Staying in love with your partner.


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What attracted you to your partner in the first place? The answer might be ability, accomplishment, or a personality characteristic such as a sense of humor. Some people would admit they were drawn to their mate through pure physical attraction, without knowing anything about the person behind the pretty face. Most people fall somewhere in between; the spark that kindled the flame was cultivated through chemistry.

But because it takes two to tango, partners must maintain a shared willingness to keep the magic alive, as well as a realistic picture of what that will involve. One way to rekindle romance is to focus on authentic admiration and appreciation, as opposed to false flattery. This is consistent with research revealing the importance of grounding romance in reality.

Will Mosier explains the road to real romance is grounded in reality. He contrasts realism with the romanticized, unrealistic images of what society portrays about what it means to be in love. He notes that this comparison creates confusion for people who don’t personally experience what they see in the movies, which can create resentment and disappointment. Mosier notes this is especially true when couples falsely believe they should always agree, or the relationship would improve if their partner would “change.”

Obviously, couples cannot possibly always agree because they are different people with different views of the world and life experiences. But with respect to the false hope of change, Mosier notes that people are unlikely to change their basic personalities; a fact he suggests might account for the success of psychotherapy. He emphasizes the importance of accepting responsibility for our own happiness, instead of believing it is contingent on falling in love.

Maybe, or I just don't need to believe in things like God, Love, Miracles etc.
Now that's an apples-and-oranges assortment. I don't know about you, but I don't see love as some kind of supernatural phenomenon requiring faith in its existence. We can study and understand mating behavior, and we can also experience the intense emotions that underlie pair bonding. Love has a clear biological basis, so I'm not sure why you would dismiss it as not real. It is one of the reasons for your existence.
I think sometimes we get mixed up about love with our strong libido. Sex can do crazy things to a man. I believe it takes a long time to know if you are truly in love. My present wife I actually have fallen more in love with the longer I've been with her. I believe it's the first time I actually been in love with a woman. A person who's not part of my family through birth.
Yes, thousands of years of artists, philosophers, people of faith, psychiatrists and neurobiologists would beg to differ with your argument that love isn't "real". Are all emotions constructs of our mind? Probable, but does that make them any less "real"?
Now that's an apples-and-oranges assortment. I don't know about you, but I don't see love as some kind of supernatural phenomenon requiring faith in its existence. We can study and understand mating behavior, and we can also experience the intense emotions that underlie pair bonding. Love has a clear biological basis, so I'm not sure why you would dismiss it as not real. It is one of the reasons for your existence.

I personally believe you are mixing sexual attraction with love. One you can measure and quantify scientifically, the other is purely an interpretation of a combination of emotions and feelings.

Sexual attraction is the main reason for ones existence. The human concept of love is extremely new in any family tree, dating back to day 1.
I personally believe you are mixing sexual attraction with love. ...

Sexual attraction is the main reason for ones existence. ...
Sexual attraction in isolation may get you conceived, but it doesn't get you the sustenance and nurturing you need to survive to adulthood. For that you need motherly love at a minimum. In any case, I'd view love as encompassing sexual attraction and emotions related to bonding. Have you never experienced an overwhelming longing for another that seems almost independent of carnal desire? If you had I doubt you'd be dismissing it as a made-up construct.
Mike, your mom cleaned poop off of you, and didn't hesitate when you barfed all over her face as a baby. That's love. Now "in love" is measurable, definable, verifiable with hormones, behavioral phenomena, etc. If you haven't had it, I hope you do. It's not just an evolutionary phenomenon. Many would die for those they are in love with. The devotion and mutual respect and commitment is moving to those that open their hearts to it. Good luck man! Treat it like the rest of health and TRT: try it with an open and optimistic mind, and then look at the data and your evidence to see if it works for you.
I read this in a book, and I think it just about sums it up:

One always thinks that exquisitely happy time at the beginning of a relationship was the ultimate, the feeling we always try to replicate, to get back, but that is wrong. That's like comparing sparkling mineral water to French champagne. Early love is exciting and exhilarating. It’s light and bubbly. Anyone can love like that. But love after children, after a separation and a near-divorce, after you’ve hurt each other and forgiven each other, bored each other, and surprised each other, after you’ve seen the worst and the best, well, that sort of a love is ineffable. It deserves its own word.

After 30 years together, she and I agree with this description of love.
Sexual attraction in isolation may get you conceived, but it doesn't get you the sustenance and nurturing you need to survive to adulthood. For that you need motherly love at a minimum. In any case, I'd view love as encompassing sexual attraction and emotions related to bonding. Have you never experienced an overwhelming longing for another that seems almost independent of carnal desire? If you had I doubt you'd be dismissing it as a made-up construct.
Is it longing for another or the need to feel that someone loves you? Because I don't long to be loved, it's perhaps why I don't see it as a real thing. In my experience, most humans are incredibly selfish animals, and most would never truly put another person before them. There are obviously exceptions, but what most people call love, is really just a need to feel wanted by someone else.
Do you think your ancestors 1 million years ago needed two parents "in love"?
Is it longing for another or the need to feel that someone loves you? Because I don't long to be loved, it's perhaps why I don't see it as a real thing. In my experience, most humans are incredibly selfish animals, and most would never truly put another person before them. There are obviously exceptions, but what most people call love, is really just a need to feel wanted by someone else.
Do you think your ancestors 1 million years ago needed two parents "in love"?

I think I get you. I think similarly to you but this is newly found to me. I was way different back in the days...before my divorce. Now I see things for what they are, and yes, love is something that could be very much self-serving. Even if you care deeply for another person. Let's say they pass, you're sad and cry - but that may be because you'll never see them again (keyword: you), or maybe because your emotions were hurt (example: someone good passed away in a car accident, it's YOUR emotions that concern you, about them). I get you, mostly....
Love and marriage is a commitment, and it takes effort on both sides. For me, my marriage is like...well...I married my best friend in this entire world. We look after each other, care for each other. We talk about everything - both good and bad. We connected on a completely different level and both of us work to make our relationship what it is today. We both came from a generation where you fixed things instead of throwing them away. We still go out on dates, even after 35+ years of being together. We've grown together - not apart. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I love my lady with all my heart. If something drastic happened to her, I'd dig a deep hole and crawl inside - it would literally destroy me physically and emotionally. She says I'd find another woman in my life. Maybe so, but it would -never- be the same [to me].

If that's not love in its truest form, then I don't know what love is.

If you haven't found this kind of love in your life, you're missing out on something so wonderful...
Is it longing for another or the need to feel that someone loves you? Because I don't long to be loved, it's perhaps why I don't see it as a real thing. In my experience, most humans are incredibly selfish animals, and most would never truly put another person before them. There are obviously exceptions, but what most people call love, is really just a need to feel wanted by someone else.
Do you think your ancestors 1 million years ago needed two parents "in love"?
It's probably both. I long for my wife and need to feel like she loves me too. That motivates me to do things that would encourage her love. And by a happy coincidence, she feels the same and does things for me that encourage my love. You might say we are both being selfish, but if we are both getting what we want out of it, who really cares if we are both being selfish. I believe we all have pro-social hormones and mechanisms in our bodies at varying levels of intensity. We all are acting out according to these basic operating system inputs and feedback.

If you don't feel the desire to be loved and don't need that in your life, then love might not be for you. That's fine too. You would likely feel suffocated in an intense long term love affair anyway. And I'm sure there are other people who could connect with you on those terms. I recall the term - living apart together is becoming more popular. Maybe you fit in that category
Maybe, or I just don't need to believe in things like God, Love, Miracles etc.

Some people need that extra layer of comfort. I'm happy to see the world exactly how it is.
god and miracles are one thing that we cannot prove. Love and kindness with compassion is an actual real thing my guy.
Can you even define what love is, and actually prove it exists then?
love is the act of creating less suffering in life for an individual. Love creates increases in hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and prolactin. Its creates a biological response that we no doubt as humans feel. Some say act is a verb rather than a noun. Im not hear to change your mind I guess. We can agree to disagree
Been with my wife for 28 years, 22 of it married. Last Friday was our 22 year anniversary. Our middle child just turned 17, our eldest will be 20 next week, youngest will be 15 this November. Time flies.

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