Interesting discussion back and forth. I decided a few weeks ago to find out for myself the difference between IM and SubQ and what impact it may have on me.
I have been injecting shallow IM daily for 3 years. I have very good testosterone levels, both TT and FT, normal E2 levels, and good blood markers. All is good with my TRT protocol. I guess you'd say I am dialed in.
But, I am going to try SubQ, injecting the same amount of T Cypionate as I do with the daily shallow IM. Being that I am very dialed in I feel like I am a good candidate to see if there is a difference, if any, between the two methods. I have been on TRT since 2005 and have a spreadsheet with my blood work all the way back to that time. It will be easy for me to see if see what changes take place in my blood work.
I'll wait at least 10 weeks to make sure I have a solid steady state under the SubQ and then retest. So far, after about three weeks I feel the same as I have felt on shallow IM.
Whatever the results are, I realize we are all different and I am just one person and others may or may not get similar results to what I will get.