Stopping TRT aftermath

Also it seems like i always get insomnia the night after i inject the T. Do you guys experience that too? How do you guys mitigate it?

Since I started supplementing with 3 mg of melatonin every night, I have been sleeping good. After reading many postings on the subject, it's better to supplement with less. So I'm going to try 1 mg before bed.
Hi all,

I am 28 yo male.

First post here. I have been on TRT for 3 years, for 100mg every one week (corrected from EOW ), no AI. I moved down to Florida from Massachusetts 6 months ago and in last Dec the pharmacy is refusing to refill the test prescription. I called my doctor's office in Boston and realize i have to go see them every 6 months to get the script. At first i have trouble finding a doctor here so i stopped taking T cold turkey. I was feeling down and unmotivated for almost two weeks. Then the libido and mood comes back. Now i am horny all the time and i have morning wood every day. In fact surprisingly i am hornier than when i was on test. I have never feel this way for a long time. I am horny all the time and i am dripping precum with random boners and feeling full in my balls.

I may find a doctor and restart TRT soon.

What do you guys think? Was a bad idea to stop TRT cold turkey? Should i have used some kind of post therapy?

If I had the experience you discribed and I bolded I would not get back on the TRT train.
Did any of your docs measure your Free T? That is the one you feel. F___ Total T. If your SHGB is mid to low your Free T could be in a normal range.

My advice see where your body goes naturally. Work on your diet and get a proper exersize plan.
You are way too young to be sticking yourself for the rest of your life.
If I had the experience you discribed and I bolded I would not get back on the TRT train.
Did any of your docs measure your Free T? That is the one you feel. F___ Total T. If your SHGB is mid to low your Free T could be in a normal range.

My advice see where your body goes naturally. Work on your diet and get a proper exersize plan.
You are way too young to be sticking yourself for the rest of your life.

Wow you are insightful. In fact my doctor said my total T was low but my free T was actually in the low third. I have wet dreams twice in two weeks.

So my free T is not low. I love building muscles with the T though. So i will stick to it. I will pursue the HCG injection.
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Also it seems like i always get insomnia the night after i inject the T. Do you guys experience that too? How do you guys mitigate it?

There's so much happening in this thread, and your life. You sought TRT but had an inadequate workup. Your protocol defeated you. You began to feel better without exogenous testosterone, you returned to TRT with a better protocol, but with a prescription for oral HCG. This is a long road and requires some effort on your part to make it a successful journey.
Since I started supplementing with 3 mg of melatonin every night, I have been sleeping good. After reading many postings on the subject, it's better to supplement with less. So I'm going to try 1 mg before bed.

I do 1mg melatonin but it seems to not enough. I will bump it to 2 or 3. Thanks.
There's so much happening in this thread, and your life. You sought TRT but had an inadequate workup. Your protocol defeated you. You began to feel better without exogenous testosterone, you returned to TRT with a better protocol, but with a prescription for oral HCG. This is a long road and requires some effort on your part to make it a successful journey.
True. Thanks for your comment. I will pursue the injectible hcg.
If I had the experience you discribed and I bolded I would not get back on the TRT train.
Did any of your docs measure your Free T? That is the one you feel. F___ Total T. If your SHGB is mid to low your Free T could be in a normal range.

My advice see where your body goes naturally. Work on your diet and get a proper exersize plan.
You are way too young to be sticking yourself for the rest of your life.

Curious. Is only free T that matters? Does total T matters when building muscles?
Wow you are insightful. In fact my doctor said my total T was low but my free T was actually in the low third. So my free T is not low. I love building muscles with the T though. So i will stick to it. I will pursue the HCG injection.

If the only reason you're pursuing a testosterone regimen is because you want to build muscle and lift, this isn't the right community for you to be a part of - and that's said without judgment. Excelmale is a therapeutic community. We're all about focusing on men's health, with a strong emphasis on hypogonadism. You present with low total testosterone, which does suggest hypogonadism. Yet you've plunged into a regimen that isn't focusing on your health, coming to understand what it is that's going on with either your testicles or your HPTA axis, but is all about muscular development. There are online forums that can help you achieve your goals if they are muscle and gym related. We can help you with your health.
If the only reason you're pursuing a testosterone regimen is because you want to build muscle and lift, this isn't the right community for you to be a part of - and that's said without judgment. Excelmale is a therapeutic community. We're all about focusing on men's health, with a strong emphasis on hypogonadism. You present with low total testosterone, which does suggest hypogonadism. Yet you've plunged into a regimen that isn't focusing on your health, coming to understand what it is that's going on with either your testicles or your HPTA axis, but is all about muscular development. There are online forums that can help you achieve your goals if they are muscle and gym related. We can help you with your health.

Yes. i understand. i am not pursuing to abuse T though. i am building muscles in therapeutic dose. The TRT brings improved mood and all other benefits to me too.
Just got a recent blood work. My e2 is 41 pg /mL, which is marked as high. It is a high sensitivity test.

Do you guys think i need to take the anastrozole? The doctor said i should.

I also just started injectible hcg, which may further increase e2 level.
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Just got a recent blood work. My e2 is 41 pg /mL, which is marked as high. It is a high sensitivity test.

Do you guys think i need to take the anastrozole? The doctor said i should.

I also just started injectible hcg, which may further increase e2 level.

Low SHBG and E2 that high can't be a good thing, maybe if you were high SHBG with lower free hormones then you might be alright. Your free E2 is way higher!
So it was from Dec 25 to Feb 20 that you were off TRT before restarting it?

Guys, how long does a natural unaided restart take to reach whatever the new stable level would be? Did he jump the gun going back on TRT?

Like Feeling lost said, if i had your response to going off I would not restart T. And like CW said, your reasons are not consistent with this forum. Using T solely for the reason of muscle building and disregarding other possible long term consequences is not a therapeutic motive. At such a young age, you are playing with longer term life issues. exogenous T creates risk of shutting down the function of your testicles for the long haul. Part of that is not everyone maintains fertility or retains the ability to regain it on T even with HCG. It also messes with your red blood cell production and many of us end up having to manage high hematocrit and hemoglobin, plus it can (as you are experiencing) raise estradiol... but that's not all, it affects all the precursors and successors to testosterone: pregnenelone and DHEA and changes your DHT levels.

Also, your new protocol smacks of yet another doctor that doesn't know what he/she is doing.

And finally, you are not forthcoming with complete labs and the specifics of your dosing protocol. We are shooting in the dark trying to sort out your details.
So should i start taking anastrozole? What is the typical dosage of anastrozole?

Dosage of anastrazole differs for each individual. What are your labs? Are you symptomatic of high E2?

If you have high E2 taking anastrazole is not the only thing that comes into play. What is your T dosing protocol including weekly total, injection schedule and amount per injection? You may get siginificant benefit from different T administration protocol, especially with your low SHBG

It seems you are looking for simple answers to things that are not that simple as you perceive.
Ok. I am doing 60mg test twice a week, 500iu hcg twice a week. Yes i am a bit moody from the high e2.

i will post my test result soon. i have low SHBG
Just got a recent blood work. My e2 is 41 pg /mL, which is marked as high. It is a high sensitivity test.

Do you guys think i need to take the anastrozole? The doctor said i should.

I also just started injectible hcg, which may further increase e2 level.

I would start with .125 Monday and Thursday, and NO more. Give it a few weeks. When I get high E2 feelings I can take one .125mg and in 4 hours feel better.Good luck.
With your low SHBG, you would do better with more frequent injections (every other day or daily) which may allow you to drop total weekly dose which in turn helps to lower E2 -AND RAISE FREE T- more consistently. Some guys go to daily injections for this reason with good success. To do this you have to make a given change then stick with it and note any symptoms for at least 6 weeks before getting re-tested for Total, free T and E2, then re-adjust protocol for the next 6-8 week interval.This is due to half life of T cyp. It takes 40 days to reach steady state from any dosing and dosing frequency changes.

Also as you said, HCG can boost E2, so a more conservative approach from the get go is lower HCG dosing then adjust upward if ineffective.

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