Strange Side effect when using Hcg injections ( warm skin/ heart palpitations )


New Member
Hi (i posted this in the wrong forum Before)

I have a question about a strange sideeffect of mine

I got secondary hypogonadism and ive tried some different Trt through the years here in Sweden. ...

And the Products doesnt seem to work for me...cause i get the same side effect of them all..Nebido,Tostran gel and now the latest i tried Hcg. My doctor say im really low in testosterone so he tries to increase the level by testing different Products..but everytime my testosterone increase
I get like a burning sensation..its like my skin is burning acctually..ive Heard women with hot flushes that felt the same.. the heart start to race and my body feels really stressed like a caffeine overdose from hell, mouth is very dry and the legs get restless...and with hcg i felt a bit hard to breath to

Does anyone recognize this sideeffect? I dont want to stop with Trt cause i need it to function but the heathsensation is a big issue especially in summertime and my doctors dont have a clue cause they never Heard about it before. So i have to find a solution for this on my own

ive been on Trt 14 years now and im 36 years old
Regards/ Daniel

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