories of inability to walk, hitting nerves, etc. I’m doubtful about the buttocks for similar reasons, and the stomach site is unappealing due to the large lumps I hear about.

So I’m thinking VG and Shoulders..even though VG maybe SubQ for me.

You're making this far harder than need be. There are easy answers but youre wrapped around the axle that I don't know where to begin. This forum is loaded with injection strategy and advice but you haven't read any of it.

I appreciate the response..maybe I’ve been reading too much about the negative sides of things. I’ll educate myself further though and search through the forums. Thanks.
I’m a low SHBG guy with 22% bodyfat (skinny fat)..SHBG is 23.

I’ve heard SHBG guys need more frequent injections. If that’s true, then wouldn’t SubQ be better for them as I’ve heard the Test levels are more stable?

I have 27 gauge 1/2” needles for injection. Originally I wanted to inject SubQ into my stomach and buttocks, however, I don’t want any “leakage” into my joints causing me to miss a weeks worth of work. I also don’t want the lumps that come with SubQ.

This makes me consider doing Shallow IM. I feel like 1/2” needle could get into the muscle if I inject into the shoulder and MAYBE ventroglutial, but due to my high BF I’m not sure. Here are my main questions:

1. What precautions should I take to not get leakage when injecting that affect my joints, ability to walk, ability to move, etc?

2. If I were to inject 1 time per week Shallow IM and then the other SubQ would there be a major difference in the swings and/or outcome?

I honestly am afraid to inject into the outer quad as I’ve read a lot of horror stories of inability to walk, hitting nerves, etc. I’m doubtful about the buttocks for similar reasons, and the stomach site is unappealing due to the large lumps I hear about.

So I’m thinking VG and Shoulders..even though VG maybe SubQ for me.

That's the two places inject, shoulders and VG. That's where I would inject, it's nice and easy. Keep it simple.
Rest assured that a with a little bit of trial and error and experimenting, you will get this all figured out and look back at your post a year from now and laugh to yourself.

A couple of thoughts:

- Never heard of leakage into joints. Scratch that concern from your mind - it's a non-issue.

- You mention injecting 1x per week. That is not considered "frequent". You should consider injecting 2x per week or more.

- Some people notice a difference in how they feel when doing SubQ or IM. I never did and I believe there is some clinical research stating that both methods are effective. But those who do notice a difference claim to have labs that back up how they feel. Only way to know if you are one of those people is to try.

- I prefer SubQ. I do not like SubQ in the stomach - always hurts. But one very knowledgeable forum member uses that site successfully.

- SubQ lumps. I have gotten those, and they are not a big deal. However, they seem to be related to amount of oil injected and angle of injection. Too much of an angle + high volume of oil = lump. For me, 1x/week doses might be too much oil for SubQ. This is another advantage of more frequent injection schedules (3x/week or more) - the smaller volume injections are super easy.
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I have used a 28g-1/2" directly into the shoulder, quads, and glutes.
Never any pain or problems with it.
Those "horror stories" are from 1"-1-1/2" needles, 22, 23 & 25 gauge.
With your SHBG it's best to inject at least twice a week. Injecting into the fatty tissue in the SUBQ layer causes the testosterone to absorb slower to the bloodstream (in comparison to injecting to the muscle) which is an advantage for low SHBG guys. I inject SUBQ twice a week at my love handles with a 25G 5/8" needle and it's a breeze.
If it puts your mind at rest I was where you are last week. I’m a single digit SHBG chap and today was my 7th ever ED injection. I read all the relevant posts over the last few weeks and pre-ordered some 29g 1/2” 0.5 cc syringes. The first time you ever pin is an exercise in the unknown but I can honestly say I don’t feel a thing. Over the past week I have pinned stomach, thighs and glutes with no pain and no lumps. Understand where you are coming from but like the others have said you are overthinking this
Good news! You all were right :cool:

I pinned HCG son the left side of my stomach and the Test on the right side. NO pain, injected slowly (10 seconds per unit) and NO lumps.

Not sure where I’ll do my next injection though, thinking of just rotating sites on my stomach..doesn’t matter really though as I’ve jumped over the first hurdle. Thanks everyone
For what it's worth I found that HCG monotherapy worked better for me injecting shallow IM vs Sub-q. Higher total test and overall I felt better. I am on Test and HCG now and have stuck with IM. With 28ga 1/2" syringes it's no big deal.

Also I have a similar SHBG and have found that I do best on EOD injections. I have tried once weekly, twice weekly, and M/W/F. EOD has been the only thing that keeps me feeling consistent day to day. Best of luck, just some things to consider.

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