SubQ experience?

@readalot has commented multiple times on the different profiles for IM and Subq. IM is going to have bigger peaks and lower troughs than Subq. That is most likely why some feel subjectively better on IM. I am one of them, but I just don't see IM as being practical for the 20 years of daily injections. IM makes much more sense for less frequent protocols.

Why is IM not practical for 20 years or even 40+ years of injections? Injecting every other day, rotating between delts and thighs, shouldn’t be any cause for concern should it? Especially using 30 gauge needles.
Why is IM not practical for 20 years or even 40+ years of injections? Injecting every other day, rotating between delts and thighs, shouldn’t be any cause for concern should it? Especially using 30 gauge needles.
My comment refers to daily injections, not EOD or less. I find 5/16 needles in abdomen much more agreeable than 1/2 shallow IM into muscles of delts, thighs, VG. When poking needles into muscle everyday, I get a zinger about 25% of the time.
Three are not mixed. I get 12,000 IU so one vial will last me 12 weeks. I've never had any issues with it losing strength. Usually I use it faster than 12 weeks. Probably the strength is a little stronger than I wish.
Vince just filled my script of 12,000 iu hcg non mixed by revive rx pharm. They didn't mention any outages. So fingers crossed.
Same here except the lumps never went away. Not for me
Hi, im having issues with sub Q and lumps , in the stomach area, now trying on the upper outside thigh area but noticed a red lump and itchy there as well, I do 0.25 every other day, if changing to IM what would be best , 1ml once a week ?
I’ve been doing subQ injections for ten years. I inject .27ml test cyp 200mg/ml every three days along with 300IU HCG. I inject into my butt fat.
Hi , im currently doing .25ml test cyp, but have been getting lumps and itchy after the first day after Injection sub q, is the butt fat the way to go and if so where about exactly ??, also my .25ml injection is from 250mg/ml, but now I've received 200mg/ml and not sure how to adjust dose
The only time I had issues with subq is when I was not shooting it deep enough... I was going in at an angle... and got all sorts of issues, redness, itch, bumps... I don't have any of those issues when I go straight in (90deg to the skin) and use a 5/8 27g needle... It goes into subcutaneous fat, where is should be and not right under the skin... I guess you mileage might vary but for me, years of subq in the belly with no issues. Also, I have some fat but am not overweight. Actually not fat enough to just plunge the needle I pinch the skin as I am afraid to hit muscle if I go straight in...
Hi , im currently doing .25ml test cyp, but have been getting lumps and itchy after the first day after Injection sub q, is the butt fat the way to go and if so where about exactly ??, also my .25ml injection is from 250mg/ml, but now I've received 200mg/ml and not sure how to adjust dose

Syringe volume 0.25ml x concentration 250mg = 62.5mg, x 3.5 doses per week = 218.75 mg/week.

To make the math easy, with 200mg/ml, 0.3ml doses are close enough for 210mg/week.

That said, over 200mg/week is a high dose and it is generally argued on this forum that it is not a TRT dose. I don't personally want to get into that here except to say might be worth your while to read a bunch of the content on this forum regarding that kind of dose. It commonly causes a host of problems. YMMV.
Syringe volume 0.25ml x concentration 250mg = 62.5mg, x 3.5 doses per week = 218.75 mg/week.

To make the math easy, with 200mg/ml, 0.3ml doses are close enough for 210mg/week.

That said, over 200mg/week is a high dose and it is generally argued on this forum that it is not a TRT dose. I don't personally want to get into that here except to say might be worth your while to read a bunch of the content on this forum regarding that kind of dose. It commonly causes a host of problems. YMMV.

Now I’m confused I’ve been told it is a very small dose o.25ml every second day, ???? I’ve just started and this is the Dr’s script, having blood work done this week
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@Ricko Steamboat said:
"Now I’m confused I’ve been told it is a very small dose o.25ml every second day, ???? I’ve just started and this is the Dr’s script, , having blood work done this week"

If 200mg/week is a low dose to you, you would be better served at AAS/Anabolic steroid use forums. There are very few men who are at high physiologcal levels taking 200mg/week. Most are well above, sometimes double or more where they should be on TRT.

Different goals, different starting doses. For TRT to achieve good physiological levels, 75mg-100 is a reasonable starting dose. 150/week will put most guys well over physiological range.

The math is correct based on the numbers you provided.
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Now I’m confused I’ve been told it is a very small dose o.25ml every second day, ???? I’ve just started and this is the Dr’s script, having blood work done this week
As @Blackhawk suggests, 219 mg per week of testosterone cypionate is a very high dose. I explain why in this post from earlier today:
@Ricko Steamboat said:
"Now I’m confused I’ve been told it is a very small dose o.25ml every second day, ???? I’ve just started and this is the Dr’s script, , having blood work done this week"

If 200mg/week is a low dose to you, you would be better served at AAS/Anabolic steroid use forums. There are very few men who are at high physiologcal levels taking 200mg/week. Most are well above, sometimes double or more where they should be on TRT.

Different goals, different starting doses. For TRT to achieve good physiological levels, 75mg-100 is a reasonable starting dose. 150/week will put most guys well over physiological range.

The math is correct based on the numbers you provided.
Thank you for the heads up , my symptoms are just classic low T, I am not looking for all the steroids body building stuff, although I do want to do some training as I hear this also improves your T levels, the Dr i have seen just prescribed this amount and said to get my bloodwork done after 8 to 10 weeks, I will definitely be having the chat with him when I see him next ...regards R
My sub-Q experience is that now I am on hCG, I am losing my sub-Q areas. Love handles and belly fat feel more like skin than fat cells. I can still "pinch and inch" (for the old Special-K guys out there) but is there fat in there?
I do want to do some training as I hear this also improves your T levels,

Endogenous: made by/inside the body. Endogenous testosterone is the stuff your testicles make.

Exogenous: coming from outside the body. Exogenous testosterone is what you are injecting.

They are chemically identical, but...

Normally, when you are not taking testosterone, your pituitary makes Lutienizing Hormone (LH) in response to decreasing testostertone level in your blood as it gets used up. This hormone signals the testicles to make more endogenous T.

When you inject enough testosterone (Exogenous), and levels remain high enough, there is no reason for the pituitary to make LH, and the testicles do not receive the signal, so they do not produce T. Taking exogenous testosterone shuts down your body's endogenous testosterone production.

In this circumstance, Working out does nothing to boost your natural T. Working out will not cause the pituitary to make produce LH when there is already more than enough T.

Using Exogenous T is the cause of testicular atrophy from using testosterone.

EDIT: Not saying that working out is useless! LOL! You should indeed work out, but the reasons are for your health and fitness! Just like eating right, getting good sleep, etc etc are all important for good health.
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My sub-Q experience is that now I am on hCG, I am losing my sub-Q areas. Love handles and belly fat feel more like skin than fat cells. I can still "pinch and inch" (for the old Special-K guys out there) but is there fat in there?

In my experience it doesn't matter, in fact injecting in the belly, it is more comfortable to me to inject the less fatty areas. I target the margins of fat pads, more like just under skin than into fat. I have never gotten many lumps, but all of them have been in fat pads. I have never gotten such a bump in these less fatty areas.
I sub-Q hcg in the belly and love handles and sub-Q TC in the glut. I also sub-Q B-12 in the glut because 1ml is a lot. I am however around 24% body fat but going down.
Thank you for the heads up , my symptoms are just classic low T, I am not looking for all the steroids body building stuff, although I do want to do some training as I hear this also improves your T levels, the Dr i have seen just prescribed this amount and said to get my bloodwork done after 8 to 10 weeks, I will definitely be having the chat with him when I see him next ...regards R
You’re on TRT, your natural production is shut down by now, there’s no increasing your testosterone in the natural sense.

If you want higher testosterone, simply increase your TRT dosage.
Endogenous: made by/inside the body. Endogenous testosterone is the stuff your testicles make.

Exogenous: coming from outside the body. Exogenous testosterone is what you are injecting.

They are chemically identical, but...

Normally, when you are not taking testosterone, your pituitary makes Lutienizing Hormone (LH) in response to decreasing testostertone level in your blood as it gets used up. This hormone signals the testicles to make more endogenous T.

When you inject enough testosterone (Exogenous), and levels remain high enough, there is no reason for the pituitary to make LH, and the testicles do not receive the signal, so they do not produce T. Taking exogenous testosterone shuts down your body's endogenous testosterone production.

In this circumstance, Working out does nothing to boost your natural T. Working out will not cause the pituitary to make produce LH when there is already more than enough T.

Using Exogenous T is the cause of testicular atrophy from using testosterone.

EDIT: Not saying that working out is useless! LOL! You should indeed work out, but the reasons are for your health and fitness! Just like eating right, getting good sleep, etc etc are all important for good health.
Right you are, then I believe that they must have been referring to exercise without exogenous T,…….since starting TRT I have found the energy to do all the sport’s activities that I had lost the energy to do………and with that the sleep and hunger for quality food has also improved
@Ricko Steamboat said:
"Now I’m confused I’ve been told it is a very small dose o.25ml every second day, ???? I’ve just started and this is the Dr’s script, , having blood work done this week"

If 200mg/week is a low dose to you, you would be better served at AAS/Anabolic steroid use forums. There are very few men who are at high physiologcal levels taking 200mg/week. Most are well above, sometimes double or more where they should be on TRT.

Different goals, different starting doses. For TRT to achieve good physiological levels, 75mg-100 is a reasonable starting dose. 150/week will put most guys well over physiological range.

The math is correct based on the numbers you provided.
In an office visit mt Dr suggested I increase my dose to 200mg per week whereas previously I was at 100mg.
My initial thought was that this was a great increase, hmmm. Well, I did the suggested 200mg for only about 3 weeks max and I started to generally feel out of sorts and arbitrarily dropped down to 150mg and I felt great and have been on that dosage for several years.

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